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Kelly Rose Nov 2014
Music fills her soul
as different
melodies capture her moods
who hasn't yearned
for that country
somebody did somebody wrong song
or just feeling
or want to jazz it up with
a little of the Latino explosion
visiting Birdland when all else fails
dancing the night away to Donna
saving that last dance for someone special
chilling to the smooth blues' riff
as Michael Grimm crones
how you don't know him
every now and then
when the mood is
moonlight sonata calls
and romance and roses win the night
who can resist
when a gal's
in the mood
or sitting before a campfire
signing of the harvest moon
sometimes a body just feels lost
looking for a way to get "closer to god
and f#@%ing like an animal
to feel alive
or banging it out
to AC/DC
beebooping to Madonna or Lady Gaga,
or justifying that
bad love
trying to convince
that you *like the way he lies

maybe relaxing and
using your imagination
while you talk about stupid girls
and all that garbage
listening to the B52s
doing the *rock lobster
Inspired by Quinnfinn aka Wolf Spirit
variety is the spice of life
Kelly Rose Jan 2017
I apoligize for not reading your posts. I have been battling my depression and have not been online .  I have written a poem about it (of course lol).  I hope you enjoy and I hope to be online tomorrow.

My Dark Tale (A Sestina)

It is a lovely time of day for tea
As I sit curled up to the song of rain
Memories arise of a deep dark pain
Storm clouds gather within my heart, darkly
Dimly, I am aware of rainbow’s hope
Wanting dreams infused with Rosemary and Thyme

Out of work, I suffer from too much time
Overeating and drinking too much tea
Depression worsens, stealing all my hope
And all my dreams shatter in the cold rain
Leaving me empty in the bitter dark
As I stare out of the broken windowpane

How I long to conquer my bitter pain
If only I would organize my time
I know then, I would rise above the dark
Instead, I get caught in cookies and tea
And sink deeper; chaos supremely reigns
I flounder once again, losing my hope

I am tired of losing precious hope
Letting despair and worthless bitter pain
To take control and determinedly reign
Structure! Will that allow me to use time
Positively? Cutting back on black tea
Getting needed sleep to fight back the dark

Rested, I can push back the hated dark
Strive to capture peace and beautiful hope
Learning once again to enjoy my tea
And not as a crutch that causes me pain
While I mourn the loss of wasted sweet time
Instead, I would see rainbows in the rain

I yearn to topple depression’s long reign,
To walk in the sun’s light, not the cold dark
Eager to greet the day and enjoy time
Pursue my dreams, infusing life with hope
Do away with doldrums and bitter pain
Relaxing and enjoying Earl Gray Tea


To sum up, I yearn to enjoy my tea
Overcome my darkness and pain; to feel hope
While I take time to enjoy the sweet rain

Kelly Rose
© January 5, 2017
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
I fear...

Never fully living life
Falling short of my potential
Lacking self-esteem
Failing to learn
Not being enough
A closed heart

these of some of my fears
Inspired by The Emerald Outcast
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
My life story is nothing new
dysfunctional family
with scars upon my heart
mistakes I have made a plenty
still striving to know myself
dreaming dreams
while, not even knowing if dreams
really do come true
learning life lessons
trying to open up my heart
going forward even as I stumble
hoping to live each day
to its fullest
and that tomorrow brings
beauty, laughter, and love
in everything I do

Like I said, my life's story is nothing new
just slugging along trying to make some
dreams come true, aren't you?
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Rarely do I see myself...
As only the broken, damaged
     pieces seem to draw my attention

Is it any wonder that you
     take my breath away
You accept my
     broken, damaged pieces
And that is a wonder

But the greatest gift
     the greatest wonder
You have ever given me
     is looking at me in such a way
That now I too can see the
     pieces of me that are whole

Now I too know that
     I am more than the sum
     of those poor broken, damaged pieces

My only hope
     is that I return the gift
Kelly Rose May 2015

She is nobody
Not very memorable
She is a  ghost in life
Never making  or
leaving her mark
Easily, she could fade away
She knows not how to connect
Out of sight, out of mind
Lives too much within her head

She is...
too odd
that brick wall that is impenetrable

Never to be remembered
Never needed
Really nobody
She is loneliness

Kelly Rose
May 10, 2015
Sometimes how I feel
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
Silly really
To think
Scribbling some words
Putting sentences
Could make one
A Poet
No Rhyme
More like Whine
That cup doth overflow
No lyrical notes
A picture is painted
Don't know
If that is Poetry
Just some scribbles
Silly really
To think it might
Be Poetry
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Odd was her dream
attending a curious
tea party, was she

