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2.1k · Jul 2018
Marrisa Jul 2018
We are strong, correct me if I'm wrong.
We are a work of art with a loving heart.
But once we were pulled apart by those we trusted.
Yes, the same ones that were disgusted
by the mere mention of our names;
the ones who never shared the blame,
whose only aim was to bring us shame.
It was easy to see we did not belong,
to stay would just prolong the torment.
Still, here we are to represent the innocent.
We may have been fragile once, a little too nice..
but that does not justify the slices
staking claim to our bodies,
stealing the territory we took for granted.
There will always be lies planted inside our minds
that are growing into vines, suffocating us..
but it does not justify the inhumane pills taken
to ease the pain that can't help but remain.
The dreams that we dread and run from will come,
but they do not justify the bullet holes in our head,
our wishing to be dead.
There is a way, a reason to survive, to be strong.
But correct me if I'm wrong...
1.4k · Jul 2017
Marrisa Jul 2017
It was dry and warm and rough to the touch,
long enough on me to reach below my knees.
It smelled of the sun and the sea.
The smell brings back loads of memories.
He loves me. He does not. Maybe?
When it was time for him to go,
his jacket was bestowed to me.
Where have you gone?
When are you coming back?
I walk around aimlessly,
still waiting for him to come home.
Father, Father.
I cannot see where you might be.
765 · Feb 2019
Marrisa Feb 2019
She was afraid of
her own shadow
until you became
her shining light
684 · Jun 2017
Marrisa Jun 2017
Smile and wave,
Pretend it's a normal day.
Don't stop to look down,
There are people all around.
Stand tall and fair,
Even if they stare.
Be nice and polite,
Don't go picking a fight.
Hide your true feelings,
Pretend like your heart isn't peeling.
It isn't you who they want,
It's the monster inside they hunt.
Act normal and laugh,
Hide your other half.
Don't show yourself,
Let them see you're in good health.
These lies won't hurt them.
Just don't look into their eyes,
That's where they can tell these are lies.
You can never truly hide yourself. No matter how hard you try.
669 · Jun 2017
Slave to the Lost
Marrisa Jun 2017
You thought it would be best
To leave her for the rest;
Did you see how broken she was inside
Or how she was unspoken and ready to die?
She got misty eyes as the tears fell from her face
It made the townspeople hang their heads in disgrace
Except you just kept on walking
Like nothing was happening.
Did you see the way she cared,
Even though she was scared?
Like all others you left her there
To drown in her own despair.
You just kept walking
As she stood there and stared
Remember it's her blood on your hands,
But the townsfolk already know you don't give a dåmn.
588 · Jul 2017
Band Camp
Marrisa Jul 2017
The sun bears down,
and burns our skin.
The leader who wears the crown
teaches us how to properly spin.
Sun block is of no value
The heat has us sweat it off,
and quaff down a gallon of water.
Now our jugs are empty.
It seems to get hotter
as the day goes on.
Commanded by our mater
we continue to march
with a staid look on our face.
The birds mock us from the tall larch
that is our only source of shade.
When it's time for a break
to the band room, we race.
Our whole body aches
but still we show up the next day;
ready with instruments to play.
579 · Jul 2017
Marrisa Jul 2017
Sandy hair, buzzed short,
and bright blue eyes like mine.
Just a little boy, he is;
seven years old to be exact.
They grow up so fast.
He cannot help but be energetic,
running and playing and shouting;
Curtain climbing and ant stomping.
He's my little bubble, so easy to pop.
I might be overprotective, but try my best.
We're going to be moving away soon,
he'll be the last bird in the nest.
578 · Jun 2017
Lost Identity
Marrisa Jun 2017
Who am I?
Was I sent here just to die?
Have you found my lost and wandering soul?
I came to find what this world has to offer,
But I guess I was mistaken.
While my heart was breaking
I had no other place to go;
Alone in this beaten place
I came to face
The one who held me in His embrace.
But I still ponder and sometimes wonder
Who I am...
Where I began...
Am I home?
