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 Jun 2014 Kida Price
Mike Hauser
This is just another love poem set to rhyme
Really no need to waste your time
Whether it's love you lose or love you find
It's just another love poem so nevermind

Just another love poem in your hand
Low on ideas, still high in demand
Been here for years yet to be banned
Another one of those poems way out of hand

Just another love poem tossed in the breeze
With just enough umph to fill a few needs
One or two I love you's with a few you love me's
Just another love poem brought on the scene

Just another love poem to come cross the wire
Just another love poem pulled from the mire
Just another love poem to jump into the fire
Just another love poem in dire need of retire
If I forget about the generic teachings of love and scratched the surfaces of my existence, perhaps love would be more than just an abstract noun to me. And perhaps I would embrace love with open arms. Because love, love is magic

But love is dangerous and I don't want to be dangerously in love, but even its ungodly form, love is pure. Because love, love is magic

- Cheyanne Ntangu
In hot pursuit a father
Pursues the heart of his daughter
Wanting nothing more
Than that she knows he loves her

To feel it, to trust it
To grasp it so deeply
That it's never even questioned
Just part of her psyche

Pursuing her selflessly
Though admittedly not perfectly
At times, unreturned
Yet still hoping, waiting

Sometimes the race seems won
Then the finish line moves
Through the city streets of life
And that's when it behooves
Us fathers to keep chasing
With love and persistence
To keep speaking life
Into her very existence

Because the love we pour in
We just have to trust
Will be poured out someday
Though not always toward us

And that has to be okay
We just want them to see it
So they know that our hearts
Are all theirs, and can feel it


As I reflect on pursuing
The hearts of my daughters
My heart breaks for those
Who have not had good fathers

Not every girl has a dad
Who has pursued from the start
But we all have a Father
Who's still chasing our heart
To my amazing daughters...I love you tons! And to all the fathers who are privileged to feel just a little of what God feels like when he chases the hearts of his kids.
He hates it when I talk ***** during ***
So how can I tell him that he uses the wrong code
*** is not like texting
You mess up no auto *******
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
Mike Hauser
who could have gotten
this far without nothing
if nothing is all that you've got

this much of nothing
is a fur piece from something
when nothing is not a whole lot

who hit the spot
in the middle of  "noth"
and added their on "ing"

bringing to mind
nothing short of its kind
in an effort to do something

if you tried to erase
the vast empty space
would there be anything left at all

writing on the wall
says there's nothing like heeding the call
so perhaps nothing is something after all
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