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 Jan 16 matt r
dead poet
i cried a river;
it wasn’t enough -
to whet my wits,
and call your bluff

i tried a thing,
or two, in vain;
i could not escape
the house of pain.

i lied to you -
didn’t occur to me,
‘t’d be so hard
to agree to disagree.

i hide away
my bother; i coy -
hush the man, and
play the boy.

i ride along -
for i’ve lost my way;
bide my tongue…
do as you say;

i denied myself
the right to speak:
i waived my voice
to the cackle of
the creek.
 Jan 13 matt r
skin on skin

in the ear
song vibration

two halves joined
in exaltation
sometimes dots

i looked out yesterday at the rain
on and off all day
 Jan 12 matt r

her dark irises
fill with light

but that’s not
what i mean
 Jan 12 matt r
quick, oh, quick,
fingers tremble on the keys,
treble clef,
b sharp, rest and repeat,
switch to a minor,
then back to b,
pick your head up,
and breathe a sigh of relief.
(and then swear at the person in a cast,
backstage and loud,
break your little facade of being a good little child,
and please do feel proud.
i know I did.)
my partner broke his arm, we were supposed to duet and this is the result.
we seek the ocean in the palm of our hands,
breath is the frailties of a winter sky,

the stars are reflections in a mirror of bone.

we are carried by the wind into strange avenues
where we fall like leaves, dance into the indigos

of the washed out sky, haunt the dimming light like night
blossoms and dies, her rivers burning like fire.

we awaken in the eastern
sky washing slumber from our eyes, yawning

and day drops her heavy nets into the waters
of the sun and drowns out the voice of the dark.

flowers settle in the morning, capturing
the silence of the hills in petals of water and light,

and we drink passion and ink, we drink the colours
of our emotions and walk without hesitation towards the light.
 Jan 12 matt r
neth jones
the absence   of unnatural electricity
canvas of silence
vast license  given to the imagination
09:30 a.m - 12:30 p.m. approx.
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