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Monica Figueroa Sep 2015
Sitting there,
Attempting not to hyperventilate
She finds it hard to pace her breathing.

She’s drowning in the rinse cycle of her life

Trying hard to wash the fabric of her existence,
Cleanse the stains left behind from previous use,
She's doing as she needs to.

But she finds the whole thing disorienting
The walls close in
She struggles against the very process.

Yet she is fighting..
With every fiber of her being
To not give into habit
Natural brain chemistry…

Because she knows
If she falls apart now: it will all be for nothing
All the progress, effort wasted
And she wouldn’t have deserved it anyways.
Copyright 2015 Monica Figueroa
It's been awhile since I've posted anything.
Havent written anything I felt was good in awhile.
Still don't but here's to trying again.
Monica Figueroa Sep 2012
In the silence I found him waiting.
He sat there amongst the daisies, and greeted me
As if we had not seen each other for an eternity.
And an eternity it has been.

As we walked along the grassy field he spoke softly to me
Reminding me that this too shall pass.
That time is but an instant,
That love is unconditional and eternal.
He told me not to fear the silence,  
Wherever there is not a noise, he will be there.

So I turn inwards into the silence in my heart,
And find comfort in his arms around me.
He is but a dream, a glimmer off the window pane,
But he walks alongside me today.

Each time my heart cries out, he quiets my tears and reminds me of his love.
A love that will not die, fade or falter.

" Trust in me, and I will guide you"
So I take his hand.
In the daylight I cannot see him, but I feel him.
His presence as mine, his palms cupping my heart when the pain is too much to bear.
He will lead me through this.
Across the storm and back into that perfect place.

If I surpass this, I surpass the world.
I have not abandoned faith, but found it laying where I last thought to look.
Tonight I will see him again,
in the darkness of my room,
there he will teach me all the things I already know
That the strenght I need is within myself.

Copyright Monica Figueroa 2012
Original penned Sep 2009
The original footnote to this poem read :
"As much as it pains me, I know this pain is neccesary.
Within out the rain, there can be no flowers.
Without the distance, my heart will never know how deeply our love flows. "

Thematically this is a poem of loss love, hope, and the belief of soulmates.
Monica Figueroa Sep 2012
The fog lifts and the clock swings wildly.
Fully in control now, I watch quietly as the inferno blazes.
In my slumper, I soaked the world with kerosone, and handed you the match.

Reality vibrates around me.
The silken layers of it all slip and slide agaisnt my skin,
My eyes flutter agaisnt a vision of a thousand possibilities.
Beneath my fingers; blood and flesh.
Feeling this body, I recognize it as as my own.

Copyright Monica Figueroa 2012
An older piece I found. Work in progress I suppose.
Monica Figueroa Sep 2012
Schizophrenic offering to the god of ink.
I speak in riddles.
Atleast the words have returned.

Copyright Monica Figueroa 2012
Another salvaged scrap.
Monica Figueroa Mar 2011
We hate each other
Only because we cant seem to understand

We're speaking different languages.

Your nails bite the skin across my face.
My palm reaches out.
Swing and a miss.

But yours connects.
And they say we don't try
To interact

But we're on opposing sides
Scratching and biting to the surface
An explosion of heartbreak and abandonment
In an effort to escape.

Its sad
But we can't seem to understand
We're just the same reflection born two different moments in time.

*Copyright 2011 Monica Figueroa
Monica Figueroa Mar 2011
Thief of dreams,

I hide my pain
Among the already narrow scars
Lines of passion
***** hopes

Hung out to dry

To scab

Who cares for beauty anymore?

Enamored by the sickness

We bow when ego’s king
We bow when the Light hides her face
To exalt a demon queen.

Copyright 2011 Monica Figueroa
Written circa 2010-2011
Edited Sep. 2012
Monica Figueroa Jan 2011
This truth slices through my skin
A bitter razor bearing down deep
To reach my veins, my core
To let my emotions seep out

Drop by drop
Tear by tear
I get closer to a truth I do not want to hear
But I must
-This- is the insanity of the human condition
We strive for the knowledge of our own futility
We amass such great egos only for it's destruction

Only broken do we become whole

And all this
WILL be misunderstood
Like the words of the prophets before me.

It is not love, nor life, nor misery that brings us closer to God.
It is the sheer destruction and reconstruction of our essence that is divine.
We -are- the eternal act of creation
We are Shiva
We are the Goddess of Life and the Masters of Death
Each and everyone of us, an atomic bomb just waiting to explode.
Copyright 2011 Monica Figueroa
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