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 Jun 2017 Koh Pei Yi
Tark Wain
A man placed a rose over a mass grave
and said to me
take all the Evil in the world
and make Art out of it
 Jun 2017 Koh Pei Yi
 Jun 2017 Koh Pei Yi
You can't change the past
you sick, twisted *****.
There is nothing you can do
to escape it.
Heaven and Hell.
Earth and Sky.
Sick and Well.
Hello and Goodbye.
Think what you want
but they know the truth,
all you do is haunt,
and waste your youth.
Disclaimer: don't even try to think this is about you because you're not the only one who has hurt me <3
 Aug 2015 Koh Pei Yi
Many a notion I'd lay in indelible ink.
How the morning sun would harvest the contours of your face.
Your majestic beauty.
Reminiscent of a different time and place.

Many a thought I'd pen in indelible ink.
When your breath meets with mine,
they'd hold their own conversation.
Deeply entranced,
In an everlasting dance
that would last forever.
Exchanging gaits of grandeur,
great longing and pine.

Many an inkling I'd etch in indelible ink.
The way my moon never gets eaten.
It'll balloon to its fullest...
Beaming it's brightest.
Seeping from its edges,
gushes forming rivers...
Bathing my earth in heavenly silver.
Calming the thundering hooves...
In my heart with rhyme and reason.

There are but three words...
Words so sacred I dare not utter in vain.
Proclamation so heavy my chest could hardly
hold in rein.

I've immortalised them here...
But in *invisible ink

Because no one would understand...
Of emotions so grand.
No one would have a clue...
_   _ _ _ _   _ _ _

— The End —