when you fall in love,
you start to protect your lover —
you learn how to keep him safe from his heartache and his hurt.
you become his wall of happiness,
protection from unwanted intruders,
and he is already protecting you.
he has learned to defend you
against predators and cannibals
and men who lurk in shadows.
he becomes your wall of safety,
protection from unwanted intruders,
but sooner or later
love teaches him.
he learns his real job :
to protect you
from yourself.
so he destroys the doubts
and he exiles the pain
and he uproots theshameandguiltandfear
from within the walls
of your secret garden —
and he quietly grows
and he tenderly nurtures
your contentment within yourself.
then without warning
the april sun shines
he opens wide the garden gates —
the walls have been long torn down —
and your gardener gently whispers :
it’s time for you
to come
and enjoy your own paradise lost