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 Jul 2014 Margaret
 Jul 2014 Margaret
i had a friend once,
and she taught me
not to say "i love you too,"
because it sounds false and inauthentic,
and little white lies are worse than the cold, hard

i had a friend once,
and she taught me
that you don't have to do anything;
it's simply a matter of whether you should
or shouldn't.

i had a friend once,
and she lived in a small, boring town
with small boring people.

i had a friend once,
and she was not a small, boring person.

i had a friend once,
and she hated herself,
every last inch of her,
but she still always knew
how to make me smile.

i had a friend once,
and she would always reference books
or music
or movies,
because to her,
the real world just wasn't as appealing.

i had a friend once,
and i left her.

she stayed.

she waited.

i'm sure her hope wavered at times,
but she waited still.

and i came back,
only to leave again.

she didn't stick around this time, though.

so, you see,
i had a friend once,
and she taught me
to think deeply,
to live freely,
and to love truly.

i had a friend once.

she's gone now.

so easy to be  
turned on, slow to be turned off  
simmer the moment

A woman is so hard to please

When simmering love
crooked the burner to high
a women in bed

let's not  discuss it
now , timing is  everything
  after  the  big one
A body like mine
static flexing abs like yours
performance matters
 Jul 2014 Margaret
cents spent
two sense
borrowed meant
a presence
or a present
my bent
sixth sense
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Andrew Durst
staying up
five a.m
with an
to be a
My 200th post goes to my friends. Wrote this on 5/26/14. A fun night.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
The hardest thing I've ever
had to remember to do
If love is in the air,
I must not be breathing,
If love is in the eye of the beholder,
No one is looking at me,
If all is fair in love and war,
I have no battle to lose,
If there's a brighter tomorrow with everyday,
I am stuck in the past,
If the spark is gone,
I've never been there,
If it's love,
I'm not in it.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Koi Nagata
Cherry blossoms.
Working in the paddy
We see all their stamens.
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