Or was I mistaken all over again?
574 · Jun 2017
Marrisa Jun 2017
This is a synn.
Synns live in scary sculptures under spider webs in spooky science labs.
Synns eat sour strawberries, smoked sausages, and snapdragons.
Synns send smoke signals, stare at nothing in particular, stalk their prey, and swim in the sea.
Synns like to sing sad songs, to sit around campfires, and to grin at strangers with sharp smiles.
This synn scratched symbols on my arm.
It slings sharp objects at me and stands over me while I sleep.
506 · Jan 2023
Marrisa Jan 2023
I am worthy of love.

No matter what anyone says.
I deserve to be happy.
I deserve to be loved.
I deserved to be held.
I am allowed to cry.
I am allowed to have bad days.
I am allowed to live my life.

Let me live my life.
Don't try and stop me.
These decisions are mine
and mine alone to make.

444 · Jul 2017
Marrisa Jul 2017
Her face was blank like the moon.
She was right here but her mind
was far away, across the sky,
maybe the stars,
or just the blackness between.
Her moods were never constant,
but always changing.
The darkness was slowly seeping into
the world around her.
Nowhere to run, she gives into it.
Her body frail and thin, gradually weakening.
She's letting herself give in.
414 · Jul 2017
Marrisa Jul 2017
In your darkest moments, He helps you stand.
On your saddest days, He'll hold your hand.
Sin is not greater than His sacrifice.
His love is forgiving and precise.
When you think your alone, He's always there.
It might be pretty confusing the way He cares.
398 · Jun 2017
Lies Upon Love
Marrisa Jun 2017
You say you care,
But do you really?
Don't just stop and stare
'Cause that's just silly.
No, you watch me suffer.
Always alone, nowhere to run.
These thoughts always buffer
As you make my nightmare fun.
Only amusing to a sick mind.
Let me tell you what I must say:
Why can't you just be kind?
Now there's hell to pay.
354 · Aug 2017
Marrisa Aug 2017
The darkness captures the unexpected and leaves the wanting. Desiring something so much will not get it for you.
You must fight and let the darkness win;
let it **** you into a never ending void
where we are forgotten by who all knew us.
Accept your fate.
Because like a cloud that fades and is gone,
we humans die and never return;
It's your call whether you'll be remembered or not.
349 · Jul 2017
New Faith
Marrisa Jul 2017
Little girl with the bright blue eyes, why do you cry?
Sitting on the floor looking at pills to ****
And razors that sting like tasers.
Little girl with the biggest smile,
why don’t you stop to think awhile?
Holding a withered daffodil, the tears spill.
Little girl with the freckled nose, what do you seek?
Standing now, she looks towards the sky.
"A Savior to give me the strength to survive.."
348 · Jun 2017
Watch Your Wishes
Marrisa Jun 2017
She wished for death again and again.
She wanted it more than you could imagine.
Until one day Death himself showed up on her doorstep.
"Hello there. I don't think we've met," he states.
The longer they conversate, she starts to deny her fate.
"I'm not ready. I don't want to die," she'll cry.
"It's too late for that, my dear."
The tears will pool from her eyes.
"Well, surprise, surprise, another whose told a lie."
He knew she told the fib, but her soul was what she had bid.
It was the secret he hid.
Promises of death were too sweet for the girl to leave.
Her soul was the key for him to set her free.
326 · Jun 2017
Marrisa Jun 2017
"The next thing I was aware of was falling.
Around me, all that was familiar crumbled into dust.
And still I fell, tumbling on an endless journey to nowhere.
Then all was motionless and I was imprisoned in a void.
I had dropped to my knees, my head bowed, my wings broken and bleeding.
I couldn’t lift myself off the ground.
The light began to fade until a suffocating darkness surrounded me, so dense that when I held my hands before my face, I couldn’t make them out.
In this sepulchral world I was left alone.
I saw myself as the ultimate figure of shame, an angle fallen from grace.

A shadowy figure with blurred features was approaching.
