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Taking long drives,
Through these country roads,
Catching butterflies,
And memories along the way,
Taking advantage,
Of the nicest of days

Dipping our feet in the sea,
Of sheer iciness,
Instantly feeling like needles,
Prickling our toes,
But we keep running as far as we can,
Holding hands,
as we go.

Eating a lemon top,
In freezing cold weather,
Not a single care,
When we're together,
Villages, pubs,
And countryside,
Our two hearts,
Will be full inside.

Even as summer passes through,
We always go back,
To that cosy shelter,
Whilst you're wearing 3 layers,
And my best sweater.

Birthday on the London eye,
Trying to count the bowler hats,
From up in the sky,
And seeing how many bulldogs,
Walk closely by.

Queuing for hours on end,
But filling in that empty void,
We call conversation,
Psychotic bond,
No hesitation.

I remember at the royal wedding,
As they passed by,
New princess with her dress sparkling,
I whispered in your ear,
You look much more beautiful, my darling.
Hey Siri,
Which suits me better - the red, or the blue?

Hey Siri,
Where did I leave my keys?

Hey Siri,
Why doesn't she love me?

Hey Siri,
Who cares?

Hey Siri,
Did my housemate use my coffee mug?

Hey Siri,
Will I enjoy that new Woody Allen movie?

Hey Siri,
Do I look tired?

Hey Siri,
Am I crazy?

Hey Siri,
Do you think I'll ever truly be happy?

Hey Siri,
If you don't answer me, how will I know?
Grace is a dress of a soul of a woman,
If a man says’ he did not see grace in you’
So might his heart won’t powerful to feel your soul!

By: Nida Mahmoed.
My heart is the heart of a child,
Who doesn't know how to say goodbye,
So I will wait for you,
In the corner of a verse!

By: Nida Mahmoed.
Stop killing your daughter,
In the name of honor killing,
Which you never feel for her,
So how could she shatter,
That which you never possess!

By: Nida Mahmoed.
The last word of the bird
Please o please o please
He was spoken to the air
I have not too much time
I only have few seconds
Gosh are you listening
That flickering light
Dancing behind the leaves
Waving calling my name
A flock of birds angels sky
Eyes of holiness
Please my devoted godly air
Will you remember my name
I will sing a song
While floating in the air
This lyrical with great desire
Will always be in my heart
At heaven's gate
I will mention your name
Holding the key of happiness
I will fly across the seas
I will fly across the mountains
I will pray for humankind to
Have a changing heart

Jean C Bertrand

Pick The Poetical Flowers
and Make them beautiful Necklace
From The Dusty Ground

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
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