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Grant Horst
Wisconsin    A kid in search of a land free of worry I'm a student who recently got interested in this writing stuff, started mainly as a …
Callum Hutchings
22/M/Nottingham, United Kingdo    © All work here is the original property of Siththa
Makenzie Marie
23/F/Pocatello, Idaho    Hope is a flame that cannot be quenched. So am I.
Vampyre Kato
25/M/In My Vampyre Heart    KATO VK SOUL SO DEEEP (480) 697 0589 Ashes On Roses
I'm Not Worth Your Time
Jack Thompson
Australia    I'm full of sensitivity and insensitivity. I'm flawlessly broken.
The Last Wordsmith
New Zealand    Nothing but a list of my failures, and suicidal thoughts I should have acted on
Gun Boy
A sick world    we stop looking under the bed for monsters when we know that the real monsters are within us.
Andrew Switzer Stoned Ferret
Nicole Ashley
F/New Mexico    I refuse to sink because I don't know how to swim
Colten White
Nebraska    philocalist
31/F/Michigan    It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. - E.E. Cummings
I hope you like my poems and stories. Thank you for taking the time to read. I'm just an average girl who wants to tell …
Joshua Haines
26/M/Father, Husband, Writer    Wear a mask.
melodie foley
Chicago    As long as I can make stories out of my heartbreak, and beauty out of sorrow ig: mel0dierose
29/F/Canada    My poetry reflects events that are happening to me at that very moment/day. I apologize for how depressing my poetry is, it is just an …
damsel in distress
17/F/Dreamland    Some days my poems are sadder than I am.
kyle Shirley
25/M/Kalamazoo    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."
alexis hill
28/F/New York    photojournalist. freelance writer. poet. "Poet- it is your job to tell your story. To put onto paper what others cannot express. Feel. WRITE" (Kevin Coval). …

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