Sipping her tea
she recognized
some of her companions

Mr. Loneliness
Ms. Sorrow
And one
who was unknown

Sorrow made the introductions
Dame Fortune
dressed in wild splendor

Feeling lost and bewildered
"Why am I here," she asked

Laughingly, Dame Fortune
"Choices, my dear
choices and taking risks"

Hand trembling as she
put her tea cup down
"Choices, risks, what
does that mean?"
she asked

"Darling," Dame Fortune replied
"Why the choice
to play it safe
forever being companion
to Sorrow and Loneliness
take a risk
and happiness may find you"

"May find me..." she queried

"Darling," Dame Fortune
said grinning
"there are no guarantees
when one takes a
chance at living life ---

But dear lady
Life and Love
are always worth
the risk

the choice is yours
trying something new
Kelly Rose Aug 2015
Once we were lovers mind, body, and soul
Eros has flown, only philia remains
Sadness takes hold, no longer am I whole

Distance creeps in; the heart is inconsolable
I am drowning in sorrow’s cold grey rain
Once we were lovers mind, body, and soul

Love is diminished, leaving a gaping hole
Deep inside.  Our connection slowly wanes
Sadness takes hold, no longer am I whole

I feel I am only playing a role
Toleration fades, leaves only disdain
Once we were lovers mind, body, and soul

Failed actions have taken a painful toll
Slowly dying, overtaken by pain
Sadness takes hold, no longer am I whole

Future uncertain we’ve lost all our goals
This slow erosion lets sorrow’s madness reign
Once we were lovers mind, body, and soul
Sadness takes hold, no longer am I whole

August 2, 2015
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Looking back...

She could never
exactly pinpoint
when her love died

It was all the
little things really

That first argument
that threatened violence

Harsh words spoken
in anger
over and over again

Turning away
from a kiss and a cuddle

Ignoring words spoken

Belittling the importance
of her beliefs

Like petals falling
off a flower
one by one
they did drop

Leaving no life
Only thorns that hurt
Kelly Rose Jan 2017
Shrouded in shadows
Comfortable in the misty fog
Her soul quivers
Yearning for light
To bless its grace upon her form
Fear of pain boldly strikes
Her soul slips easily back
Within its comfortable mist
Hiding on the fringe
Secretly hoping to
Feel the caress of light’s grace

Kelly Rose
© January 12, 2017
Kelly Rose Apr 2015
Incapable of opening her heart
Hiding behind books
Exquisitely lies
So believable
Even she bought
Her own *******
Lock, stock, and barrel
or it is...
Hook, line, and sinker
The one who
Closes off
Heart and Soul
Never learns
No real impact
Silent screams
Or maybe not so silent
Drowning in a pool
Of cries for help
Unable or
To grab a life line
She breaks
Her own heart
Numbing her soul
Unknowing of WHY
She refuses to
Stop Self-Sabotaging
Keeps her heart and soul
Closed to others
Never letting them close
Feeling so alone*

Despair or just self pity?
Kelly Rose Aug 2017
Parents, be kind to your kids, I beg you
Harsh words spoken only scars the heart deep
Finding fault daily twists and taints one’s view
Lacking self-esteem, in silence they weep
Echoes rage within, words are useless now
Poison slowly spreads, seeping dark and deep
A tattoo beats out – you’re worthless, a vow
What the parent sows, the child now reaps
A lifelong struggle for self-love ensues
Medicine to cope with depression’s call
Sanity slips, leaving only the blues
She yearns for self-love, but ends up short; falls
Parents, be kind to your kids, I beg you
So life is light and hope is always renewed.

Kelly Rose
© August 12, 2017
14 lines
Kelly Rose Sep 2017
Poetry comes from the heart and soul
At times it is revealing
Laying bare inner most secrets
Others, it is concealing
Misleading the reader
To the truth of what is deep within
It is truth
It is deceit
A mystery
Or just plain spoken
Is whatever you want it to be
A song you hope captures the moment

Kelly Rose
© September 16, 2017
I read so many different and lovely poems about poetry yesterday that it inspired me ot write one as well.  Thank you for reading <3 I hope you enjoy
Kelly Rose Jan 2017
I yearn for your touch
To be held tightly
Within your grasp
So I may stroke
The blank page before us
As my ink expresses
Your thoughts
and splatters your emotions
Across blank's page
Please hear my cries
And clasp me in your hand
Oh, just image
The magic we create
If only....
How I yearn for your touch
Defeat your writer's block
and see me yearning for
Your touch

