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What worth is a flow’r to a bunch; and its hidden message?
Or if ev’n a cherry; to a box of chocolates indulged in, and gild’d?
As ev’n what worth is a drop to a summer’ rain in fall.
Or the autumn zephyr to a winter wind unceasing?
Its essence, finesse untold; undervalued.
Quantity; is it not what our hearts seeks, unabashed, unrelenting.
When it must, it should instead quality.

So as the sole dewdrops, from the ***** of the heavens descend
And, that seeks refuge in a flow’r bud silent, and tacit
So too does a tear drop, from the jewel of the eye
In a hearts element, succour.
Love is inevitable, yet being in love isn't You choose to love someone back but you can not force them to love you.

I tried once, once with you
I felt so guilty, insisting I do

When I didn't not an ounce
And I'm afraid that every word counts

Every fake "I love you, dear"
Every "I'll always be here"

Ended when I told the truth
My parents blamed it on our youth

But I'll always know that love is inevitable but being in love isn't.
And I hope that you change that fact as you were always a believer, my believer.

Copyright ©  2015 Serena Lee
All Rights Reserved
It's a word which can only be described as me
I have lost loves and broken hearts but it feels completely different with he
I am not myself anymore
I left her behind and closed the door
I wish I had told you from the start
That I loved you deep down in my heart
You know I am me the real me
As when we talk you reveal she
You love her I know you do
But I can't reveal her not even for you
This twisted world works In different ways
I wish I could break the rules and find a way out of this maze
You may have not always been faithful but that's because you weren't mine but now thats debatable
I've loved you through sickness and health
Through slowness and stealth
But I don't care about that anymore
As you have opened her door, my door
I love you I wish some day you'll see it or realise you love me

Copyright ©  2015 Serena Lee
All Rights Reserved
I looked into your Bright blues eyes when you started to explain
explain that your were breaking up with her again

I saw your eyes water as I gave you the hard truth
Baby you're the sugar to my sweetest tooth

I know this is wrong come on she's my friend
but we all knew right, that it had to end

It's  been going on for way too long time's up and this is the final song

I sit here tonight wondering what the outcome will be
we're not suposed to be toghether but
neither are you and she

This is wrong and I know it but I need an escape from all of this
I dont love you right now but what's one more kiss

I cant stop thinking about him

I dont love you, babe bevause that just   lies but wow you've got those
*Bright blue eyes
hello, hola, hayo, hi
I hate saying goodbye
so i'll say see you late even though we both know that is a lie
Ido not take great pleasure to hiding the truth
I have taken this honor from our youth
I looked at you each day knowing
that these tears on my face would be showing
as I walk away and your perfect face fades away
I think of things to try and make me stay
but enough is enough I know im strong
none of my friends saw what was wrong
the pile of makeup was not by choice
but because I had no voice
but I do now and forever will
thanks to you I'm off the abusive pill
I'm over you and done
our final song has been sung
no one will ever notice me as the one that got away
but the one that did not stay
I pray for those girls he trapped after me
I feel so guilty not going back and letting them free
but soon enough just like I
they will learn how to say,
I feel crowded in this huge group of strangers
yet I feel alone as though you've been gone for ages
I'm lost, yet surrounded in pieces, yet bounded
bounded by the love we have shared which has been countless
I do not know what to do when your not here
I try not to think about it as its hard to bear
It's hard to explain what I'm feeling
as i don't think theres a meaning
a meaning to this emotion which I am subjected to
but whats weird is that this feeling is not new
they're staring at me as if a speach is due
I want you here, I need you here
I see a glimpse of your flawless face setting my nerves free
you approach me with eyes of anger, hatered and despise
pushing every one of those strangers aside
suddenly a grip on my arm slowing my blood
drags me through the crowd going thru the door and thud
**I never meant this to happen
A wise man called and asked his son
'What would be changed in the world
if I were gone?

Nothing would be changed.

The moon would set
And the sun would rise
The Earth would keep on turning
And clouds would still tumble over eggshell skies
So why should I stay?'

The son got up and replied in haste
'But father, it would be such a waste
For the stars are nothing
Without man to behold
To marvel how creation
Could ever be so bold

And although new days would dawn
And the sun would still rise
I would look upon the sight
With hardened eyes

You don't mean anything to the world
But you mean the world to me.'

So the wise man laughed
Then the wise man cried
And when the new day broke
He looked upon his son
With hope in his eyes
Of course I'm proud
I always have been
Of everything you are
Through everything you did
Maybe you've felt better
But right now you're doing fine
And that's all I could ever ask
I know you hate yourself
I know that you don't eat
I know that you self harm
I can see it

I know that you're depressed
I know you've tried before
To end your life
Because there's nothing to live for

But there's just so much
And I'm only young
So I'll hide my insecurites
Bundle up my problems
And be your ray of sun

"She's always so carefree
Ever the optimist
I wish I could be like her"

But I don't mind
I'll do it without fail
Because the only other option
Is I let you fall
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