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Marieta Maglas Oct 2015
(Carla continued to talk with Pedro in their bedroom. Carla said,)

''I thought that our communion will change me in better, ''
''What changes can you make in your thoughts and actions? This subject Sickens me, '' ''Beatrice is like you and I'm gonna let her
Marry you; I intend to divorce; I feel like a reject.

(Carla continued,)

It's wise to end our loveless marriage, '' '' our home will change because
You choose to change it; you have a kind of self-confidence,
Which is not good while I feel your strong attraction to me,
And your possessiveness hurts me; do you see the consequence? ''

(Concluded Pedro. She replied,)

''Sometimes, you're too passive and melancholic, '' ''I'm depressed.
You created an air of mystery; you keep your secrets
Bottled up inside and hidden from me; '' ''I do my best.''
''You don't take responsibility though you have regrets.

(Pedro continued,)

You are patient, and you take yourself too seriously.''
''The first thing Beatrice wanted to do was to make
Our tension go along with our life; she loves you dangerously.
I had to overcome the conflicts hoping that you would awake.

(Carla continued,)

I did all my best while trying to balance everything
We've got to live a happy family life, '' ''you cannot
Maintain your emotional balance, '' '' well, love is all or nothing.''
To achieve stability, in all your charm I have been caught, ’’

(Pedro replied. Carla said,)

''The woman must have equal chances as the man has
To communicate with God; much more, she needs some education
To understand the experience of her man, whereas
The man must understand his wife; '' '' you dance over separation.

(Pedro continued,)

The result is a lack of harmony in our relationship
Affecting our communication and leading to this
Moral misery; I could see what happened on the ship
Between you and Miguel, '' ''what happened? '' '' Does he know how to kiss? ''

(Carla replied,)

''Bella's relationship with God was too intimate and quite
Strange motivating Miguel to have platonic relationships
With other women.'' He smiled, '' you're unfit to be his mate.
Bella was a decent wife not needing lovers on the ships.

(Pedro continued,)

The bride of Christ is a believer of the Christian Church.
Miguel suffered because she couldn't give birth to another
Child; he's your victim, and you must be ashamed at the smirch
Of flirting with other men in front of me; you're a mother!

(Pedro continued,)

She advised me to stop being ignorant, but I've told her that
For me, it was very important to make my personal
Dreams come true; '' '' those cures weakened her to fall down like a brat.''
''While playing the violin, she felt so emotional.''

(Carla replied,)

''Her arms were sensitized, and she felt the deep touch
Of the Medusa while being scared because she couldn't swim.''
''They didn't feel the danger though they loved each other so much, ''
''Maybe she wanted her own death, '' ''she was so graceful and slim.''

( be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Oct 2015
(The Governor has obtained the approval from England to allow Ivan to bring officially the gold to the Russian nun. Pedro and Carla started to talk in their bedroom.)

(Pedro said,)

''Your concern for life and health means more than the pleasure to have
Expensive jewelry; '' ''Can you explain the new conclusion
About our family future to me? '' '' Well, when glaciers calve,
They become slowly icebergs- nothing else but pure delusion.

(Pedro continued,)

Beatrice knows me better than you; with you I live
A lifetime of conservative thinking; '' ''make me understand
Your relationship with her, when you love and forgive.
Being catholic, you must give up your sins, at the Lord's Command.’’

(...said Carla. Pedro was seemingly not listening to her. He said,)

''I've visited New Spain to understand its reality.
I get back home to make the change; '' ''It seems that the Indian
People have changed your thinking; I predict a fatality.
It's just a different culture to be trapped in our oblivion.''

(Pedro said,)

''Life, in its essence, is guided by the same principles.''
''You could learn from the Turks as well as you have learned from
The Indians to keep your thinking invincible
At least, the Turks are civilized; I think their time will come.''

(Pedro replied,)

''The civilization is created; the Indians keep
Their unspoiled ideas far away from the vices of
The society; Turks always need their wonders on the deep
And some unique ideas coming from above

(Pedro continued,)

To change something in the evolutionary sense.
Though you have been in New Spain you couldn't concretely
Differentiate the old world from the new world and, thence
You couldn't understand Geraldine's origin; discretely

(Pedro continued,)

You cannot understand the fundamental meaning
Of the life change; this is the cause of our separation.
''I feel abandoned in our family; while educating
Our children you leave them to come back with a new conception.

