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Michael DR Muse Jun 2015
As my head hits the pillow
And day and night pass
Someone to snuggle
Is that so much to ask
If I had one wish
That one wish would be
To wake up with you
Right here next to me
Michael DR Muse Jun 2015
Give me something to start with
Make it of things I can't part with
Please don't forget
Or you will regret
That the love that we had has departed
so hold fast my Hand
this wasn't the plan
The way that it ended was heartless
Michael DR Muse Jun 2015
Music comedy and so much more
Come and look at what's in store
For from my brain this thriving flow
You know I put on quite the show
And when your leaving you will say
A piece of me's been filled today
And don't forget to come on back
If you feel I have a knack
For writing poems their so much more
Then words that rhyme and jive together
Its from the soul it lasts forever

— The End —