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Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Sly and dark
is the Monster
that lives within
Her cruelty
knows no bounds
Hearts are *****
Left torn and ******
They never see her coming
Sly and dark
She does devour
Leaving one
Blind and Hollow
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
Beware the sighting
of the Raven

They are her messengers
of salvation or doom

pay homage to her
to avoid the tomb

But she walks alone...

Mists swirl around her
as the battle
rages on

Mortal men
are wise
to honor
or flee her

She has the power...

The power
to heal
to protect
to choose...

To choose
life or death
for you
Celtic Goddess
Kelly Rose Jan 2017
The poem on the Statute of Liberty

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Emma Lazarus (November 2, 1883)
Kelly Rose Feb 2018
It is during the odd
Witching hour
In the quiet time, that I seek
My own norm
Never really belonging
Labels I have often worn
Comfortably? Well, who’s to say?
I cling to the shadows
Even while I seek the light
Neither here, nor there
I am in between
Struggling to accept
I will never blend
Abandoning the window
And looking in
I struggle to accept my own norm

Kelly Rose
© February 22, 2018
Kelly Rose Feb 2018
A not so perfect sestina
For me the sestina is a perfect way to tell a story.
This is a wedding rehearsal dinner told from different points of view.
The rehearsal dinner

Father of the Bride
God, she’s beautiful.  My poor blind baby
Girl.  She thinks he is some kind of white knight
Tomorrow will be the blackest of days
Married to a gold digger. No more time
No, the thought…Tomorrow will be his last
Lost her to a cur. Pain colors me blue

Maid of Honor
Oh my God, he has gorgeous eyes of blue
What he sees in her, ug! She’s a baby
She’s kidding herself, this will never last
She’s so gullible. Yeah – he works nights
Like the night he’ll have with me, our last time
On to the next, tomorrow’s a new day

Groom’s Mother
What a farce! Tomorrow is a wasted day
A loveless marriage is living life blue
This smile hurts.  Unfortunately time’s
Run out.  She’s gotta be knocked up – poor baby
But we need the money; right now, this night
****, how much longer can this agony last

Best Man
He’s such a man *****.  No way will this last
Getting married is just another day
She needs to be saved. I would be her knight
If she were mine, her life would not be blue
She’s perfect. If only she were my baby
It should be us.  If only there was time

Too bad she’s not the bride, she’s a good time
God, how much longer can this dinner last
At least her friends are hot, oh yeah baby
I don’t know how I’ll get through this long day
Marriage, ick, man I’m crying the **** blues
I’m gonna bang the bridesmaid all through the night

Oh my God, he’s mine, my shining white knight
I’ll love him always, until the end of time
He’s so perfect - I’ll never sing the blues
He’s my first, my only, he’ll be my last
My wedding will be the most perfect day
Perfect, I can’t wait to have his baby


He’s no white knight and she is such a baby
She’s doomed to sing the blues, while he’ll be caught time after time
At long last, the day will end
I hope you enjoyed the sestina
Kelly Rose Nov 2014
"You don't love me,"
he yelled.
"Your heart is too
just get the hell out of here

Quietly, she gathered
her things.

"before I go-
I tell you
that I do love you-
my love is not flamboyant
like that of
Romeo and Juliet
it's silent
it's subtle
and deep-
I'm no poet
I have not
the words of
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
nor Emily Dickinson
who eloquently speak of love
but, it beats within me
with every heart beat-
I may not know how
to express my love
but it lives within
my damaged heart"
she whispered.

Her words came too late
His heart was already closed to her.

"such pretty words
in this final hour-
pretty empty words-
YOU have no heart-
just go,"
he said.

her pain and sorrow
like her love
was silent
and oh, so deep.

a silent lonely tear escaped.

as she quietly closed the door
on the man she loved
her heart locked forever
as it broke a little more
with each turn of the key
A damaged heart sometimes lies
love does reside therein
Kelly Rose Mar 2018
Making me believe I was unworthy
This was the most unkindest cut of all
Wanting to please, I gladly take the fall
Shamed to the core, I feel deeply *****
Seeking self-acceptance, I take love’s journey
I cling to the shadows, feeling most appalled
Making me believe I was unworthy
This was the most unkindest cut of all
Can I forgive and show myself mercy?
And not hit my head against the hard wall?
I long for the light, still I feel *****
Making me believe I was unworthy
This was the most unkindest cut of all

Kelly Rose
© March 1, 2018
This was a challenge to take a quote from Shakespeare and write a poem either incorporating it within the poem or just writing what the quote inspires.  Please feel free to take the challenge
Kelly Rose Dec 2016
Time drifts
Moments just pass by
How I long
To grasp time
Bringing it to a standstill
As I struggle
With dreams
At a crossroad
Autumn’s chill
Holds me back
As dreams are
A young one’s game
Opportunities have
Gone away
Dare I pursue
The unexpected paths
That have opened before me
Even if time is
Faster than I’d like
Afraid of making
The wrong choice
Feeling life
Slip through my fingers
As I linger
A bit dazed and confused
As the future
Becomes the present
Time drifts
As I stand still