(Carla continued,)

You're an individualist to fight against me; your fight
Is fierce and I feel like I'm thwarted and defeated
Until losing balance, until the devils mock my sight,
And until I can no longer resist while I need to be needed.

(Carla continued,)

That's why I got sick; '' '' Beatrice is, in fact, my life partner,
But I have to divide my time between her and our children.
It seems that my responsibility as a father
Made me turn back home and visit New Spain, which is bewildering.''

(Replied Pedro. Carla stopped talking for a few minutes, then she continued,)

''Bella said that no one can separate that oath that was made
In the Church and reinforced by a lifelong contract.
Miguel said that the marriage purpose is to get the highest grade
Of awareness to infer the consciousness abstract

(Carla continued,)

Meaning and to have a high moral identity.
The evolution of the moral conscience leads to developing
The moral identity, but we may call it, for brevity,
A concept of consciousness in the communion of feelings.’’

(Pedro said,)

''It seems that we have passed this moment, and therefore I want
To change, but in a different way from Descartes, who tried
To reconcile, using a dualistic way to get in sync,
The idealism with the materialism when they collide.

(Pedro continued,)

You have a dual concept of love and an internal
Contradiction between the spiritual love and the body
Sensibility; the pulse of your thinking depends on
Your soul moods; it should be vice versa; you love nobody.''

( be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Sep 2015
(Frederick was talking with Geraldine.
Frederick said,)

''My love for you will last forever; '' ''Our love must be strong
In this crowded emptiness of the wars around us.
You're a dreamer; '' ''I want to secure your life from wrong
And to do everything possible to make you be happy; thus,

(Frederick continued,)

I'll be sure that our child will grow up to discover his skills
And talents; '' ''He will be a successful man like you.
You're a good trader, but you take risks because you like these thrills.''
''I want to make money to buy a galley for my crew.

(Frederick continued,)

Spending less money than we make is essential to our
Financial security; '' '' We have the responsibility
To provide what is necessary for our life to grow in power.''
''To buy too many gowns and shoes you have an ability.

(Frederick continued,)

You've made this carrack be a luxury one before
Looking like a wreck; '' '' I wanted rich passengers to embark
On our ship; this way we could earn money; '' ''My dear, it's war,
But there is absolutely nothing wrong with this spark

(Frederick continued,)

Of interest as long as you don’t go overboard.
Keep this unnecessary spending to a minimum.
This employee holding multiple jobs is all we can afford.
I've spent all my money on this carrack, causing pandemonium.''

(Geraldine said,)

''For example, Maya is an excellent cooker and a healer
At the same time; '' my love for you is passionate and true.
I've married you without your parents' consent; I was a reeler
While not knowing if I could have a future together with you,

(Frederick continued,)

But I wanted this family; '' '' You were well aware
Of the ships' condition and progress, but you weren't conscious
Of the importance of a fire on this wooden ship; in despair,
You've spent the money for food and fuel without my consent.

(Geraldine continued,)

That money had been given by the passengers to embark.
Now, everything is gone; all remained is almost nothing.''
''I had to merchandise and resist the attacks; '' ''A strong remark!
I remember that you sold some jewelry to buy something.''

(Frederick replied,)

''I remember that I've tried to face your jealousy
Because I love you very much; I remember that I was
In danger and I had to go on and face our destiny
As nothing was happening; our hope is stuck underneath its claws

(Frederick continued,)

And I don’t remember if you took time out to support me
During any rather difficult day; you think like a slave
Lacking responsibility while you want to be
An Italian woman; '' '' I open my heart to crave

(Geraldine continued,)

That these slaves lack the ability to run their own lives
And are therefore happy with a system where their lives are run
By others; '' '' glad to know they're happy as husbands and wives.
There will be no slave to row on this ship under the sun.''

(Geraldine said,)

''Some of your sailors used much more freedom than I did, ''
''They were punished for what they did wrong; '' '' This latest mistake
Could lead us to death; '' ''I was caught in a trap, God forbid! ''
''You had no sailing experience; some dreamers must be awake.

