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 Nov 2020 Gerardo Reyes
Highlight my bruises.
Illuminate Hidden confessions;

Like petals;
I roam from wonder to another
Yet Swiftly
I vanish.
Jesus loves You, accept this Love open-handed always.

Jesus loves You , and He always wants to keep blessing you.

Jesus loves You, so smile my friend and feel the Great Joy.

Jesus loves You, and you shall feel it deep within your heart.

Jesus loves You, more than you could ever hope for Friend.

Jesus loves You, and wants you to be by His side forever.

Jesus loves You, and wants to share with you His salvation.
 Feb 2019 Gerardo Reyes
 Feb 2019 Gerardo Reyes
We all negotiate this precipice
In a file towards the same.

Some walk, some tiptoe.
We do it in our own way.

We all roll the dice.
We all progress different,
when we play this game.

But in the end we’d be together...
Sharing the ground we shall sparsely lay.
Sweet Butterfly, with wings now dry 'tis time to break away
and light upon the leaves of dawn while weeping willows sway,
not reminisce 'bout chrysalis discarded yesterday,
but treasure life, with colors rife in nature's cabaret.

Sweet Butterfly, you sometimes sigh "terrene so strange and new”,
but take a chance, with winged expanse of fairy-like bijou,
to taste delight in random flight, to drift beyond the blue
and then collect her naked nectar, sipped in morning dew.

Sweet Butterfly, you question why the breeze is seldom soft
when swirling you, your wings askew, while floating free aloft.
Some seem to find their peace of mind believing gods have coughed,
but others, downed, have often found more freedom when they've scoffed.

Sweet Butterfly, you needn't cry, the fields are full of clover,
and meadowlands bare braided strands that winds in waves flow over -
but if you fear that, more than here, another mead is mauver,
just flutter by, beneath the sky, unfettered flitting rover.

Sweet Butterfly, farewell, goodbye, you've left this world behind.
I oft gaze back along the track of flowers that you've mined
recalling days of light sashays and movements unconfined
that complement the firmament where beauty lies enshrined.
Is this it?

The sight of a finish line,
despite all those nights sipping wine,
coming closer.
Has anyone ever kept running even after the race was over?

Is this it?

Echoing in the back of my mind:
hushed denials with each squeezing embrace
Every option leading to a bitter after taste
So I leave these aching memories with haste.

Is this it?

My frustration escaped through exhaled sighs
While you place your hands on my trembling thighs.
Blue, deeper than the ocean, colored our sad faces
Because a orange dream was about to reach its demise.

Is this it?

My heart tries to argue: "It cannot be.
For every end is a new beginning
With a twist of fate's hand, something has to be brewing.
Perhaps lead us back to what was once felt that was lost as of late.
History repeats, a wise folk has once told me, make that brave leap and just keep faith.

Is this it?

Meet me again.
After you close your eyes, please I implore, count to ten.
Drift into a dream and meet me there
Until one day you don't have to close your eyes.
One day we will be nose to nose under the same
orange skies.

— The End —