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Bat your tall eyelashes away from me
Your kindness is strangling me

Take heed of this small child of earth;
He is great; he hath in him God most high.
Children before their fleshly birth
Are lights alive in the blue sky.

In our light bitter world of wrong
They come; God gives us them awhile.
His speech is in their stammering tongue,
And his forgiveness in their smile.

Their sweet light rests upon our eyes.
Alas! their right to joy is plain.
If they are hungry Paradise
Weeps, and, if cold, Heaven thrills with pain.

The want that saps their sinless flower
Speaks judgment on sin's ministers.
Man holds an angel in his power.
Ah! deep in Heaven what thunder stirs,

When God seeks out these tender things
Whom in the shadow where we sleep
He sends us clothed about with wings,
And finds them ragged babes that weep!
 May 2015 Kyle J Horstmann
I know you're bad for me
no, scratch that
I know you're killing me

Each time I breathe you in
I exhale as violently as I can
desperately compensating for my shame
But your dark fingerprints linger

I know that if I drink too much,
I will find you between my dry lips,
their cracks, formed by the action of spitting you out
providing inroads for your thick, stifling presence

Someone keeps writing about you in my notebook
but whoever it is seems scared to pen your name
In history class, we learned about witches.
About them being hunted down.
We were told this was all a misconception.
That true witches were never to be found.

But I know the real truth,
The one everyone says is wrong.
That while witches may be fake,
The witch hunts are still going strong.
 May 2015 Kyle J Horstmann
As the violet of day
draws to a close...          
Witnessed the dwindling
vermillion sun,             
being swallowed  
by the horizon.
Ever so slowly,
       seconds stretched...
      This moment here...

    Brushing off
the indigos  
of the past,
            Whilst I shed these
scarlet tears.
Burdened with
              unfounded speculation
and fears.        
Gifted the        
lease of bravery
but I know...        
it wouldn't last.      

A final skirmish            
night and light.            
My crimson wings    
spread to greet the.        
green evening air.            
Feather and wind.            
spoke to each other;      
quivered as if              
the same story        
they shared.          
A conversation    
              that ended quickly before
both took              

To the                        
highest heavens,
leaving a          
trail of leaves
from days of
  Flying past the
                 blushing orange cheeks
sleeping clouds.
             Evading the beckoning
    night's curtains
    Into the sun,
I would go.
                Beyond world's end,
           I would follow...

To find you
                  where the universe
                      would run its course.
                      I'd gladly soar through
       spectrum's grain,
      unfamiliar realms
              warped new planes.


blood red  
through mine
      through yours...
I never thought I'd say this
But I have some regrets
Cuz I was blind and heedless to
The needs I could have met;

So many hurting people
That I refused to see
Because I was so focused on
The things that bothered me

The empty hands that could have been
Filled up with my excess
But weren't because I failed to see
The ways that I could bless

The empty eyes mine never saw
The pain I pushed aside
The child who starved to death while I
Was more than satisfied

The smiles; the love that I withheld
When things didn't go my way
The chains I didn't break, and all
The life-filled words I didn't say

So many lives I could have changed
So many torn hearts mended
The tears I could have wiped away
The trials I could have ended

And yet I sat unmoved as if
Their pain was not my problem
And many suffered while I looked
For someone else to help them
Insanity is built with
Tabs watered down with an unfamiliar reality,
Ounces laced with a looping escape route, and
Liquor spiked with depression.
Don't try to tell me
“Your problems won’t go away.”
Old dreams are dying and I'm left with an
Unclear path to the future.
Can the world be imperfect?
With all its faults and wrongs,
And ever changing views...
And its "woe was me" songs.
Lets be honest, you have nothing to compare it to.
So the world, needs be perfect.

Can a man ever love?
We think so, sure.
But How can we know without a doubt?
How could we set a scale or measure?
What is this "love" truly about?
Is it possibly a gift from ABOVE?

Is there an ABOVE?
I Have Faith there is
But How would I know?
Have you ever pondered this?
That there's no tangible proof to show?
Or is it an idea? like its friend Love?

All these questions!
And the lack of things to see,
Will I ever really realize?
Or am I to ponder whats to be?
And follow this noble enterprise!
To find answers to my every inquisition!

Oh the uncertainty,
And how certain it is, it seems.
Its a little paradoxical.
And is that not the theme?
That everything is theoretical.
an unreachable star .... at least in mortality
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