(Geraldine continued,)

You trusted people too much and verified them too little.
''These pirates fight for a freedom that does not exist
While using all kinds of scams, while their life is a riddle,
While not being honest, and while hunting in the devil's mist.

(Frederick continued,)

The fight for an alleged brotherhood, equality,
And freedom promoted by these pirates is different
From any honest fight because they don't have dignity.
They destroy its ideal sense while being indifferent.’’

(Geraldine said,)

''Why do you say this? '' '' Some pirates accused me of supporting
A repressive policy against slavery while providing
Some groups with weapons and they still didn't stop annoying
Me because they wanted to know my secrets; my suffering

(Frederick continued,)

Fellows couldn't benefit from moral support; '' ''Tell me,
Some people like the aunt of Ivan could live better than
It was permissible; she had to pay bills; she wasn't free.''
''She didn't want to be enslaved, beaten and ***** by her man.

(Frederick continued,)

It seemed that this situation had been abnormal for her
Until she turned the idea upside down; she couldn't deal
With all her problems besides running away from the star
Of the poor voices; '' '' so contrary to her ideal

(Geraldine continued,)

Was the reality of Ivan's mother that she was
Ashamed to continue her life, although she loved Ivan
Very much; her dignity was destroyed; I suffer because
I left my mother to marry you; no friendship is better than

(Geraldine continued,)

The relationship between a mother and her daughter.
This is why I appreciate the friendship between
Francesca and Chiara; '' '' these things don't seem to matter
When Chiara is not sincere; what happened could have been foreseen.''

(Geraldine said,)

'' I think that Chiara tries to compensate the absence
Of the missing mother; both Chiara and Carla are strong
Women and I've learned a lot from them, because, in silence,
They suffered for saving their husbands they wanted to belong

(Geraldine continued,)

While protecting their children. My family must be as strong
As my parents taught me to be; '' ‘‘the women always say
They suffer in a marriage while being humble all lifelong,
But they want to prove that, without them, their men may go astray.''

(Fargo knocked at the door and gave them a letter, which was sent by the governor to inform them that the missing gold had been found.)

( be continued...)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Sep 2015
(Geraldine was talking with Frederick.
Geraldine said,)

''I think you need a new community to live; our marriage
Is, somehow, atypical; '' '' you're a paradox; you're afraid
Of the unknown, but these extremes are all you cherish.''
''Life on this ship is an extreme, where we cry to God for aid.''

Frederick said,

''I know the suffering you had endured after losing your
Father hindered your life, but if you want to start overcoming
Your fears, it's helpful to understand that this love can cure
Your woe; '' ''I need a family and this happiness becoming

Geraldine continued,

A part of my life; I want everything to be well done,
And therefore, to avoid the complications. You know me
Well as a husband and you're more responsible than anyone
I've met in my life; '' ''You need harmony, which helps you be

Frederick continued,

Dynamic enough to maintain a cheerful atmosphere
Around me even in extreme situations; you have
An instinct, a sense of premonition and, my dear,
Our child will be dreamy and pensive as you; Yahveh

Frederick continued,

Blessed this marriage; sometimes, it's hard to live with your irony
When you argue and try to influence my final decisions
While exploiting my weaknesses and my love; it's funny
That I'm heedless and confused by my own new illusions.

Frederick continued,

You pay attention very closely to everything that
Happens around us; '' ''I think we were a little unlucky
Because we've started this business with a few money, but
We ensured the protection of life though our ship broke down quickly.

Geraldine continued,

I appreciate that you value the life and pay for
The healing of the employees instead of replacing them.
You are sensitive and good and this is why I love you more.
The child reacts when you're near him; he plays a transparent game.

Geraldine continued,

You succeed precisely due to your dignity; your friends
Do not betray you, but help you a lot; '' ''I like the teamwork
Made of experienced friends, because friendship never ends.
I didn't experience sailing, but this issue I could burke.’’

Geraldine said,

''I think we couldn't avoid this implacable destiny.’’
‘’You must cease to believe in predictions and premonitions
And start to accept the consequence and its brevity
That follows from your reasoning when you want high positions.''

Frederick replied. Geraldine said,

''I start to get angry when someone is lying to me,
But, generally, I'm very much like Maya; '' ''You're quite
Skeptical while needing compelling arguments; to be
Like she means to accept yourself as you are without a fight.