I crave for that dance,
You, sweetly entwined betwixt my fingers,
Filled with the ink of enchantment,
The delicate nib are your lips,
Adorning your sublime silhouette,
Let me move you in cursive swirls,
sprinkling all the letters,
Forming a beauteous verse of love,
Dancing upon the stage of paper,
How wondrous is the fact,
That you fathom my inner being,
And splash it upon the sheets,
Like pearls from a sentiments' string,
Help me rise again,
From all the worldly pain,
I lovingly desire,
Your touch......

Collaboration with Shilpa Sandesh
(c) January 31, 2017
Kelly Rose
Shilpa Sandesh
Kelly Rose Feb 2017
Catching a glimmer
Of distant dreams
In a photograph she found
Lying between the pages of
Her favorite book of poems
Through a distant lens
A backward glance
She sees it…
A reflection of her life
In black and white it speaks
And frames for her the picture
Of a life that might have been
Slowly, a tear escapes
As she ponders all it says
This teller of lies
Filtering truths never told
Of a past disguised
A pain so strange
Inside her arose
Holding her transfixed
By this portrait of old
The outward reflections
Of this life-altering moment
She now uncovers
The truths never told
As the lies unfold
Then, in a moment
Her choice is made clear
This flash from the past
Brought her life into focus
Through she may shed a tear
For what might have been
She knows deep within
She would not alter
Her past life’s album
Nor the choices she made

Collaboration between Kelly Rose Saccone and SE Reimer
© February 6, 2014
Kelly Rose Mar 2018
I don’t need sugar or vinegar to
Entice you to drink my cup of poison
I am a savior, a black widow, who
Lures you to my dark web, disguised as the sun
I am a chameleon who changes
To satisfy every need, until you
Can’t live without me, no matter how strange
You’re my new toy.  I will give you no clue
To the pain I will inflict with pleasure
Not only will you love my deadly poison
You will crave its taste as if it’s treasure
Yes, your pain pleases me beyond reason
So, come and ******* darkness, it will be
Beyond imagination. You will see!

Kelly Rose
© March 23, 2018
14 lines.  This is not a sonnet.  I hope you enjoy the tale
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
Instead of pondering
upon lack
she is inspired
by beauty
and the bounty
within reach
Well, at least for today
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
I am the Pumpkin Pie
I rule....
Woofer drools with envy
Over the Pumpkin Pie
Oh, yeah he tries so hard
To Usurp me
But I grab that dude
by his ear
And drag his *** about
Cause that Fool
is no Pumpkin Pie
I rule the Roost.

Just a few words
by Pumpkin Pie
The most supreme
dog of the Land
Two puppies who constantly fight for attention
Kelly Rose Nov 2014
Voice unheard
she tries to remain silent
Words twisted
turned back upon her
She feels compassion
for Pyrrhus
as she may have won the day
but the war,
she has been totally defeated
Deviant that is what I have been deemed
I am pagan, I got a new tattoo
I laugh
but it is not fun
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
dreams of...
fairy tales and dragons
memories of...
who I want to be
just these
few treasures
I wish to find
deep inside of me
Kelly Rose Feb 2017
Sitting in the park one day
Watching my thoughts cast adrift
I was graced with a strange view
Ghosts of the keepers of history
Revealed themselves to me
I heard the distant cry
Of the Ravens’ caw
Desperately seeking to
Impart their wisdom.
If only one would see
They’d know the
Lessons of his story

Kelly Rose
© February 1, 2017
Kelly Rose Apr 2017
Moments lost,
Adrift in the sands of time
Regret stains the soul
As unlived dreams linger
Life erodes,
Memories fade to sepia
Worn and disillusioned
The spark of life wanes
She struggles
To reignite
Her lust for life

Kelly Rose
© April 12, 2017
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Joy bursts forth
as her life
finally resonates with her landscape
Kelly Rose Feb 2017
Raised with violence and harsh spoken words
She embraced fairytales, roses, and romance
Always seeking the different and absurd
It’s better than performing a cruel dance

Fantasy led her down the path of pain
Where self-hate and ignorance reigned supreme
Unable to cope, she felt quite insane
But that’s what comes from living in a dream

Tired of the dark, she sought a new path
Self-reflection led her to face her fears
And slowly her inner pain and deep wrath
Left, leaving room for hope’s light to appear

