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In this darkened interlude
of earth and sky
and its kaleidoscope of light
I see the irony

there’s comfort in the handprint of man
but none in the icy coldness
of the void beyond
where its suns shed no warmth

are our feelings only pasted
within the thinness of our earthly envelope
where raindrops birth and drop
and wash them all away

what worth has our ambition
our quest for brief bits of truth
when we perish in a wink of fate
and descendants know us not
when I view the starry sky
I see no godly guy
I see random scatter
and hidden matter

no evidence of intelligent design
just cold mindless blind
a nuclear stew
a violent brew

don’t mention the big bang
could be there's parallel gang
universes that always were
not requiring an initial stir

man will never last
to fully explore the vast
to understand it all
or explain it in human scrawl
Oh bountiful joy tumble down.
Cascade to my heart
and roil up my soul.
Fill me to the perimiter
and strain me to burst.

I know you are ephemeral
and may never come again
so know that I’ll relish you like the firefly you are.
Sulfur yellow a watery burn
Created in an alchemist's urn.
Water feeds fire as both evolve--
The formula of hates resolve.

You waver rights to be treated fair
Like Sampson selling locks of hair
Or selling age to a 95 year old--
Sheep follow only to die in
their fold.

Fiery seas begin as a rift
Water being the only gift.
But nothing, nothing is ever
once transmuted into this sea.

But logs do drift and beaches
All that gave this sea its name.
©2024 Daniel Irwin Tucker
Upon singed wings i flew
Out of a blackened sky
Into a world brand new
Sailing on healing wings.

Viewing eternal through
Filters of life and spirit
A somewhat darker hue
Compared to what's in store!

This light filled my eyes
As it gently blinded me.
Burned off thick scales of lies
As I began to clearly see

We are spirit's with bodies
Not the other way around--
Subject to carnal folly
Diseases of pleasure & pain.

Perception gauging flow
In mind's clockwork askew
Neutralizing eternal spiritual
Validating only temporal.
©2024 Daniel Irwin Tucker

The continuing development of the inner world arising to restore that which was lost in a lost world.
Closed For Repairs

       Well I put myself out there
I decided to take a chance
When I climbed the tree of life, I guess
I came to rest on the weakest branch

They said I’d never find love
If I kept to myself and kept so reserved
They said to open up and I would
Find love and get what I deserved

So I found myself a beautiful woman
I opened up and let her inside
I felt free and comfortable and
There was nothing I tried to hide

I was flying high on the wings of love
I learned what it was like to fall
Now the pain is unbearable and I know
It’s something I never wish to recall

She broke my heart and the damage is
Severe and there’s no pain that compares
So now I’ll just hide away in my safe place
And this heart will be Closed For Repairs

Written By:Charles Kean
She's a cutie, yessiree
If I was single
And she was free,
I might propose
A rendezvous,
I'm sure there's something
We could do.

But then I left
Before we could,
Was that bad or
Was that good?,
I don't know
But it was fun,
To imagine things
We never done.

In the future
I might repeat,
This kind of thing
Is simple and neat,
Flirt a little
And laugh a lot,
‘Tis an exercise
That ends with naught.
An anonymous name
On a platform of minions,
I like it that way
I care not about opinions,
I'm not socially adept
I don't seek your approval,
I think that I'm harmless
So I don't need removal.

I can't paint pretty pictures
Make gifs or do coding,
I can operate the mouse
And occasional downloading,
But I know how to type
And run a good rhyme,
So I can spout my opinions
Any old time.
The poem that you write, that's such a delight,
         in the middle of the night,
             Seems, to lite, and so less bright,
                             in the daylight.
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