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I want what I don't have
and have what I don't want

I thought I had what I wanted
But that was just a haunt

A glimpse of what could have been
But was no more than appease

He was only what I made him
Not true,  that of a thieve

I speak not of just one
As they all  seem  quite the same

Tugging at my insecurities
Heart, left full of strain

I've given up so much of me
I don't know what is left

But I want, what i want, ******
so much I'm left bereft

I always thought I'd find 'the one'
The Ying to match my Yang

The one that would set my heart free
Relinquish  the tender pang

Yet all I get is heartbreak
With the exception of this one

But it is just a matter of time
Before he says he's finally done

I pick the ones that are temporary,
Believing I don't deserve

Helping them get on their feet
For that I'm good, and serve

But for me, I lie alone at night
Wishing to be loved

The Master of this game I play
Winner!! Winning none
Want desire haunt issues deep love not lost hopeless
The nomadic mind
seeks treasures
in the places forgotten
by others
tracing the lost path
under the debris of neglect
these eyes see
what the world neglected
the wandering
has brought me to solitude
where this place can give
I am not lost wandering
There is an old adage - I'm sure you've heard it - that life without movement is death.

today I feel the truth of it
somewhere between my sternum and my spine
as I sit here
the parade of life rushing by
in a distinct effort
to leave me
and all I can think
all I can hear
all I can know

*"I am most certainly dying."
 Nov 2014 Mariana Ley Johnson
i am healthy
i am happy
i am full of energy
so strong
like a ship
and the storms that come to me
are just like slight wind
nothing can wreck me
and i believe
i am beautiful
no matter what they say to me
i am the butterfly, i am the phoenix, i am the sky
i am the universe
you all live inside me
i am unique
i am irreplaceable
such a gem i am
so special
i shine bright
my smile is sunshine
my eyes have moonlight
my heart is a home for everyone
my soul is sea tides
my brain hates ignorance
i am witty
and so funny
i am now telling
the joke of the day
not yet finished
all audiences gone
they do not understand
this is the real comedy
really, i really have no sense
of others' sense of humor
When I look at you, I see a wall:
A wary way of walking through the world,
hands pushed deep into your pockets,
keeping them safe from other hands.
Your laughter comes only controlled,
even smiles sometimes shielded
during our careful conversation
that’s calculated before it clears the air,
sentences screened for slips of the tongue,
holding back secrets that sit in your silences
when I ask the questions you can’t answer.

Whoever took that hammer to your heart
has this hard shell to answer for,
this barrier built on top of broken trust,
a mountain I am not strong enough to move
so instead I choose to love you from the outside in,
drumming on the door of this fortress you made
when someone made a fool of you.
May this love make such music that one day
you find yourself holding my hands
as we dance to it, laughing, talking, smiling, free.
I didn't want you here, but I didn't want you gone
Time spent alone proves there's still something wrong
And if you came back, I don't know what I'd do
Probably feel like I had something to prove
About how much I've changed, and how you've stayed the same:
Miserable, lonely, misguided, and still playing me like a game
You're everything I don't want to be, so why do I still dream about you?
My name used to be something you often drew
On a napkin at work in big graffiti letters, when you were bored
But only sometimes did you find me worthy to adore
Other times, I was broken, beat down, and mistreated
You left this all to me.

You couldn't handle the monster you'd created.

— The End —