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I still think about the things
you showed me in your apartment
with such excitement as a child
and my inherent fondness towards you

I still think about how you instabilities and
the t i c king ideas that kept you awake and bustling
until your eyes forced your body to
shut down

I still think about the golden sunrise
and sky on the day the police
found your mind scattered across an empty
kitchen floor

I still think about and wonder what would of happened if my mom had picked up your phone call at three in the morning

I still think about your empty house,
your empty head
you're empty
I showed this to my mother, all she said was "I think about that phone call every day"
I've been counting the stars for so long that I have lost track of the moon.
Written: May 23. - 2014
A little place in the woods
hidden by trees on three sides
Its where we first started hanging out
Its where I taught her how to fight

Its where I watched her grow
from a frightened shy girl
who couldnt defend herself
To a tough as nails woman
Who didnt need a man to protect her
she could protect herself

It was there that I started to feel
It was there that she started
knocking down the walls in me
The walls that had ben in place for years

Its where I fell in love with her
and swore to myself
I wouldnt let anything harm her
I would keep her Pure
I wouldn't let the bad things in life
Taint her.

But then I left
I choose to leave her
and all the promises went down the drain
The bad seeped in
and her halo was tainted Black

I thought leaving would protect her
I thought I was saving her
from a life time of pain

never in a million years
Did I think I meant something to her
I thought it was all just me

Never in a million years
did I think I was important to her
That she needed me in her life

She made me realize
that this life is worth fighting for

And it all started with that hideout in the woods
TO Pandora. To my panda, My "little sister" my Best friend
Drifting in and out of consciousness,
As the blurred images come to light,
The ringing of my damaged ears,
Greeted by the smouldering sight,
Rubble all around me,
Smoke dense, as it burns my throat,
Blood dripping down my fingers,
Stepping over winter coats,
My anxious screams for help,
Drowned out by ringing ears,
Tripping over unknown objects,
As I am faced with all I feared,
The dense smoke clearing,
Bodies scattered amongst the cold,
Light captures their innocence,
Drawing out their traumatic souls,
Falling to my knees I watch,
As his hand collects them all,
Tears run down my broken cheek,
As I await his beckoning call,
The ringing of my ears fade,
The pain no longer there,
As my soul leaves my chest,
To climb his awaiting stairs,
The tired old robot came to rest,
Years of working, left him worn and distressed,
His batteries lacking power, he walked without grace,
The lights dimming, on his dented old face,

Rust makes him brittle, seizing up his hands,
Joints lacking oil, clogged with debris and sand,
His circuit’s burn, as the sparks rattle his brain,
His memory corrupted by electrical rain,

Reaching the end, after all these years,
The robot cries, his battery tears,
Crashing to the ground, falling apart,
As the power slips, from his computerised heart.

There he lay, upon his back,
As the wind covered, his final tracks,
Placed upon the scrapheap, stripped of his parts,
They carefully removed, his memory and heart,

Words read from, the old kindle book,
As they restored his body, with the classic old look,
Wires refreshed, the burning of solder,
Faint light returns, to his classic controller,

One final piece, to power his soul,
The heart replaced, in the mechanical hole,
Twitching fingers, he opened his eyes,
Met with cheer, and emotional cries,

Holding his hand, were Robots restored,
Embracing each other, mechanical applause,
As Light beamed, from behind the seventh,
He spoke..........
"Welcome my son, to robotic heaven"
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