Kelly Rose
© December 23, 2016
Kelly Rose Dec 2015
She thought she found love
Joy filled her heart and soul
Her heart once held beauty
But now it has withered and died
Betrayal left its rancid seed
She loved a god, who took her as his bride
They sanctified their love in
A temple of the goddess Athena
Furious, Athena’s wrath fell upon her
She sought help from her beloved Poseidon
He smiled and walked away
Her heart slowly turned to stone
Where once glamorous tresses hung
Now poisonous vipers gleamed
So filled with bitter rage
Just one look from her transforms
One to stone
A love betrayed
Her heart now unfeeling stone
It is a monster that she has become
As betrayal’s rancid seed grows
Her soul silently weeps
As she seeks those who betray love
And turns them to stone
With one glance
Her tale has become myth
But still she exists
Even if only to be found
Within the hearts of those
Whose love has been betrayed

Medusa’s Legacy

Kelly Rose
December 8, 2015
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
Always thought
was something one
felt when alone
in life


that loneliness
is felt even
when you have a partner

the more devastating
as loneliness
should have been held
at bay

No longer
safe as
Loneliness slowly creeps in
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Do I have the strength
to face tomorrow's pain?
There is no way to tell
Only by taking
One step at at time
One day at a time
Am I able to face
Today's pain
There's the answer
Facing Life
Step by step
Minute by minute
Day by day
Come what may
That is how
I face Life's pains
Inspired by Maria
Kelly Rose Feb 2015
The dawn greeted me
in hues of pink and violet

The dusk bid
fare thee well
in hues of orange

The moonlight
kissed and caressed
my skin
in a gentle glow

The mists of time and space
bathes me in dew
drenching me to my soul

Drenched and shivering,
The mauled slivers of trash
Drag themselves down the sewers
And into a bottomless pit of hate.

It meets my heart there,
Sitting and wallowing in self pity for its destruction,
Reminiscing the old days
Where it was plump and happy,
Red and full...
When it wasn't exposed to the true nature of love.
Words of hate thrown like snowballs,
Freezing it over,
Chipping bits of it away
Until it was almost gone...

Tears soaking up all the blood spilling out of the wounds of the dear heart,
It mixes in with the dew
Bubbling, steaming,
Churning into poison,
Until finally it burns through everything,
And no heart, no soul is left.

How hard it is to be grateful
for all those little pleasures
when the heart is torn asunder
A joy to write with A Creep That Loves You; hopefully a joy to read
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Raven and Crow
an odd mixing
A powerful child
is created
Guardian of the Worlds
Rare is she
as that of a Blue Rose
Battle, she must
She is the Key
to the Lock
Once brought
Forever shall they be locked
Forever opened
Raven symbolism - Raven- Healing, Initiation, Protection, Magic, Shapeshifting, Creation, Help with Divination, Wisdom, Eloquence, Magick of the Crone, Trickster, Teacher, Hoarder.
Crow Symbolism - Crow- Guardian of the Place Before Existence, Carrier of Souls from Darkness into Light, Working Without Fear in Darkness, Guidance While Working in Shadow, Moves Freely in the Void, Understands all Things Related to Ethics, Shapeshifter, Secret Magic of Creation, Thief, Trickery, Boldness, Skill, Cunning, Single-Mindedness, A Bringer of Knowledge, Swiftness, Eloquence
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
True Love Scorned

She scorned true love
betraying her soul mate
with another

Finding his lover
in Love's illicit embrace
a dark rage came upon him

When the dark cloud of rage cleared
he saw what his rage had

He left the bedroom
stained blood red

Just remember....
those who scorn true love
end up dead
                 or worse
Kelly Rose Oct 2017
Stripped bare
To the core
The echoes are silenced
And truth is revealed
In that moment
Truth’s light caressed me
Before retreating
Within echoes' shadow

Kelly Rose
© October 13, 2017
Kelly Rose Dec 2017
Betrayal’s scars leech life’s colors
Tears sting the eye, but nary a
Drop will fall
Forgiveness paints with hope’s brush
Torn between tears and hope
Longing for an explosion of color
A battle reigns deep within
Yearning for the road less traveled
A road of dreams fulfilled
But the lure of the dark road overwhelms
Still, I fight to take that road less traveled
Yearning for the unknown
I battle the bleak comfort of the known

Kelly Rose
© December 29, 2017
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Empty, am I
The well
Has gone dry

Not empty,
You simply need to breathe
Maybe even cry

Black is the Silence
That fills me
Madness reigns

Not black, just hurt
You need to find words
To express the pains

And all is Lost
Hope has Flown

Never lost,
You've just grown

No light
Do I deserve

Brighten up,
Keep a smile in reserve..

