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I look nothing like my father.
Not even my genes left a trace of him.
The words are stuck in my head
And every time I try to get them out
To ask for help
My mouth becomes a trap door
Shut tight
A black hole
With so much inside
That nothing can get out
I surrender
a certain feeling
of my deepest heart
made from crystal
and starlight
so the moon
can whisper it
to you,
my love
Go ****** your eyes over a photograph, it won't be enough to bring her back
Push your fingers through her heart, it won't be enough to make it restart
Tear your teeth into her cold hand, it wont be enough to make her feed you again
Sure I breath
I do have a pulse
I still excist
But I am not living
I am just waiting for death to end this
I am already dying inside
But my existence is never fading
I am still here
Breathing they same air as you
for what is there to do
but wait.

wait for the day
when the
sweeps us up
like shards of misery
and discards of us,
broken pieces
no one wants to touch.

in a world
where sun don’t shine,
and rain don’t fall,
and nothing moves at all,

what is there to do

but hope
against hope,
without hope,
that the day
in which the
takes us,
comes soon.

because at least in
the fires burn
to keep the darkness
"It's better to burn out than to fade away." -Neil Young
I want to leave the pain behind. I want to find a new place. I feel so closed in by life. I just want out.
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