Her gaze where utopia is reality took him to journey into the world of souls and fields of virginal innocence to renew his spiritual memory and memories of her.
Her scent like daybreak of heaven is the promise of idyll and sphere of sturdast.
Her touch is liberation from villainous demons of fears, insecurities and delusions of his past lives.
Her kiss like revelation of harmony and loveliness of the universe evoked lost particles of his soul to live life dancing on wings of forgiveness in the outer space with full moon after losing sense in the midst of deadly kisses of other women to appreciate immortality of her lips breathing for him.
He wanted to light stars in her heart but gave her hell fires desiring days and nights of lost womb calling it destiny and not listening of silent whispers between her words.
Now, he is arguing with himself about her.
Now, he is arguing with God asking of cosmic consciousness to unite separated hearts and souls.
Now, he is giving everything up to Universe knowing that time heals wounds.
Now, he is begging for humility to apologize for his sins she dispersed by her bright presence in his lunar thoughs.
She is intoxicating wine in his veins calling her back home.
She is intense, caressing redness of his prayers kissing her starry hair with invisible touch in her dreams to make her feel safe.
She is music unknown to any instrument heard only by senses of his soul to escape the grayness, flatness and prose of life. He is her pure, rapt sound.
She inspired him giving thanks for the sun, soft slippers and taste of tea.
She is conscious energy compensating his incarnations with lilac garden on the moon cherished by angels.
He made her hopes cold like snowy storm to bring her bouquet of springs.
He starts and finishes every prayer with her name.