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The night fills the air like a dark summer's cloud
Riding on billows of wind
Screams of anger spoken so loud
That can't be returned again

Hearts break in two like pieces of glass
Shattered and easily torn
With edges that cut with precision and crass
Bleeding and seething in mourn

Walking away you left me to bleed
With tears falling down like rain
Crushing my soul and not taking heed
Of my gripping sorrow and pain
Oh, evil clock
  you are my truest enemy;
    your twisted hands
      taunting me

Why do you hate me?
If only I could forget you!
  Let you go for just
    one second...
  Yet then, alas,
    oh clever foe,
  You have me again.

From your evil clutches
  there is no escape.
For even in a moment's reprieve,
  I reminiss, and
    then, suddenly,
  the moment measured,
    I lose again.

You stand proud upon the wall,
  Oh evil clock,
    And I can only pray...
The day shall come
When I have won,
  By counting, instead,
    My beating heart,
Above the sound
  Oh evil clock
    of your two slaves...
  Tic + Toc.
This is your
road. It has always
been here waiting for
you. You're welcome to
begin this journey whenever
you're ready. There are certain
principles that you must remember,
however, to truly understand this journey.
First, know that you chose this road before ever
you came upon it. This is your path, and your path
alone. No one else can tell you how best to tread this
path. That is impossible. It is not their path. They know
nothing of this road -- Your Road. It is up to you to read the
signs and find your own way. Do not be afraid. It's an adventure!
You can't slip up. You can't ***** up. That's just not how it works...
Let go of your fear. Stop living your life in hiding, running away from
the things that scare you. Instead, live in search of the things you LOVE.
Love will always carry you home. Love will teach you all you need to know.
Love is your streetlight. Let it guide your footing. Follow the Light, your Heart,
your Soul. They are one and the same. And as you do this, very soon you'll see,
the further you go down the road, the closer you get to your Self. Closer to YOU.

You start to learn who you truly are.
In a sense, you remember.
This epiphany will shake your life to the core.
You discover that You Are Perfect.
Embrace who You Are.
Love who You Are.
Become who You Are.
This is your number one vocation.
There is no higher calling.

For from within, from who you are,
This world shall be changed,
Your life will ignite,
Your purpose laid before you...

Become whole.
Become Love in motion.
Become YOU.
Sometimes your heart needs to be broken
So you can see what's underneath,
To the flicker and flame of your soul
That you've always been destined to meet.

Sometimes your spirit shines brighter
Through the glimmering light of your tears,
And when you arrive at the end of it all
Love will outshine the darkest of years
find me on facebook at  OR  email me at  to let me know what you think of my work! :)
Silence is not keeping quiet
because you have nothing
to say...

Silence is having a lot
to say but no desire
to speak...
 Oct 2014 Margaret Austin Go
is it not a shame
for the kindest ones around
to feel the most pain?
 Oct 2014 Margaret Austin Go
do you know what it feels like
not to belong?

the mind is aching,
searching for a place
to call home,
where you get tucked in at night
and finally get some sleep

a place
to feel free,
where you can dance in the rain
and laugh in the pale moonlight

but the thing you refuse
to believe

you reject
in the depths of your heart

is the search
will never stop.
anyone relates?
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