At first my heart leapt with hope at the possibility that it might be someone come to rescue me.
But any hope was dashed away when I sensed instinctively that whatever it was should be feared.
Despite the pain in my limbs I crawled as far from it as possible.
I tried spreading my wings but they were too damaged to comply.
The figure was closer now and hovering above me.
Its features materialized just enough for me to see that the smile on its face was one of ownership.
There was nothing left to do but allow myself to be consumed by the shadows.
This was perdition. I was lost."
321 · Jul 2017
Marrisa Jul 2017
We are called to stand by for Him,
even if you’re standing alone,
even if it costs our own life.
God cannot love us less,
but we can love Him more.
If He had a weakness,
it would be His love for us.
While we chose sin over Him,
He still had a home for us in His heart;
He will never put anything before us.
We are His most valuable work of art.
317 · Jun 2017
Marrisa Jun 2017
You are a Child of God and He is gonna make you a Fisher of Men.
You will be strong in Him and courageous through Him.
My strength is in the Lord. My heart is in my Soul.
I was made to be remembered but also forgotten.
My time will come and away I will go.
My show will be over with, but my love will ever flow.
My strength is in the Lord.
314 · Jul 2017
Marrisa Jul 2017
Nothing lasts forever,
So this sadness will pass.
So will the happiness and pain.
Once it's over, see what you've gained.
A new lesson, a new experience.
Sometimes we let it cloud your judgement
or rain on our parade.
If you think you don’t make a difference in this world,
remember one rain drop raises the ocean.
Forgetting all about the time spent
on our hopeless charades.
You never think about the big picture
but live in the present.
What is wrong with that is a lecture,
one that nobody remembers.
Never admitting you were wrong
but hoping everything is done.
You're never promised tomorrow,
so spend time wisely and stay strong.
309 · Aug 2017
Marrisa Aug 2017
Just a little girl
with no wishing;
No dreaming of being free.
Hurting so bad she can't feel a thing
until something starts reminding her
and it all comes flowing back.
Left always asking "Why me?"
Not caring what tomorrow will bring
since the pain is just a blur.
She’s waiting for the oncoming attack,
hoping she'll be quick enough to act.
Momma crying. Daddy yelling.
She's praying that it'll all go away.
Words go flying and so do items.
Her story goes on, forgotten.
Losing all sanity, all her family.
She's finding that Jesus
is as real as the struggle.
309 · Aug 2017
Firm Seclussion
Marrisa Aug 2017
These walls that she built
were not meant to be destroyed.
The gate is sealed,
no longer able to be opened.
A heart hardened
by the words that were spoken.
Her checks were dampened
by the tears that never dried.
The happy appearance that showed
wouldn't be changed.
No one needed to know
what she had gone through.
Her lips were tightly closed
so these feelings would stay secured.
She stayed hidden away from the walls
afraid one day someone will come
and break down her barriers.
306 · Jul 2017
Marrisa Jul 2017
Pain brings me back.
Every time I open my eyes it's to this anguish,
blinding me to all else.
It's the only thing that convinces me I'm still here.
Faces flash.
Hands hold me down.
None of it registers.
None of it sinks into me like the burning torment of my body.
The agony radiates through all of me.
The only thing I can do is surrender to the blanket of dark
where I feel nothing, see nothing.
Where even nightmares cannot find me.
Where I can cease to exist.
305 · Sep 2017
My Captain
Marrisa Sep 2017
A smile touches my lips as I remember everything.
I remember until the longing becomes too much;
Until the ache of wanting becomes too deep and
as salty as the warm tears flowing down my cheeks.
I remember the whisper lullabies before I went off
and the way you held me when I was hurt or scared.
I would cry an ocean for you to set sail upon, but
would you be willing to navigate through the broken?
I remember the empty promises and bottles of pills;
the pain but also the joy because I knew you'd stay...
Eventually saying "Sorry" got too tiring and you ran.
I'm not sure if it's good to remember you but I do.
Would it be crazy for me to say that I still care about you?