Still, she embraces roses and romance
It’s better than performing a cruel dance

Kelly Rose
© February 7, 2017
Kelly Rose Mar 2015
Her's was a quiet love
filled with love letters
and roses
His was a fiery love
filled with danger
rough kisses
and a certain violence
He gave her
the warmth she craved
through his fiery passion
without singe
She gave him
a cooling calm
soothing his ravaged soul
with her gentle breeze
Unlikely pair?
Most definitely...
But what a balance
they achieved
He was her fire
She, his cooling breeze*

Kelly Rose May 2015
She will prevail

It can hurt
To have one's integrity or honor

She lives life
By her own rules
As the roads of life's journey
Are often like a maze
Filled with twists and turns
Leaving one confused and dazed

As one navigates their way
Through the labyrinth of life
Hard lessons are learned
One must live by
Their own rules
As they wade through
The deceptions and lies
Thrown their way by life

She rises above the petite hurts
And false accusations

Knowing the truth
Whether it is known to all
Or buried deeply inside
That she will prevail
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
So Idealistic...

She thought she knew love

She though love was being best friends
being able to share
doing things together

She believed...

That once love was given
and returned
Acceptance experienced
that it would remain the same


Love is not the same
All has changed

No longer
is it viable
to share anything
and everything
some things are now taboo
to do together


Must learn
to do things on her own
cultivate her interests
celebrate holidays
without him

Reluctant was she
to live
so much without him


They would loose
common ground
Their worlds
would become
too different
And their love
would be
lost within the ether
of neither here nor there...

Drowned in indifference

Yes, too idealistic
She now struggles
with the reality
of love
Kelly Rose Feb 2015
She tries to quiet
her silentless
on this eerily quite
she fears the silence
and yearns
for the silentlessness
of her mind

intrigued by the word silentless
but true nonetheless
Kelly Rose Jan 2015
Slowly clouds filled the sky
Silver lined the air
She turned her face up
And felt the first rain drops
Her tears were washed away
And her sorrow took flight
Leaving her bathed
In a silvery light
Kelly Rose Jan 2017
Someone You May Know

I know what’s going on, don’t play the fool
Hiding behind your oh so charming smile
You may deceive others with your smooth guile
But I know you are rotten and so cruel
Conning your way through life, you’re such a tool
When you are found out, all will agree you are vile
I know what’s going on, don’t play the fool
Hiding behind your oh so charming smile
A stranger you are to just laws and rules
Instead, your lifestyle leaves me most hostile
What a wretch, a fiend; you are such a ghoul
I know what’s going on, don’t play the fool
Hiding behind your oh so charming smile

Kelly Rose
© January 13, 2017
Kelly Rose Feb 2015

She is often told
she has no sense of humor

But really....
It wasn't that she
did not enjoy the absurd
Or laugh

The problem is
she's just not funny

So strange...
you would think
humor and funny
are one and the same

Obviously not...
She sees the humor in that

Do you think funny people -
those who gift others with laughter
have a sense of humor?

their fun-ni-ness
comes out of pain

Do you think they see the absurd?*

Kelly Rose Oct 2014
It is so easy
To fall
Allowing those dark feelings
To take root
It is so hard
To get up
And allow the sunshine in
A battle rages on
And on
Never ending
Leaving one Exhausted
Kelly Rose Mar 2015

Sadness takes hold
it's grasp is just
too hard
to break*

Kelly Rose May 2017
Song in my heart
Has been lost
Now I live in
Joyless angst
Silence can be a weapon
Leaking toxicity
Flavoring my life
In violent hues
Of anger and resentment
A tear moistens my cheek

Kelly Rose
© May 23, 2017
Kelly Rose Nov 2014
Is there such
a thing as a soul mate?

I don't know

I'm just learning
about me
How can I expect
someone else
to know me?

It would be
Lovely to
really be understood
would it?

