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 Apr 2017 Livvy
Aaron LaLux
Up Into Blackness

Let me fall up into your Blackness,
allow me this liberation,
no need to remind me of outside distractions,
let us trust us,

see Time will not be reasoned with,
and Death is holding us ransom,
so set sail with me into uncharted oceans,
let’s take this moment while we have it,

I’ll let you fall up into my Blackness,
allowing you this liberation,
no need to remind you of outside distractions,
let us trust us,

see Time will not be reasoned with,
and Death is holding us ransom,
so set sail with me into uncharted oceans,
let’s take this moment while we have it…

∆ Aaron La Lux ∆
 Apr 2017 Livvy
Pagan Paul
And from a golden thread
hangs a gilded cage with filigree.
Waiting for a little bird
to sing a sweet soliloquy.

In your heart this gilded cage
is kept under lock and key.
Waiting for a heartache's tears
to sing a sweet soliloquy.

Be proud little bird and sing
from your cage so eloquently.
Waiting for a lovers kiss
to sing a sweet soliloquy.

© Pagan Paul (2016/2017)
 Apr 2017 Livvy
Messy love,
is there any other kind?
Lives entangled, untidy lives
bringing together
all the sins of the past
and questions of the future,
grief and wounds,
trinkets wrapped
in tissue paper
yellowed by the years,
orchids pressed flat
and brown in cellophane,
trunks full of dim memories,
outgrown dreams,
and crumpled hopes
packed away and kept
like worn out clothes,
with faces familiar
yet unclear
as in a dream
gathered in piles to be burned.

Before the match is struck,
as if worth an equal pile of gold
and clung to
an eyeless doll.

— The End —