Was never suppose to happen,
to taste nectar from you, to taste what I've always yearned
Addiction, to the taste of you
In my frenzy, I've lost chunks of who I am
Of where I'm going, of whom you really are
I've lost my center and allowed the plummet
Bruises left scars
that didn't stop me from reaching
Nor being molded for you,
I've liked it.
Thoughts echoes in my head
only a taste of you brought my descendant
leaving me in a state of jelly limbs and uncontrollable emotions
no rational thinking to stop the exploration of your hands inside
Nor stop you from dropping me to the floor
Nor banging against cabinets
Nor the plunging of head first diving for my yearnings
My daily supplies of drug dose
My dopamine, my oxytocin, 20 seconds worth of pleasure
My daily supply
Nor to stop me from running after you when you couldn't care less
I think I finally understand why people run away from love
It's terrifying
I've lost myself to you