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Lior Gavra
My new book, "BitterSweet," has hit #1 New Release on Amazon's Best Sellers List, I hope you can grab a copy! Sample stories in the …
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
Pune    An engineer by chance, I have always loved to write. Writing makes me look beyond the visible.
Natalia mushara
From Boston   
E Damaris
Jay Ash
South Africa    I don't really know.
Musfiq us shaleheen
47/M/Dhaka, Bangladesh    Love is for yours Love is for mine And we are for each other. @ Musfiq us shaleheen I have bided you, in the center …
Marium Iqbal
18/F/New Jersey    Life goes on. Whether you want it to, or not. It just keeps moving forward.
brandon nagley
Ohio,USA..    You can find me on Facebook Brandon Nagley Also on YouTube as Brandon nagley I speak prophecy news on my YouTube channel that matches biblically. …
A writer and an artist. A musician as well. In need of a Savior, I was just a shell. I was a heavy drinker. Alcoholic, …
M/Dallas    Amongst the hobos and the stars. Living in the land of cars. I write my words when I've been drinking, spent my night out at …
Dhaka    Stay happy ....Believe in All Mighty Creator ...
Connecticut    Imagination; where stories are born and bred.
NYC    Concrete poetry.
Marieta Maglas
New York, New York    Doctoral candidate at Columbia University
Nat Lipstadt
M/nyc    is this a poem, a cri de coeur, a confession - or a poetpourri of history of a journey tween naissance and
Jillyan Adams
England    feminist/pagan/17 into reading, writing, poetry, philosophy, psychology and nature
Anderson M

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