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My first flight was a fancy funny dream cream delight,
Of crafty wings swinging in thrifty winds of daylight,
Propelled by pilots cocooned in the cozy cockpit,
For a grand take off, of the roaring and rising craft.

I was spotted and seated by a dainty bounty beauty,
Beckoning me to buckle up for reckoning safety,
With slippery smiles from her clipping rosy lips,
After brisk demo for self -help on risk rescue tips.

Skiing wings nosed up plush and puffy heights,
And up and up I went and gazed through vent,
As basking clouds shone in tender light and heat,
Flight floated on velvet carpet glowing silver white.

The sailing swan in sky moved in majestic style,
Eased and caused nagging nap of lull and pull,
Her long and lavish belly hosting high fly guests,
Rays and rain gifted a colorful bow to the far west.

The queen in quest lensed on landing scene of the city,
Focused on the crown of castles of unseen beauty,
Trespassed vibrant greenery and scenery, hills and hillocks,
Rivers and rivulets, flora and fauna in all mix and make,

The mettle of men and machine did its marvel in travel,
As the veiled wheels unveiled and wielded to safe land,
The metal bird grounded on a grand ground around,
And rejoiced rousing reception of the curious crowd.
 Feb 2015 Manonsi
Mara W Kayh
I'll never forget the way you looked
As you stood with your back to me
No defenses - no walls
Painting with such care
And so much love
as I peaked through the French doors.
You didn't hear me
as I opened the door
Because you have chosen to exit the world
First by losing interest in hearing
And then in forgetting short term nonsense,
Preferring to live in the glorious past..
You were painting for me,
My once most picture perfect Mother.

Now with hat and shorts and torn shirt,
and not giving a care in the world
For how you appear
And I could see, in that moment,
Your immense love for me
And I knew it was there from the very beginning,
And that despite scars of our
mythical mother daughter battles,
it would never be lost
Or ever forgotten
And my heart broke
For the millionth time
Into millions of Pieces
For I understood then
That love between mother and daughter
is greater than
Time and life Itself.
My 85 year old mother was finishing a painting for me today..I was leaving her for my now not so new life in another country. I peaked into her studio, unnoticed, and saw her, at her most benign and least imposing..,she was unaware of my presence and the love I saw her putting into the painting left my heart shattered.
 Feb 2015 Manonsi
Witch's Brew
 Feb 2015 Manonsi
       o    (              (             (                  
O   )     (                      )        
            )                (      o
    (              (      (                       O  
   )     o              )   O       )        o
(    O              (     o      (         ) 
)    o                              )    (
**make me a cauldron of a witch's
brew•let it bubble and boil...;
simmer and stew• allow the con-
coction to churn•feed it with raw an-
guish and spiteful spurn•whisper my wi-
shes into shady ingredients•scatter them in
to render it potent•stir it wild...with an iron
ladle with a wooden haft•raucous incanta-
tions of a long forgotten craft• give
me a vial of the witch's brew•let it
**** me or grant me the gifts
promised in lieu•
 Feb 2015 Manonsi
She Said...
 Feb 2015 Manonsi
**Crushes and••
Are but tricks••
played by••••
the heart.••••
of love••••
That could••
tear you apart.••
Though you•••••
look to•••••••••••
The light of day.••••••
Listen carefully••••••••
To what I'm about to say.•••
I may be the one••••••••••
Who'd grace your thoughts••••
all day and night.•••••••••••••
But I implore you•••••••••••••••
to look past tomorrow••••••••••••••
Into the future that's out of sight.•••••••
You are ready to carve••••••••••••••••
Ever so recklessly,••••••••••••••••••
In your heart and thoughts•••••••
And in the words•••••••••
of your poetry.••••••••
But know that•••••••
These sweet nothings•
you chose to lay,•••••
Right now are•••••••
mere words••••••••••
With the intention•••••••
to sway.••••••••••••••••••
I feel the urge•••••••••••••••
To painfully declare.••••••••••
I feel the need••••••••••••••
To tell you what••••••••••
I've longed to bare.••••
That I'm not•••••••••••••
remotely interested,•••••••••
Nor am I taken in.•••••••••••
For your words•••••••••••••
have gone around••••••••••
I know where•••••••••
they've been...••••••
Should've revised••
your material•••••
Before trying•••••
on another...•••••
Because you••••
had conveyed••
the same•••••
to my sister!
Oh snap!

Best viewed on Apple iOS.
 Feb 2015 Manonsi
 Feb 2015 Manonsi
Her exterior showed defense
Allowing only the boldest to get close
An example of fear
Representing weathered
With a side of independence

So I bit into her pain
To find life inside her hollow
Water waiting to be swallowed
She is a savior in a barren desert
Waiting to give the right man life
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