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She loved Pan,
Adored him,
Wanted so much for him to
Within her
But Tink,
so small
And Pan,
Well, he was Pan
He loved the Wendi Bird
was happy for the mere chance
to rest
in Pan's pocket
And he carried her there.....
For you, my Pan. I'm happy, just to rest in your pocket and see you as I wish;)
I stood watching her from the left of the lights
Tiny arms and legs
She was
My little Swan!
I danced in shadows
As she danced in light
Mother and daughter
She is magnificent!
Her golden curls flying
Tights sparkling
Toes, barely touching the stage

Mother passes the light
To the dancing daughter
And all is as it should be
She caught but a glimpse of me
In my selfish shadows
Dancing in her glory
Our eyes locked for the briefest of seconds
She danced on........
Stella had her spring recital. I couldn't help but try and dance in the shadows behind the curtains. She saw me. I'm so very proud of her.
Count your blessing and all you have
Love one another and have their back
One simple phone call to hear your voice
Brought tears to my eyes and love in my heart
To hear your voice and know your okay
Made me feel special in every way
I will always support you and be there for you
Friends stay together since we've know each other since preschool
Stay strong and keep your chin held high
I will never walk away and just say goodbye
One day soon we will get together and may cry
But you are my friend and I will always love you big guy....
Many people come into your life,
-although few will stay. . .

I like to imagine I'll be with you
-for each and every day.
She reigned from high above, in a castle on the hill
She bathed in ****** Blood for youth
And for a thrill
Her talons roamed the countryside
In the dark of night
Driven mad by her obsession
with Eternal Life

The Countess,
Elizabeth Bathory
Come back to me
Blood Countess
Elizabeth Bathory
At last you'll see...

Her spirit wanders here, you can see her by the moon
They say you can feel her near before the strike of doom
Her name creates an air of fear
She stalks us in our dreams
On misty nights so still and clear
You can hear the victims scream

Terror upon the Earth!
Demon of Noble Birth!
Royal Witch - Gore Fetishist
Bleed us for all we're worth...
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