I know when you took your own life you weren't thinking;
Would you do it again if you knew what it did to everyone?
You were my Captain on our voyage through life but
you ventured too far, only to find the forbidden treasure of death.
289 · Apr 2018
Outside Elements
Marrisa Apr 2018
What am I to make
of a world so easy to break?
The silence of fading lines;
the boundaries that couldn't hold.
Once a beautiful picture
has withered away to a dull blur.
Harsh pounding of the sky's cries.
Forgotten presence of souls.
Disappointed sighs of Mother Nature.
Anger building behind the eyes.
Strikes and smashes for the beaten and bashed.
A place meant to strive
cannot even survive.
288 · Jul 2017
Marrisa Jul 2017
Her smile was the kindest;
Her eyes shone with joy.
She was so in control.
You'd feel like a fool
When you realized the truth:
Her fears and tears were unspoken.
Yet hid it so well; you'd never know
She was scarred and broken.
Her emotions were like a window;
Except the curtains were pulled closed.
284 · Jun 2017
Unknown Delays
Marrisa Jun 2017
Flying above the sky, the lonely Dove.
It hovers and waits, but its mate is late.
What shall it do?
Parade around, looking for who?
Day grows darker, the stars brightening.
The lonely Dove is fighting.
What shall it do?
With a flash of lightning, it hides away.
Only to see the late mate it's been waiting for.
It's stuck out in the storm.
It's not very warm.
The wind grows strong and the battle rages on.
What shall it do?
What if it's wrong?
Oh, poor, late mate. It's gone...
284 · Aug 2017
Marrisa Aug 2017
There’s a part of your mind that’s shattered.
You feel isolated and lost.
You don’t know who you are,
so you try to be what they say you should be,
and that leaves you incapable of coping,
hating yourself, hating those who want you
to be someone you aren’t—
even though you yourself don’t know who you are.
You’ve lost your true identity and are desperately looking for a new one even though it seems impossible.

You keep to yourself because you’re broken.
Your mind is fractured.
Even at your best, you suspect that something is wrong, because it is.
The only time you feel good is when you’re able to pretend that it is, but deep down you hate everything about yourself.
The way you look, the way you feel,
the way you think, even the way you sleep,
because that time that should be peaceful is full of nightmares.
280 · Jul 2017
Mr. K
Marrisa Jul 2017
A mentor to a freshman;
A coach to a runner;
A father to his class.
But now he is just a memory.
A new job he has just began,
It was such a stunner,
One he just couldn't pass.
We accused him of treachery.
He wanted to be closer to his family.
It's hard to let go of such a person.
276 · Jun 2017
Fighting Society
Marrisa Jun 2017
I had my life together, like a bird with its feathers.
Then I heard something very interesting…
I pursued it, not caring where it led.
It stopped my healing and I held my head.
Hearing it made me wish I was dead
The whispers of a hater opened the door.
I'm a disappointment, that's for sure.
But somehow I felt like I belonged a little more...
I knew what they were feeling and saw the cards they were dealing.
Instead of walking away, I decided to play.
Their smart remarks felt like sharp knife driven into my heart.
Tears made things worse.
I vowed that day never to let my eyes leak.
I didn’t want to seem weak.
I slammed the door shut, but I still hear the voices.
Please stop the noises, I can’t handle them anymore.
276 · Oct 2017
Marrisa Oct 2017
We put on a mask to hide,
afriad of what people will find.
Fake smiles and truthful lies
continues the great disguise.
Our true pieces are hard to discover
like the emotions that never recover.
We lock ourselves inside the mind;
make a new cover to hide behind.
Laughs and songs play all night long.
Like a broken record we repeat
to try and miss our own defeat.
All it takes is a crack in the shield to know
we're nothing but a one man show.
276 · Jun 2019
Marrisa Jun 2019
And in that
powerful moment
she stopped letting
his false love
devour her
soul of happiness
274 · Nov 2017
Marrisa Nov 2017
A contagious smile, white as snow.
A favorite of mine, does he know?
I love the way he always cares
no matter what, he’s there.