Even the moonlight
runs and hides away

But my sunlight
Is forever here to stay

Scared, am I
of that forever night

Don't be scared,
Take my hand
Together we can fight

That empty place
that does devour
and holds me tight*

No, a special place
For only you and I
Where our smiles
Will shine bright
Melz brought light to the dark, a great pleasure to write with her.  I hope you enjoy this flip coin of ours.  So flip the coin, I hope it lands on the light for you.
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
Was Tyranny defeated?

They had a tea party
taking a stand
against Tyranny

Fighting for what was right

we fight
for the right
of equality
for justice

In remembrance of those
who stood against injustice

Fighting for what was right

Even if they felt
the need to hide
and disguise
(who knew, is was a costumed
tea party)

If only a tea party
really did
make Dreams come true
Creating a world
where all were considered equal
and justice prevailed
defeating tyranny
1773 Boston Tea Party
Kelly Rose Nov 2014
You steal my breath
with kisses
so deep
You make my heart race
with probing caresses
How I love
the heat
your touch inspires
The languor
and sweet fire
that races through
my veins
As our Song
reaches a blissful
I realize...
some dreams
are unattainable
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
How wonderful
It is to love
To accept another completely
She is not
Loved so unconditionally
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Joy exploded
within her heart
Lightening her smile
She shined with beauty
All because....
    he finally understood!
Kelly Rose Feb 2015

She looked up
and met the eyes
of a man on the
other side of the glass

A lifetime lived within a moment

Oh how she felt the loss
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
She is un forgotten
She remembers
Only she
can live her life

Lo & Behold!
Today there
is no woe
The birds do sing
The sun doth shine
There is beauty
in her life
Inspired by Sally A. Bayan's "Unforgotten Fragrance"
Kelly Rose Feb 2015
She's told...

Be Strong
Be Perfect
Never show weakness
Or be vulnerable

Nothing prepares her
as she slowly falls apart

How does she
pick up the pieces?
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Love just is

Self hatred is taught
It is all that she
has ever known
Leaving her
uncomfortable when love
comes her way
With Machete in hand
She whacks those choking weeds
Come hell or high water
She will find
her way
That path that leads to Love
Kelly Rose Nov 2014
she searched for love
in all the wrong places
and got burned
more than once
(way more than once)
she met a man
who offered her
unconditional love
had someone
treated her so well
Dreams really do
come true
they die
his love is
not so unconditional
her's might not
be so unconditional
as well
(it's hard to accept cold judgement
and criticism)
distance has
grown between them
clings to her
dream come true
wanting to face
the truth
some dreams
do die
she silently cries
not really ready
to face
that unvarnished reality
people change
not all dreams
are meant to last
Kelly Rose Dec 2017
The future lies before me unwritten
Blank pages begging to be stained with ink
Ink only spills through action, not thinking
The future is unknown, fear springs unbidden
Words choke, action stalls, I’m unforgiven
Dreams plague me then vanish in a blink
The future lies before me unwritten
Blank pages begging to be stained with ink
Daring to take risks, words flow, now written
My tale stains the pages in vivid ink
Life thrives, dreams come true and now I’m smitten
The future lies before me unwritten
Blank pages begging to be stained with ink

Kelly Rose
© December 28, 2017
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
He helped drag me
up from the pit of despair
as no other would
How much loyalty
does that warrant?
His unhappiness
chips away at my armor
I hate his unhappiness
and my uselessness
I yearn for happiness
and contentment
But, his sorrow
erodes it
leaving frustration
and anger in its wake
as I sit and wonder
how long does it
take for love
to die?
useless am I
in the face of his sorrow
his anger
his pain
Kelly Rose Mar 2015
harsh words...

"you don't know
what you are talking about"

"shut up
no one wants to hear it"

"you're so stupid"

easily steals one's voice

harsh words
taken to heart

she may never find
her voice again*

The Poet Challenge
Kelly Rose Jan 2015
May the walls
surrounding her heart

Until then...

is her only companion

As she pushes
everyone else away
Kelly Rose Jan 2015
Her life is a wasteland
of unfilled dreams

It's a coward she be
Kelly Rose Mar 2018
Heart heavy
The endless struggle
Thy Will ravaged
All control lost
While life slips away

Kelly Rose
© March 23, 2018
Kelly Rose Feb 2015
A dream hovers
just out of reach

Battered, baffled
a little bit broken

She struggles
her focus


What dreams come?
Kelly Rose Mar 2018
No! It’s my cup of poison
How can I live?
Without its bitter burn

