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 Apr 2020 Ol
 Apr 2020 Ol
your hands are on me
you made me bad
disgusting, rotten and
you spoiled my innocence
my ability to trust
you erased my childhood with your
all i can see is your hands
everywhere they shouldn’t be
they’re suffocating me and you’re
you’re **** near evil
you’re just a memory
i hope you burn, bleed, drown
this was the first thing i wrote about my childhood, which i only start to remember after my 8th birthday. i don't remember his face or who he was, only his hands.
 Apr 2020 Ol
Lexi Fields
I’m not six anymore
I am not six anymore

Every time someone touches me
I’m back
In my room
On my bed
And so are you

I’m not six  
Am I not six?

My pants are off
I don’t want them off
Your pants are off
Please put your pants back on

I’m not six anymore
How old am I again?

You touch
I freeze
You moan
My tears stream

It’s a game you say
I don’t like this game
Please stop

I’m only six
I am only six
I am only six years old
 Oct 2017 Ol
Natasha Teller
your parents were right
when they said not to make friends online
because it's dangerous.

don't make friends online
because while your almost-brother
can't sleep for the 159th night in a row
your arm can't reach across half the country
to grab the sleeping pills out of his hand.

you won't even have money to fly to the funeral.

and you'll blame yourself
for the rest of your ******* life
for not being awake with him.

don't make friends online
because your life turns into numbers:
$642 for a plane ticket,
4 states away,
20 hours behind the wheel.

don't make friends online
because you'll fall in love with her
and you'll never touch her.

don't make friends online
because when she has a panic attack,
california is hours away
and you can't bring her tea
and count 1-2-3 to help her breathe
and hold her while she cries.

don't make friends online
because you'll constantly live in fear
that it'll happen again, but on purpose this time,
that she'll give up on life
and you'll have two souls pulling on your shoulders
and you'll cry yourself to sleep
with the same mantra pounding at your skull
i should have been there

so listen up kids
it's dangerous
I just needed to get this out.

— The End —