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Lior Gavra
My new book, "BitterSweet," has hit #1 New Release on Amazon's Best Sellers List, I hope you can grab a copy! Sample stories in the …
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
follow the wind and the tunes will carry you.
Stan Gichuki
Andrew Tinkham
Jekk Mickale H Paderes
Philippines    He is the poet. By the way, I am just His writer. —-██—— Put this on —-██—— your profile ██████—if you’re not -—██—— embarrassed —-██—— …
Ellie May
22/Gender Nonconforming/South Africa   
Alif Mohd Fadzly
Robert Morales
Peoria    Writing is the key element to my sanity. Throughout the course of my life it has allowed me to express myself in a way that …
Sharde' Fultz
Michigan    Dancer, writer, artist, Christian, People-lover =), Cancer Survivor, smiley abuser =P Disclaimer: Every poem I enter is MINE and I won't hesitate to report plagiarism. …
John Stevens
Idaho moved to Texas    Retired IT Specialist who writes to maintain sanity. Raising two grandchildren and 1 who are a delight of my life. I began writing in the …
Lana Selly
Bernhard Tischler
Vienna, Austria    Lived my childhood and youth in a town in the southern of austria before I went to our capital where I am living now since …
What's normal for the spider, is chaos for the fly
Pen Lux
So, here. I burn.
Always Consider  Everyone
BeAuTy, iT’s WhAt SuRrOuNdS yOu EvEn In DaRkNeSs.. -A.c.E
The Black Raven
Australia    'If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write.' -Stephen King
Hannah Anderson
Portland, United States   
I prefer writing in a notebook. All works are my own, even the notebook. All works are copyrighted.
Kenedy Ell
In the best of books    I'm just another insane human. I love all forms of poetry. I am quite unextraordinary. I love anything and eveything that has to do with …
Unrequited Love
Life is just a string of cruel jokes with some good memories in between.
Tiffanie Noel Doro
35/F/Georgia    Writing is my driving force.
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