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I want to be a thieving rogue who hunts behind curtains for treasured "gold".
I want to take
and grab
and ******;
a hooded figure no lawman can catch.
They'll search for me beyond the seas while I am just grinning in a tree ,
waiting for the alarm to give up the fight so I can vanish into the night.
But please, dear friend,  don't make the mistake and assume you know the treasure I crave,
for no diamonds are twinkling behind the eyes of the mischievous hunter,
this garish knave.
This thieving soul wants only to steal the hearts of those, chained to their woes, and all other torturous lingering foes.

So quickly I'll sneak and risk you away;
then show you, perhaps, a different view.
So tell me.
Will you
let me steal you?
 Jun 2014 elizabeth capital
Please don't be afraid to tell me
capture my foggy gaze
but don't worry about the haze in front of my eyes
they put it there
think of it as a blanket
covering the warmth inside

but wait
don't think of me worth
for every time they ignored my calls
I cried
let them sink into my pores
ravage everything inside
I lost

please don't be afraid to tell me what you see
I know your words are gentle, and free
I wish if only mine could
impair the cell bars
restraining everything I wish
tear the silence
and let me
for once be
but I know just no

please don't be afraid to approach me
shake my shoulders or
brush past
because you rise above us all
conquer everything
I know I would never last

please don't be afraid
I'm worth a speckle of sand
in an endless earth miles long, miles high
I'm nothing
don't you understand
I've always been a no name, quiet and sitting in the back of the class.

I've always been a no name, just trying to go through the halls without getting knocked over.

I've always been a no name, with no one to help me carry my burdens.

I've always been a no name, an outcast, a '******'.

I've always been a no name, painfully average, painfully plain.

I've always been a no name, with even the the teachers forgetting my name.

I've always been a no name, barely any talent, barely anything special.

But I refuse to be a no name,

I refuse to sit quietly,

I run through the halls skipping,

if I have to I will carry my burdens myself,

I may be an outcast, but that's okay,

I refuse to be average,

I refuse to be plain,

I refuse to let people forget my name,

I refuse to tell myself I'm untalented, or special.

I refuse to be a no name.
Original work by: Tasa Jalbert
Such a small delicate being,
so easily does it wilt,
taking all of it's life,
and sipping it through it's intertwining roots,
once plucked,
it withers into a dark, shut off, decaying mass,
it's life is too easily finished,
Though small,
their voices are loud,
in the form of vivid scents,
spiraling sensations through passer-by's noses,
they take what nutrients are given,
and create a life for themselves,
A flower was given,
from a kind heart,
only to die within moments,
Her voice fades away,
as weeds tug at her throat,
not a word that can be heard anymore,
when uprooted,
give a flower sunlight water,
sing sweet words into her ears,
she'll grow,
stretching towards the sky,
but cut off her  roots,
and she'll never bloom again,
Such a strong flower,
but too easily cut off
It's the same **** thing everyday. **** this life. I can't stand living anymore. I feel like curling up in a ball and dying. Maybe that's what I'll do. Maybe this is the last you hear of me. Not like anyone cares about a fatso loner loser nerd **** like me.
 Jun 2014 elizabeth capital
paradise must be very close
words are hard to mine
out a mind and heart
captivated by tranquil
island called home
Hoy-Norse for High
Some people say life is a game, like Monopoly, but for most of us, our lives are sorry.
Sorry you've been abandoned, sorry i can’t see you any more, I’m so sorry for your loss. Sorry, sorry, sorry is as sorry does.
Sorry’s mean they didn't love you, he didn't care, and we couldn't save her.
Sorry's ****!
Sometimes sorrys feel good but most of the time they feel like crap.
Sorry's mean guys are jerks, people hate me, and I. HAVE. NO. FRIENDS.
Sorry, sorry, sorry, say it three times over a wound and it won’t make it heal, it’s just a five letter word, but it's a four letter word to me, it doesn't do anything.
It doesn't heal scars, or take back the words, or take the razor blades that end peoples lives from their shaking hands as they draw their last breath.
Sorry, sorry, sorry, it doesn't make life any better, it doesn't make it right.
-Original award winning work by Tasa Jalbert
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