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  Dec 2016 marissa jenkins
Qasid Ali
You are my sky.
the cure of my scar
You are my only wish
You are the shooting star.

You are the one I see
When there's no one for me
You are the one that stands
Even when the havoc lands.

You are my holy wing
You are above everything
You are the eye of my heart
You are the soul of my art.

You are my earth my space
You are the falling grace
You are my sun my moon
You are the light in doom

You are the All praised
You are the all grace
You are the Judge
You are the executioner of Grudge

You are The God
The only one I sought
You are the Love and melody
You are the soul of Rhapsody

You are the Beloved Lord
You are the God
The most beneficent Lord
  Dec 2016 marissa jenkins
Brie Pizzi
"You don't have any respect for yourself, bouncing from guy to guy."

These words sting and stay with me every single day. To think that someone I once loved could say something like that to me. To think that someone I once loved actually thinks that of me. But more importantly, to think that the number of guys you've been with actually determines your self worth.

I could sit here and go on defending myself saying how m y number isn't even a high number but that's not the point. The point is that the number of guys you have dated or been with, however high that number may be, DOES NOT define your self worth.

I was in an emotionally abusive relationship for about a year and a half without knowing it. Throughout the relationship he had said and done some pretty awful things to me; things that if my dad knew about, he would probably go to his house the next day to beat the **** out of him. But this one stuck to me like glue. Why? because he had made me believe it. He tricked my mind into thinking I was some kind of worthless person who doesn't respect myself.

I ask myself why I believed it. Why would someone believe that they are a **** with no self respect? Why would anyone think that ever about themselves? I think I believed it simply because the person who said this was the boy I loved, the boy I confided in, the boy I at one point saw my future with, telling me I have no self worth. It hit me hard, so hard. Harder than any other terrible thing he has said to me.

No guy should ever make you feel worthless.
No guy should ever convince you that you are anything less than whole.
No guy should ever degrade you throughout your relationship.
No guy should ever make you feel scared to be around him when he is angry.
No guy should ever put his hands on you.
No guy should ever throw your mental disorder in your face.
No guy should ever feel as though it is okay to purposely hurt you because he feels hurt.
No guy should ever make you feel like you're on top of the world one day and under it the next.

He did all of this.

I can see this now. I can see this now and I have two people that I call my best friends to thank for helping me through this past year. They always supported my decision; knowing that I was a smart girl and simply wanted me to be careful with him. They helped make me realize that what I was involved in was NOT okay. They knew it way before I did but until I had my "click", realizing that this is not healthy or worthwhile, I was going to stay in that relationship.

Thank god for my click.
I am the monster you created! I am the life that you hated! I am what you would like to destroy, now I am here to distress and annoy you! I am the ***** secret you wanted to bury. I am the thing that children find scary! I am the burden you have to carry. So why don't you admit that I am real and we can get on with learning how to deal with our co-existence as I torment your mind. I am your monster, I am your Frankenstein!
Hiding our demons is never a good thing. Facing the reality of our own truths is the only way to be free of our guilt.
I know you're gone
And you can't live on
But some nights i wonder
If you ever really left

I know you're there
And i know you can hear me
But every day i question
If you really still care

I know I miss you
And there's nothing i can do
But I keep wondering
If this was all a huge mistake

I know you love me
And that's plan to see
But I ask myself all the time
If you know what i know
That you were and are
Everything i would ever need
Your bright smile would truly brighten up any man's saddened lonely old heart as I feel saddened I look at your bright smile and suddenly my heart smiles for the first time ever my saddened heart smiles its your true beauty who has made my heart smile no other beautiful bright could ever cheer up my saddened heart your smile has truly touched my saddened lonely heart.
David P Carroll
His Saddened Heart
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