A fighting friend by my side
who won’t let me run and hide.
He listens to my problems
and helps me solve them.
He’ll to put on a show
because it makes me feel better,
and will ask why that’s so.
It’s always the same;
He’s a light in the darkness.
I loved him.
271 · Jul 2017
Flawed Childhood
Marrisa Jul 2017
It used to be a perfect, happy home.
Children, a father, a mother.
There were sisters and brothers;
they'd play for hours.
Daddy would go to work,
while Mommy watched the kids.
But one day.. Daddy didn't come home.
The little ones never heard the mean words
or saw the bruises and cuts covered in makeup.
Never saw what happened behind closed doors.
Mommy tried to work,
the older kids did chores.
After they paid bills, no money was left over.
The broken family was poor..
No more playing or having fun;
all that was done.
The kids that left barely returned,
since mother fell ill.
What happened to perfect?
267 · Jul 2017
Marrisa Jul 2017
I've been hurt,
and I’ve been heartbroken,
I’ve been sad,
and I’ve been depressed,
I've cried,
but I don't wanna let it ruin my life.

Sometimes we need to go through the pain
and mistakes to be able to appreciate
and understand what we really value
and want in our lives.
267 · Sep 2019
Marrisa Sep 2019
I wish you could see what you’ve become,
and the damage you’ve left behind.
I wish you could see the pain that you’ve caused
and the conflict you created.
I wish you knew the pain that I felt
the moment you said goodbye, a second time.
But I’ll be sure this time, and I promise
that there won’t be a third.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
A third time won’t ever happen,
because I know for a fact you never loved me.
A snake with blue eyes and a twisted soul.
A miserable heart, and soon everyone will know.
I trusted you with my world and you shut it down.
But one day you’ll think of me,
when no one else is around.
259 · Feb 2018
Marrisa Feb 2018
I’m not sad. I’m actually okay.
But when it comes to writing
every emotion rises to the surface,
even if I wasn’t aware of hoarding it.
I put those things down on paper
because I’m not brave enough to feel them.
If there was a way to reverse it
I wouldn’t be aware of how.
I’m expected to be strong,
to be put together, but I’m not.
259 · Jun 2017
Hidden Away
Marrisa Jun 2017
I closed my eyes,
tired of all those lies.
Nobody knows what's going on.
I wanna keep it that way,
but it doesn't work anymore.
I guess I got a little bored;
I just couldn't keep my emotions in store.
I had to let go and you never said no.
It's the mess I made.
I'm not Jade, I'm the Shadow,
in the meadow, where my body was laid.
You could have stopped me
but you left me be, all alone;
In the darkness, with the devil's empress,
who filled my head with nothing but lead;
Made my blood boil, as I hung from the tree.
It was always me, the one in the meadow.
I was your Shadow, the one you couldn’t escape.
You can't get rid of the body you hid.
258 · Sep 2017
Marrisa Sep 2017
When a stretched silence is surrounding
Do you understand
The unspoken words?
The unsurfaced cries?
The unseen pain?
If you cannot, you shouldn't expect to
understand them when they're heard.
"If one does not understand your silence, they will not understand your words."
258 · Aug 2017
Believing Advice
Marrisa Aug 2017
Happiness is somewhere.
I could show you, if you cared.
Your smiled is forced
and your lines are rehearsed.
Open up, not shut down.
You've gone too deep,
I'm afraid you'll drown.
The water is cold at the bottom,
even though it seems never to end.
What causes you from sleep?
If you cared, I could wake you
from your saddening mood.
Don't think me rude
but I think you could use a friend.
256 · Jun 2017
It’s Useless
Marrisa Jun 2017
What's the use in trying?
When it's always my blood drying?
You get up in a fuss, all you leave behind is dust.
I tried to pack my bags but all I got was ****** rags.
You strike, smash, and scream;
I was the one who made you steam.
Don't take out your anger;
Come back and sit, please don't hit.
I won't bite, well I might…
I don't want to fight,
I want to survive tonight.