Frederick continued,

You're dramatic and seductive because of your jealousy,
Which is unbearable because of your prejudices
That hurt me; '' ''I let my regret embrace your melancholy.
I flee from danger and complications; '' ''I'm not a Judas.

Replied Frederick.

You don't have the courage to change your life and you want me to
Make an effort to change the destiny of our family.
When you have to cope with bad situations, you prefer to go
Back to the life you had lived though it had meant agony.

Frederick continued,

You could be a victim of an abuse or of a forced marriage.
As a wife, you should respect some unwritten laws that were
Primitive and barbaric when your man looked to discourage.
You need this match, but you don't know the vintage it can confer.''

(…to be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Sep 2015
(Chiara kissed Francesca's forehead. She said,)

''Who would have hurt a pure, innocent soul as yours? '' ''You're more
Sensible than me; you're not like those women, who are
Apparently introverted because of hiding some core,
***** secrets; ’’ ‘‘the power of a mother's love no one can mar.''

(Francesca said,)

''I love you; thank you for accepting to be my mother.
Do you think Fargo is trustworthy? '' '' He didn't intend
To save Bella; more than this, I've talked with your father.
He said that Fargo's attitude proved that he was the pirates' friend.

(Chiara continued,)

It wasn't good to take with him some women to go into
An unknown zone without having the possibility to
Protect them; '' '' you've searched for anything appearing in view
While walking along the shore; '' ''I did what I had to do.''

(Francesca said,)

''I enjoyed painting while Bella was playing the violin.
Those sounds inspired me; I would have liked to have a sister
Like her; how old was her child when he died? '' ''That's where mares begin.
In an epidemic measles, this child was ill and left her.

(Chiara continued,)

They fled the war and have spent time in England; Bella
Didn't want to be saved; she couldn't have another child.
She lost hope after using the Hindu powers of chela.''
''On the shore, you helped me fight depression when you smiled.''

(Chiara said,)

Remaining on the shore was the only salvation.
If the fire had been extinguished, our husbands would have
Found us; '' '' I can't forget those moments of desperation.
Yet you have not betrayed Fargo' s secret; '' '' I believe in Yahve.

(Chiara continued,)

This was why I wanted to protect those accompanying
Him; I give you as much love as I have! '' ''I like this contrast
Between who you are and who you're suggesting you are; being
In this contrast is my desire; '' '' hope is engraved in the fights I've passed.''

(Francesca said,)

I loved my father too much because I had no other
Parent; I was afraid of losing him and I sacrificed
A lot; I would have been different if I had had a brother.
He married you to release me and gave me this advice

(Francesca continued,)

To start a new life; I think he wanted me to be happy,
But I couldn't be; I've missed my mother so much that I wanted
To die for the purpose of being with her; ’’ ‘‘you feel so ******,
But we're brought to death by this life which by Almighty is granted.''

(Chiara continued,)

Much sooner than we imagine, that final hour comes to us.
It can be excruciating, but we must accept this fate.
We're puppets in front of it acting as we know everything, thus
We know nothing; you were afraid of this sudden poorness, a gate

(Chiara continued,)

That could make you be catapulted to a lower social
Class, where you should marry a commoner; it was another
Motivation to accept this marriage that was crucial.''
''I was glad to know that my father loved you; there came the sequel.

(Francesca continued,)

I didn't want him to suffer; '' '' you pulled the boat while
Considering my age and the helplessness of Pedra.''
''I wanted to be sure that the boat is well hidden; smile!
Our life is like this slow balance of the moon called Libra.''

(Chiara embraced Francesca tightly while not understanding what was happening to herself.)
(Chiara said,)

''Let's sleep; it's late; before turning the lamp, check the documents
And lock the box of the values; tomorrow we go shopping
In Corfu Town before talking with the governor
To help us go home securely; '' he needs arguments.''

(Chiara also told Francesca how much to set aside for expenses explaining that she wanted the rest of the riches and the documents to be transported in some conditions of the maximum security. Chiara opened her medallion to show Francesca the portrait of Gregorio. A new thought sprouted in her mind.)

(…to be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Sep 2015
(Chiara continued,)

''It was based on the friendship between me and the mother.
I had done some business to multiply the wealth I had.
I had an illegitimate little son and rather
Than letting him be poor, I would make money, good or bad.''