Yes, yes – I know
The ambrosia of life
Is excellent too –

My poison beckons
Its pull so strong
I really do want that ambrosia

Darkness’ allure
So back off! It’s the bitter burn I crave

Kelly Rose
© March 6, 2018

Some days you can’t win for trying
When darkness prevails
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
Love so bitter

Sometimes...yes sometimes
I wish my life was like a movie
With the big crescendo of music
Playing as
Love's warmth
Sinks deep inside

I don't even get a goodnight
Let alone some romance
No longer
Do I feel
Love's warmth
Deep inside,
Just me
With no music
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
His Tango seduced
and inflamed her passions
it was his Waltz
that captured
her heart and soul

he has grown tired
and no longer hears
the music

her un partnered
as she dances alone
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Pain slices through his heart
As he watches her
Once again
Beat herself with that
Whip of Intolerance
Each time he is Stunned
By the Violence
She directs at herself
His heart bleeds
As he wonders....
          as he wonders
If she will ever find
Acceptance and Tolerance
Of her self
That she so freely gives to others
Kelly Rose Jan 2015
It is Lady Winter's
time to shine
Swirls of snowflakes
covering the world
Remaking it
into a Winter Wonder Land
Icicles glisten
sparkling like
Diamonds in the sky
That hushed
that envelops
my world
Showing me the
beauty of Silence
in this Winter Wonder Land
Missing the Blizzard
Jersey girl now living in FL
Kelly Rose Feb 2015
A gentle rains falls
in sight and sound
Wistful thoughts
She feels
the loss
of the love
she never had
Kelly Rose Oct 2014
Words have power
They can reveal
our desires
They can be weapons
that tear another down
They can bring joy
and lift another's spirit
They can be used
to form laws
and bring justice
They can spread love
build empires
bring forth destruction
So choose your words wisely
Words have power
Kelly Rose Jan 2017
Spoken softly
Or harshly
No longer do they
       a k
What infuses meaning?
Leaving the sentence bare
No longer understood
In this mad crazy world


Kelly Rose
© January 26, 2017
Kelly Rose Oct 2015
So many words and languages
Often confuses more than clarifies
I pull words from deep within
And am left
Sil­ence reigns
Meaning is lost
As words pour forth
In an instant
A moment is perfectly captured
And I feel I finally know myself
Silence reigns
Meaning is lost
As words pour forth
          And I am lost

Kelly Rose
October 6, 2015
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
Do not give me
your empty words
Words that let me down
Lead me astray
How carelessly you throw them around
Man up!
Stop throwing empty words around
Rather, lend meaning to your words
Back them up with action
Kelly Rose Dec 2014
Words unmade
Now they run away
Just letters
Floating upon the air
She only glimpses
Of what once was there
Once fluid
A cause of joy
Swimming in her
Stream of Consciousness
Now -
Her stream is dry
A drought
Has been wrought
Kelly Rose Sep 2014
***** and Pillaged
At a young age
A veil descended
Closing her heart to others
Yearning for love,
She understands not
That the veil must drop
For love to fill her heart
Kelly Rose Mar 2017
You are a lie

Don’t - life slips through your fingers
Even Poe could not grasp time
Stop hiding in illusions, coward
You are a lie
Shattering another’s dreams
Even if you don’t understand
The destruction you cause
One day you will wake up
To the reality of ‘what ifs’
As you look at withered hopes
And dreams that you hide behind
You are a lie

Kelly Rose
© March 13, 2017
Kelly Rose Dec 2016
You have given my life grace and beauty
Offering your light when darkness filled me
Never has your love felt like some duty
No, you have filled my life with joyous glee

Offering your light when darkness filled me
You gave me courage to discard the hate
No, you have filled my life with joyous glee
Always, you make me feel lovely and great

You gave me courage to discard the hate
Allowing me to discover my way
Making me feel like your wife and soul mate
And always meeting me more than halfway

Allowing me to discover my way
Is a gift beyond compare, truly
And always meeting me more than halfway
You have given my life grace and beauty

Kelly Rose
© December 24, 2016
Kelly Rose Jan 2017
Young love,
Bitten by the Rose’s thorn
Giving the lovers’ their first blush
Powerful imagery stirring memories
Of first love, of true love

There was a time when
He would have suffered
Her pain as his own
So connected were they
That even in dreams they were one

Sadly, Rose’s thorn
Left its poison behind
And betrayal cut
Deep and true
Its ravaged scars
Leaving an indelible stain
Upon their souls

Bonds torn asunder
Young love’s blush
Turned scarlet red

How I yearn to warn the lovers
Of the Rose’s devious ways
Slyly infusing their love
With betrayal’s bitter pain

For in that moment
When they thought
Love was won…
Well, I guess that’s why
First love’s wound
Colors forever one’s love

Kelly Rose
© January 27, 2017

This poem was inspired by an image - The Thorn by Charles West.  Here is a link to the portrait is you wish to view it.

— The End —