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 Sep 2014 marina
Erin Atkinson
                and I
      met today.
It started with a story
told by T:
      how she and him met;
and then I looked down
and there she was,
         in all her glory.

*Perennial evergreen,
              I am glad to know you.
 Sep 2014 marina
there are no clocks
in this room:
how do they
except me to know
when to leave
and when to stay
 Sep 2014 marina
 Sep 2014 marina
i am trying to
stay away from
this world today
because all it does
is wound me.
 Sep 2014 marina
 Sep 2014 marina
I wanted to hear the words echo and so I said them three times a day with a full mouth and a hungry ear: I love you.
and a hungry heart
 Sep 2014 marina
i don't think i've ever felt that my life was completely my own and i don't think i ever will. i am thrown off-guard by people who simply choose to live. mesmerized by people who throw themselves into their life, as if that is all they are here to do. mind-boggled by people who've never considered the possibility that their life may be bigger than their own, that it could be -- easily -- if they'd only let it. contentment is not in my vocabulary, it is not in my bones; i don't sing in the shower, i breathe.
 Sep 2014 marina
 Sep 2014 marina
I'll miss you till the sun breaks,
till the ground falls from my feet,
till the world ends, till I meet you again.

starting a saudade series, there will be more parts to this in time to come.
 Sep 2014 marina
Megan Grace
i just wanted to be a vine
growing up between your
lungs so that when you
breathed you would feel
me there. not like a
tightness, no, but simply
brushing on the very
edges of your laugh or
rough sentences.
We went on our second first date a year ago
and as much as I had wanted that round of
being together to stick, I'm so glad it didn't.
 Sep 2014 marina
Megan Grace
i feel less like
chunks of me
a r e     falling
into  the river
that i  so very
love.     thank
y  o  u    f  o  r
walking away
from what we
could    h a v e
b e e n.  i   a m
w o r t h   t h e
entire     s k y-
every   star  in
the milky way
-and   i f   you
couldn't   s e e
that  then  you
been   allowed
to    c a l l   me
y   o   u   r   s  .
 Sep 2014 marina
Megan Grace
occasionally i feel a
need to draw you,
to paint the veins in
your arms, to write
you into the margins
of other things i'm
working on. but i let
it sit, i let it stew just
on the edge of my
fingertips and pulsing
in the palm of my
hand until it is less
of an oncoming train
and more like a paper
plane on a playground.
i draw myself, i paint
myself, i write myself
into the margins instead.
bletting- (noun) the ripening of fruit,
especially of fruit stored until the
desired degree of softness is attained
 Sep 2014 marina
Megan Grace
 Sep 2014 marina
Megan Grace
lately i've been missing
you more than i can hold
in my hands. when is it
my turn to be okay?
Today was an especially hard day.
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