(Francesca was surprised to find this terrible secret and questioned Chiara,)

'' Did my father know about this child? '' '' Of course he knew about him.''
''What's his name? '' '' His name is Gregorio.'' ''Where is his father? ''
'' I fell in love with a nobleman as a maid, '' her eyes grew dim,
''In his parents' house, I'd gotten pregnant; then, he asked his brother

(Chiara continued,)

To talk with their parents about our marriage, but they
Immediately arranged his marriage with a noble girl,
And I was fired; they hoped that my sighs would pass away
While giving me some land and money; my mind was in a whirl.

(Chiara continued,)

A wealthy farmer wanted to marry me, but I took
The money, and I ran to the town, '' ''What have you done there? ''
''I've worked as a laundrywoman. One day, in a wayside nook,
I've met a band of actors; I was hired to play and, my dear,

(Chiara continued,)

On another day, another nobleman asked me to be
His wife; I've married him, but I've lost him shortly after
The marriage; then, one thing remained above my fame and me.
''The money! '' ''The suffering! '' Then, she said, ''Oh, my dear daughter! ''

(Chiara embraced Francesca because Francesca started to cry.)

(Francesca said,)

''You were unlucky! You were more unfortunate than me.
''Why? '' '' For thou hast known some happiness and thou lost it.''
''I've tried to convince your father not to play; he didn't see
Love; that you were his whole family, he should admit.''

(Francesca replied,)

''He was aware of the relationships in the society,
But he was hardly able to understand the women.''
''He understood them, but he didn't believe them, in reality.''
'' Lucca had a positive influence on him; then,

(Francesca continued,)

Lucca tried to help him change his life while being so busy.''
''He was shocked when he was threatened by the pirates; '' ''He was
Very resigned; '' ''While lacking his pipe that made me dizzy.''
'' He was powerful, and he joked when he was nervous because

(Francesca continued,)

He wanted to be untouchable; he loved the things
Of value, which were rare and authentic; while appreciating
The arts he didn't want to be sensitized; '' ''when the heart sings,
Love sensitizes it; eccentric while depreciating

(Chiara continued,)

The limitations, he wanted to be your partner in life.''
''He had known that this trip carried a high risk, but he needed
This danger to control me; '' '' he protected you as a wife.
He was willing to pay for his life while being mistreated

(Chiara continued,)

And while thinking that the pirates wanted wealth; did you see
How did Quintus disappear? '' '' No! I appreciate that Lucca
Has not betrayed the state secrets; in death, he started to be
A hero needing the strength to block the sun as Garuda.''

(Chiara said,)

‘’My first husband had been Italian, but your father
Has been Spanish and I was proud when he asked me to be
His wife; '' Francesca hugged her, '' I consider you a mother.
Rosa said that you're a witch, but you're like an angel to me.''

(Chiara said,)

''Rosa was able to play to the extreme for her happiness
While putting her victims in the other extreme; '' ''I think
You have a wrong impression about her; '' '' her rose of success
Withered quickly; her death was creepy upon her existence's brink.

(Francesca began to cry. Chiara said.)

''Rosa didn't help me when Bella fell into the water.
I didn't know that Bella could not swim. When that jellyfish
Attacked her, she clenched her hand so hard that I couldn't help her
Any longer'' '' Rosa helped me; if I could have one great wish

(Francesca continued,)

I would love to be instead of Bella; when Fargo and
Geraldine boarded the boat, you unbalanced and pushed me.
If Rosa hadn't kept me tight, I would have been in
Bella's place; '' Chiara exclaimed, '' So lucky how could you be?

(Chiara continued,)

How did you feel it? '' ''What do you mean? '' ''When you've painted that
Jellyfish; '' '' Yeah, it was like a premonition; maybe
We had to listen to Fargo; it wasn't good, '' ''What? ''
''To be exposed ashore; the pirates could see us; '' '' you know me! ''

(Chiara said that she hadn't known about the pirates' existence.)

(…to be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
Marieta Maglas Sep 2015
(Chiara was talking to Francesca in their shared bedroom.)

Chiara said,

''I like to watch you painting while playing the piano.
We're both passionate about painting and music. I think this
Is why we like each other; '' '' you can sing the high soprano.''
''We shared this love of Arturo; as he died, so passed our bliss.''

