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  Jun 2015 Riptide
Irving MacPherson
You're my only hope
I need you near
I'm in Deaths scope
It's the end I fear
  Jun 2015 Riptide
Kristine Jensen
i am slowly learning
that some people are
not good for me,
no matter how much
I love them.
- dige om "den fortabte kærlighed til en efterskoleven"
  Jun 2015 Riptide
I am one of the biggest hypocrites I know
I'm one of those, "Do as I say, not as I do" kind of person
I will feed people my advice
And do the exact opposite
“Love yourself”
“Be your first priority”
“Never settle”
All of these things I say should be done
Yet I can’t do it myself
Here I am, trying to fix people
When I am broken as well
I try to show people the beauty of the world, when a majority of the time
I see it as a dark place.
I focus on trying to make people happy, hoping it will bring me peace
Here I am, trying to help others when I can’t help myself
Trying to pick others up when my world crumbling
Right in front of my eyes
  Jun 2015 Riptide
South by Southwest
Man asks questions
Therefore he thinks that he exists

No other animal asks questions
Therefore they do not exist

Existence is the question
That no one has the answer to .

God gave us the ability to ask questions
Let's not question our ability to answer too .
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