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Michael Demian Feb 2020
He takes a fiddlestick and gently
Starts to caress his violin,
Creating magic sounds intently
That take all those around him in.

A miracle enfolds our bodies,
The real world exists no more
When into music he embodies
What was concealed in him before.

Celestial, amazing beauty
Flows to our ears from fairy lands,
Enchanting splendor that’s on duty
Of his divinely gifted hands.

And in our world that’s getting rougher,
By shedding music from above,
He comforts those who deeply suffer,
Inspires those who are in love.

This man’s a gift the world desires.
His talent makes our hearts rejoice.
So strongly humankind admires
And loves his soul’s amazing voice.
Michael Demian Feb 2020
You are reliable and kind,
The words you say are always true,
And everybody wants to find
Such a devoted friend like you.

Because when somebody’s in need,
You always try to help this one.
And all your actions are indeed
Worth praises for they are well-done.

Your smile is so sincere and warm,
Of sunny days it does remind.
And in your eyes there is no storm,
They mirror joy and peace of mind.

To you so skillful hands belong,
They add nice touches to our world.
Toward adventures with a song
You always keep your sail unfurled.

So every day be on your best,
Rejoice in everything you do.
Let all your days on earth be blessed
And always all your dreams come true.
Michael Demian Feb 2020
They are so pleasant to our eyes,
The flowers, nature’s great creation.
Though their apparel is so nice,
Their blossom has a short duration.

But beauty of a different kind
Can be contrasted with a flower.
It constantly excites our mind,
Makes us do things beyond our power.

Great artists laud it day and night
And it is worth our praise and duty.
You, pretty women, have the right
To wear this splendid crown of beauty.

— The End —