Francesca replied,

'' What did you say about sharing? I was only his daughter.
''I loved him enormously; I wished to give birth to his
Girl; '' ''Your dream was like the image of a star in the water,
Because he wanted a boy, and you should be some kind of wiz

To give birth to his boy; '' ''All my valuable books about
New discoveries and religion burned on that carrack.''
''I'm sorry to hear that; I liked them; there is beyond all doubt
That our spiritual Eden is secured from the devil's attack.

Francesca continued,

I've thought of the book you had read as I've thought of a visual
Art form; that monk and that nun were in contact only by
Knowing God to get an equilibrium; that biblical
Space was like a ship never sinking, where the people didn't die.''

Chiara replied,

''I've tried to understand God; we must be pure to meet Him.''
''They are educated through prayers to love God and to
Maintain their virginity; I thought that love was for a whim,
When it was based on attraction, not for a marriage; '' ''It's true.''

'' Love must be rational to develop over time while
Finding fulfillment in being a mother; '' '' These mothers
Are devoted givers; there's a lot of bliss in their smile.''
''A husband must love his wife very much; '' '' Closer than brothers,

The man and the woman in togetherness must live,
But no love can save you if you do not want to be saved.
I think you run into the art's world your mother's death to forgive.''
''If my dad had really loved her, she would not have died.''

'' Your thinking is totally wrong; your father was not
Orpheus to save her from her inferno of life.
She didn't accept her human condition; he loved her allot.
You're like your mother while denying everything in this strife

With your fate; Lucca made a mistake when he married you.''
'' Indeed, I did not feel free. Maybe it is because I was
Forced to marry him while my sufferings were painted new.
Why was Lucca talking with Ivan? '' '' I tell you why, it was because

Chiara continued,

Ivan was released from the position of a serf.''
‘‘Lucca wanted to know the mindset of the exploited class.''
''As a diplomat, while walking down the end of the Athens wharf,
Lucca studied Ivan to know if he was cruel or crass.

Chiara continued,

As a wealthy man with a political power,
A decision-making capacity and some business skills
To avoid some complications he had a desire.''
'' He had charming manners and talked concisely about rents and bills.''

Chiara replied,

'' All his life he had worked to increase his wealth and to make
A career in diplomacy; this is why he was forty
Years old when he asked you to be his wife; he wanted to take
Care of us; he paid your father's remaining debt payments

And this trip while wanting the stability of our family.
And how did you reward him while rejecting him
Or being cold as an ice when not doin' what comes naturally.''
''Chiara, he needed a positive image; '' '' your tears are dim.''

Francesca continued,

'' He took time to know his new family away from any
Social obligations; '' ''your father needed a groom like him.''
''Why? '' '' Because he had lived with his memories, much and many.
Der Eyck’s instrument is not new; his memory was slim.

He took refuge in the game world of the cards and destroyed
His property; '' '' But those who played with him were your friends; why
Didn't you save him? '' ''I couldn't do anything; to avoid
This misfortune was impossible; your love will set awry

If I tell you a secret I hide for fear of hurting you.''
Chiara's eyes gave Francesca a real scare, '' I know he was ill.''
''Your father didn't love you as you thought; '' ''How can this be true?
''He didn't care of you while passionately playing cards till

Chiara continued,

He lost his fortune and wanted to commit the suicide.
Do you realize that we could live as poor women
While lacking any support and having nightmares inside?
I've told your father about Lucca; he sent me to you then.

Lucca was the son of my friend and she told me her little
Secret; I thought Lucca would help consolidate the debt
Of your father with a loan, but his intention was a riddle.
I had to convince you to marry this man; a roulette

Was your entire father's life; all I could do was to listen
To my husband; the gold was more important to him than
You have ever been; '' ''Before the neighbors could find what was missin'
I had to marry; but when my father was rich, he had

Many relationships, he could borrow from one of his friends.''
''Dear, his relations have deteriorated because he was
No longer a reliable man; '' '' friendship never ends.
Why did Lucca want to marry me? '' '''He trusted my word; applause! ''

(Francesca started to cry. She had a conscience. Chiara was her benefactress.)

(…To be continued…)

Poem by Marieta Maglas
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