Take a seat, release some of that heat.
I can't survive this abuse
While you just smirk and lurk;
A demon possessed,
A beating obsessed,
But still a little depressed,
It's hard to leave someone you love even if they hurt you. What a very mysterious thing love is.
250 · Jan 2018
Marrisa Jan 2018
A smile was all she wanted but a frown took her over.
The laughs she heard were covered with cries.
The power of love brought the pain back
and the joy she desperately hunted for.
She was scared to show herself,
the broken, scarred little girl.
Years of never being good enough
and being pushed around.
Love may help forget to remember
but the memory never fades.
She's stuck between happiness and depression
yet with her luck, she gets **** back in again.
248 · Aug 2017
Flicker of Life
Marrisa Aug 2017
Growing up, I was always told to cherish life.
Think of a candle flame;
It burns bright, but slowly dies out.
When it’s burning bright, it represents living life to its fullest.
Each flicker is an obstacle that is overcome.
In the end, the flame slowly wanes.
You have to make the most of what you have when it's the brightest.
You never know when the flame is going to be blown out.
Life is short, but it can also be beautiful.
It’s a symbol of hope.
Candle flames take away a small portion of darkness,
giving the slightest bit of illumination in the darkest of times.
244 · Jun 2017
Just Another Love
Marrisa Jun 2017
The stars suffer, the sky is darker,
The sun is lower, the light is gone.
Except... my love has grown.
I thought it was going to be easy just to let them be.
If it was not for him, I would have blown away.
Just like the leaves in fall, they're no longer needed to stay.
Fluttering down to the ground, and surrounding them both.
I started to lose my hope.
I knew you weren't mine,
But it still hurts to be reminded that I lost the battle.
I disappeared just for you to find me.
With my emotions smeared,
I don't want to be seen as this mess that has appeared.
I was your nightmares and you were my dreams.
So it goes to shows: This life is not what it seems.
239 · Jun 2017
Our Difference
Marrisa Jun 2017
They all shine brighter...
They keep the darkness away from them,
While I'm that one who welcomes it.
I let the monsters come and feast on whatever is left of my humanity.
My light has shone bright once,
But from that day it went out,
I've never found a spark that'll keep me going again.
236 · Nov 2018
Feels (1)
Marrisa Nov 2018
Why do
the people
you love
so much
hurt you
the most
234 · Jul 2017
The Note
Marrisa Jul 2017
I fought through the battle, but this war has only just begun.
I don't know where to start...
It was my star;
Brightened up the night, but so far gone.
I get angry and upset when I know I can't reach it.
What I should do, is beyond my perspective.
I'm sorry to leave you this way, but my time has come...
Tell the stars I won't be far; I'm not alone. I'm going home.
The Forgotten One.
229 · Jan 2023
Chalk Lines
Marrisa Jan 2023
The concrete walkway is a masterpiece;
chalk lines of sunshine yellow, serene blue,
cotton candy pink and soft grass green;
a wonderful place where we drew.
But in the end, we are only
chalk lines drawn on concrete
meant to be washed away.
So for the time that I am given,
I am what I am.
229 · Jul 2017
Marrisa Jul 2017
Life is a game of concentration.
You learn what not to repeat
and how hurt you can get by a single hesitation.
The struggle is the level to complete.

It isn't all fun, like a vacation,
not as sweet as the winning treat.
We're not acting like a true nation
because it's all based on deceit
and unholy temptation.

This life is bittersweet;
people under sedation and influenced by potations
who were beat or even helped mistreat
God's beautiful creation
while we just sit in the backseat.
This is the game of concentration,
No repeats or hesitations.
What category will you fall under?
227 · Aug 2018
F. T.
Marrisa Aug 2018
Don't you just love when people say one thing
and don't mean it at all?
They set you up and let you fall.
They're just playing with your feelings
to leave your mind reeling.
And then messing up your emotions,
causing an unwanted commotion.
That's worse than a knife through the gut.
Because I mean I gotta live with that
but at least I'd die with the knife, right?
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