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Misha garg May 2018
Melody spun by threads of fate
Dirge brimming with tears flows
Melancholic harmony sung in a forlorn tune
Each bit of this song reverbates with him
Caged in the throat a scream of his name
Withering verses of her youth in his thirst
Lost in midst of cacophony of orthodox shrieks
Binded in chains of clamor of rank
A nighingale sings to the flute of his love
Blood in her veins dance to his symphony
Stolen by noise of deceit in tunes of destiny
Soul now sings hymns of love in heaven
Misha garg May 2018
Led astray by dulcet words,
A naive soul in the market of sin,
Bonded in cage guarded by swords,
A life in hell bestowed by her kin.
Misha garg May 2018
A path of monk with a vow of soltitude,
Soul gone astray with an enchanting smile,
Earthly desires bloom as I abandon journey,
Curse my soul for an illusion stole it .
  May 2018 Misha garg
I can only imagine his life til now,
And that he has survived some how.
A  scar that goes clear around his neck.
I saw it and thought,"What the heck?!?!"
And burn marks on his little feet,
I once thought from the cold but now i think from heat.
He shys away from being touched
By those he doesnt know that much.
But when he comes into my room
And the door shuts to impending doom.
He paces the length of my bed,
When he comes back he butts my head.
He kneeds the blankets  in hes paws.
Forgetting just how sharp his claws.
He purrs  in tones with such delight.
The slightest sound gives him a fright.
"Its okay, come here  and sleep!"
He plops beside meand nestles in deep.
With one eye open he sees me smile...
And there he sleeps a little while.
You tell me my sins will plague me
You make me bathe in holy water
With cuffs, you lead me to steeples
With rope, you Bind my hands
With thread,  you sow my eyes open
You light a flame and burn the scriptures in my memory
I love black
But you make me wear white
On Sunday you wake me
And torture me with fantasy
Everything in existence is because of three letters
GOD has granted me my bless'ng
He has risen to lead me through pur'ty
You bash my head with GOD
You suffocate me with the words of the b'ble
I shall remain pure and untouched
Only when I wed will I expierance that h'ly act of love
I have learned these teaching through
You, father
I have practice these acts through you father
I am not pure for your GOD
If you can't accept me, you should feel ashamed
I accepted a GOD you so blatantly beat in my head
You accepted the unpure alcoholism you practice
You accepted the conceiving before marrying
You accepted a son who beat your daughter
You accepted a daughter who also conceive before wedding
You have not accepted a daughter who has done nothing but obeyed
You have coward behind three letters your whole life
You blend relig'on and family
How have you not burned from your infedality
How have you judged everyone but yourself
You play GOD to often
I'm tired of seeing your costume
I'm tired of seeing your mirage
I'm tired of believing your GOD
Don't get offended and if you do I don't care
Misha garg May 2018
Frisky zephyr tickles my senses in mischief of fate
Dulcet melody intoxicates my heart in hues of love
Season of spring swirls me in storm of hazy desires
A tinge of red in my face as i steal those  furtive glances
Novel emotions flowing in river of love seeping in me
Burning in these flames I die alive to refect in your eyes
Like a phoenix , I am reborn , Colored to suit your whims.

— The End —