I must travel
my own path
lonely though it may be
at times

And as for being
I suspect it is highly
is it?
Kelly Rose Mar 2017
Spring is here? It’s hard to tell
No changing seasons where I live
Just hot and humid, a living hell
Spring is here? It’s hard to tell
Endless summer leaves my joy felled
Drowning my sorrows with Zinfandel
Spring is here? It’s hard to tell
No changing seasons where I live*

Kelly Rose
© March 23, 2017
Kelly Rose Jun 2017
Stagnant waters trapped
Her with its stillness
Its toxic fumes
Colored her thoughts and deeds
Caught and imprisoned
Within the odious waters
She waged a battle
To fight her way out
So tired, was she, of the
Poisonous waters
Now, she seeks still waters
That run deep
Protecting her passions
Feeding her heart and soul
Through its ripples
And fragrant light

Kelly Rose
© June 29, 2017
Kelly Rose May 2017
I yearn to travel that
Road less travelled
To March to the beat
Of my own drum
I walk the lonely path
Letting self-sorrow
Drown me in a sea of darkness
Closing my eyes to life
Living in a numbed limbo
Without hope, without joy
Gasping to feel the light
I pray for, I beg for
The courage to live my life

Kelly Rose
© May 23, 2017
Kelly Rose Feb 2018
I live for stolen moments
Catching glimpses of a life lived
Within the pages of…
A story, a fairytale, a myth?

Sadly, it’s easier to live
For those stolen moments
Than earned moments I create for myself

Kelly Rose
© February 28, 2018
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
Storms clouds gather
the coming dawn
fights to color
the sky

in shades of pink

She knows
if she weathers
this raging storm
her dreams may still

survive another day
Kelly Rose Nov 2014
Magic infused the night
as she breathed
the scent of roses
His touch
was a whisper
thrilling her senses
Luxuriating in his kiss
she was on the verge of bliss
Slowly, he pulled away
her raging senses
She woke with a start
as she drew in
a shaky breathe
She wondered if
it was just a dream
or a sweet memory
trying something new
Kelly Rose Jan 2017
Tears of life:

Tears, are they ever idle?
Like departed children on a playground lot
Still, I don't always know what they mean
In-between the light of day and night
Tears, sometimes they haunt me
Taunt me
Sneer me into vague submission
Silently, silently
They come and go
Like ocean waves
On a vagabond beach of submission
Always hidden like a pearl inside an oysters Shell
And into the core
Of life..

(c) January 25, 2017
Collaboratin with Ken Riccio Poems
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
A teller of sad tales
How I long to write
something inspirational

A teller of love gone awry
How I long to write
of the love
begging to be free from my heart

A teller of dark desires
How I long to write
about the cleansing of my Soul

A teller of disinterest in life
How I long to write
of the joy
of living life to its fullest

A teller of crisis of faith
How I long to write
of the spiritual

I yearn for
full life

I pray....
I pray for it all
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
On gossamer wings
beauty, love, and kindness
wrapped their lovely
wings around
this old torn heart
sending a healing warmth
throughout and within
and I
quietly hug
the smile that  
my soul
Kelly Rose Jul 2017
Self-pity has taken hold
And self-hatred eats at
The heart and soul

Kelly Rose
© July 14, 2017
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
The day grew overcast
The color grey
painted the sky
She drew herself up
The cool mist
caressing her
ravaged body
The day was hers
Never again
would she fall prey to violence
How beautiful
the many shades of grey
As the dew
soothed her
savaged heart and soul
Yes, the day was hers
He would never
hurt her again
She thought
as she pulled her
knife from his chest.
Kelly Rose May 2015
A distance has opened
Between Heart and Soul
Passion and Desire


Disconnected from
Wants and Needs

Wondering how to
Weave back together
What has been
Torn asunder

Kelly Rose Oct 2015
The ghost of me from yesteryear
Visited me in my dreams last night
Reminded me of innocence so dear
Causing me to shed precious tears
Missing innocence’s wondrous light
The ghost of me from yesteryear
Encouraged me to release my fears
Now my soul struggles to take flight
And reminded me of innocence so dear
Though my path is not always clear
I fear being caught in an endless night
The ghost of me from yesteryear
Has snuggled in and holds me near
Wanting to fill me with such delight
And reminds me of innocence so dear
Silence fills me as I peer
Deep inside to find love so bright
The ghost of me from yesteryear
Reminded me of innocence so dear

Kelly Rose
October 16, 2015
Kelly Rose Nov 2014
"Had he and I but met
By some old ancient inn,
We should have sat us down to wet
Right many a nipperkin!

"But ranged as infantry,
And staring face to face,
I shot at him as he at me,
And killed him in his place.

"I shot him dead because-
Because he was my foe,
Just so: my foe of course he was;
That's clear enough: although

"He thought he'd list, perhaps,
Off-hand-like-just as I-
Was out of work-had sold his traps-
No other reason why.

"Yes; quaint and curious war is!
You shoot a fellow down
You'd treat if met where any bar is,
Or help to half-a-crown."
For all those who serve their country
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