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Fairy Godmother:
Oh, now, now, now, now, now, just a minute.
You must understand, my dear:
On the stroke of twelve, the spell will be broken,
and everything will be as it was before.*

Royal *****
With all the fluff
Pretty dressed girl twirling and laughing
Strapping young men Promising them the world
The masks are on.

Girls with their heads in the clouds
dancing in their glass slippers
Slippers that hold all their hopes and dreams

believing the words falling off men's lips.
whispering in their ears
all the things they want to hear
not seeing through their carefully crafted masks

Midnight descends and all bets are off.
Carriages turning back to pumpkins
rich men turning back to paupers
taking away their hard earned money
sleeping in their beds.

Leaving them in the dust
leaving nothing behind
but those awful glass slippers
3rd poem in my poetry book "Shattered Fairy Tales"
.   .   .
pumpkin spice and everything nice.
all the girls fall for your charm.
uggs click three times to go home.
a refreshing gulp of processed sugar
accompany a nicholas sparks novel
and future thunder thighs.
mugs full of wonder and spite.
380 calories to tighten those leggings.
smashing pumpkins for your pleasure,
extra large sweater please!
cream ****** dry from a tortured cow,
whipped senselessly to the brim.
our name scribbled onto your exterior,
pronunciation awfully wrong.
drip drop on the ruffle of your infinity scarf.
this grande drink will make you largo.
a pinch of nutmeg for satisfaction.
but first, let me take a selfie.
pumpkin spice and everything not so nice.
.   .   .
she set the pumpkins out,
and decorated her house.
she got her costume ready,
she was a measly gray mouse.
the witches came riding,
and the black cats hissed.
the neighbourhood boys egged houses,
but her house they missed.
children cried out "TRICK OR TREAT,"
and parents rushed them along.
she was with her group of friends,
a place where she didn't belong.
ghosts come haunting the streets,
and the blood of vampires drip down.
superheroes run house to house,
and clowns turn their frowns upside down.
it's a night that everyone waits for,
a night where the dead roam free.
it's a night where i let myself go,
it's a night where i can be me.
The day after trick or treating.
It's the day after Halloween. The kids are all in the bathroom.
They are throwing up on all the candy they ate.
While mom is standing at the door asking if they want another candy bar.
The costumes are all put away until next years candy steal.
The pumpkins are all about to rot so no homemade pumpkin pie.
Witches are on their brooms flying back to where they came from.
The graveyard is quite no zombie party on this day.
Hopping onto the back of a horse drawn wagon, as you watch the sun slowly set. Wrapped up in a blanket as an Autumn wind blows cold across your face. Snuggling up next to someone special as you watch the stars come out. A hoot owl calls out from down a distant hollow. The road is a little bumpy as the wagon moves along. Your nose gets itchy from straw and you sneeze. The harvest moon rises over empty fields where Pumpkins once lay. A hay ride welcomes the fall in a very special way.
It approaches quickly
Ghouls and goblins day
Are you ready?
To lead pumpkins astray

Transform your orange gourd
With your knife and paint
Into something scary
That makes us want to faint

Hollow eyes carved
And a wicked crooked smile
Glowing with light from within
That can be seen for a mile

Scare us or make us laugh
With your pumpkin carved display
Show us your crafty skills
Turn them in Friday morning before 8
Mayonnaise is not an instrument
is gorgeous
is better
is nothing but oil
is on sale right now for $1
is so easy to prepare that one often wonders why
is made with lemon juice instead of vinegar
is on Facebook, sign up for Facebook to connect with I hate mayonaise
is in your extended network
is just fat
and yet
is my favorite Smashing Pumpkins song
I was listening to Al Filreis from The Writer's House at UPENN lead a discussion of Flarf poems (you can Google thatif you need to) and that led to a discovery of Googlism. A site where you type in a word, decide whether you want a who, what, where or when answer, it spits out random Google results. I made a found poem of sorts, from that output.
And, just like that,
summer,fell into fall
Pretty leaves and crisp air,
Pumpkins and  sweater weather
October is my favorite color.
The horrifying and gruesome day is arriving
filled with costumes, pumpkins and conniving
With monsters from the past out roaming the streets
hearing the words ''trick or treat''
HAppy HAlloween
Oh, Cinderella
you terrible influence

you talk to mice
and sing to birds

you lose your shoes
and run in halls

you ride on pumpkins
and steal from sisters

last, not least
you married a stranger
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