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MonkeyZazu Feb 2016
Sometimes I feel like a waste of space.
Always falling behind, stuck in a constant haste.
I try to keep myself together, try to keep a steady pace
but I think it's obvious from the sadness emanating from my face...
I'm broken.
Internal wounds too deeply woven.
These emotions of mine
they become far too lonely.
So kindly I stick around
and give them some company.
My efforts are true
but seemingly meaningless.
Don't know what to do
but still try nonetheless.
Repeatedly I try to alleviate their pain.
Unfortunately it remains there, a psychological stain.
Their recovery would need much time
of which I cannot give.
So slowly my psyche unwinds
as I struggle to live.
MonkeyZazu Feb 2016
being one of the last things on your list;
just before sleep,
right after everything else,
not even on it.
  Feb 2016 MonkeyZazu
His lips taste like sorrow.
Bitter. Sweet. And everything in between.

He won’t tell of the hell he’s been through
But you can taste it when he kisses you.

He’ll smile.
He’ll pretend he’s fine.
He’ll tell you it’s nothing.
But you know he’s lying.

You know he’s lying right through his teeth.
But you taste the truth when he kisses you.

You taste the sorrow.
You taste the pain.
You taste the war within him.

You wonder if he knows that you understand.
MonkeyZazu Jan 2016
l was on the floor sulking
or on the road walking.
No matter where I was
thoughts kept me company,
always wondering.

Enter - tragedy

What just happened...
Will I be ok?
I always find a way.
Sad and hurt, but does it matter
if nothing changes afterwards?

Rebirth yet?
Still waiting to live, still too afraid to die.
It's painful, even if positive.

Cant focus on breath when suffocating.

What life are you leading
and why are you constantly bleeding?

Transcendental beauty in all moments.
Transitory bliss... Here again.

MonkeyZazu Jan 2016
Just because I'm not roaring
doesn't mean my lion isn't there.
It's resting, waiting
saving it's energy and fury
for something worth it.
MonkeyZazu Jan 2016
Find me where eyes can't take you.
In blind darkness
feel out my heart and soul.
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