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Kyra Nov 2014
[Sleep]* seems like a pushing thought of wanting it more than
what it really [is]
I'm [nonexistent] and hopeless of keeping my eyes shut
And the days pass [without] what I want
Is it sleep that I want or is it [you] who I want?

[But] I have a stirring question rising
It's making my '[do] or sit to the side' list
And [you] are making to the top of it
But perhaps my [sleep] schedule will set this question off to the side
because I don't love you *
I honestly don't know, but I miss you.
  Nov 2014 Kyra
Dr Strange
The ability to write poetry is the ability to understand life
To know it's not always about being the best
That it's not always about who can do what
Poetry is emotion
It is the silent words that lurk in our minds
It is our unsaid weaknesses exploited to their full potential
Which then makes it our strengths
It is the bridge that connects us to the mortal world
It is the proof that we are human
That we can cry
That we can laugh
That we can have remorse...
To us poet it is so much then just words on a piece of paper
It is our heart and our pride
As poets we all have our reasons why we write
Because we all come from our different backgrounds
Some of us have lost sight of the light
Other bath in it
There are even some who sit upon the border because they can't make up their mind
But as poets we all have one thing in common
We write because we are not immortal
We write because poetry is our life
We write because  poetry is our hope
And if we didn't have it we'd all be in a different place
Most likely a place beyond darkness
Even if the reason we write is joy
What's the point of being happy if everyone else is not
So we write to share
That's what it means to be a poet
Kyra Nov 2014
I loved him
I loved you
I loved myself

Past tense makes me sadder than I once was
Because loving myself was once an easy thing
Now it's merely just a thought
Kyra Nov 2014
I loved you but I got carried away
But it all started out with an 'oh hey!'

He's not like the others
He knows how to cover
what he has stored inside him

Bursting with personality
Soaring for something greater

But he's got issues
greater than the Empire State Building

Scars with too many stories
that even a nanny wouldn't be able to have time to read them all

He's lovely
oh my indeed he is

But as I begged for him to stay
with tears in my eyes
wanting nothing more
than his comfort

All he could say was,
"Oh man,"
Kyra Nov 2014
I'm drowning senselessly
while you're falling in love endlessly  

Was it something I did
or was it something [she] said

What [changed] your mind
or was there something more to her than there was to me

I'm nothing special
and I hate calling myself fragile
but my weakness is [you] not loving me back

[And] here I lay in my bed
wondering if [I] could have done anything different
but there's nothing to solve in this head of mine

Because we don't meet eye to eye
and we [can't] go back now
Times have [change]
and so have [you]

I wish I can just go [back]
to when things were just normal
Kyra Nov 2014
You were my something
and now I feel absolutely nothing

I hate your **** mix match socks
that made no sense
but still ******* the jocks

Remembering the way your eyes lay on me
makes me hate you more
because you knew what you were doing

Your jawline was promising
but your love for me
was nothing but an awful whim
because you were looking for something to heal the pain

I'm not medicine
but funny how you used me like a drug

& now, you're on to your next addiction
while you left me abused
just like any other addiction
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