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127 · Jan 2020
Burning Mirror
Kerli Tulva Jan 2020
Sliding down
the captivating dreams
hands on the piano
eyes in the sky.

Mind in fire of beauty
letting all burn softly
the inside of your soul
is mysteriously beautiful
fire is your energy.

Once you found
a broken mirror
pieces by pieces
you tried to repair it
but your hands
were on fire too.

And it is beautiful
how the mirror burns
as your reflection
evaporates into
the vast universe.
113 · Nov 2020
River's Reverie
Kerli Tulva Nov 2020
As the river flows
never stopping its way
its calming quiet mutter
its hasty vicious pace
its unexpected turns
and crystal clear reflection
full of living fresh energy
always passing anew.
So does life. Always flows
passing anew in the dawn dew
in its hasty pace at vicious race.
113 · Oct 2020
Courage of Heart
Kerli Tulva Oct 2020
Courage is not
an outward fire.
does not stem
from the outside

Courage is coeur
the Heart.
Entwining inside
its diamond web
brittle to break
yet the strongest.
to withstand.
112 · Oct 2020
Kerli Tulva Oct 2020
Celestial skies render down
their silvery gifts of love
try to awaken the universe
once more as we pass by.

Falling out of weary presence
to the world of dreaminess
searching the love in steps
once made on the sandy shore.
111 · Dec 2020
Kerli Tulva Dec 2020
The fire's silk immersed blaze
crackles quietly amid the dark
deeply in the night-set haze
lights a distant frailing spark.

As the time howls in haste
running ahead of its own course
there are no words to waste
on the paper of heart's remorse.

The hands of the wind conjure
your notion of life's whole
as you sit by the blaze to ponder
while time's eyes riddle your soul.
108 · Feb 2020
Life in the Shadow
Kerli Tulva Feb 2020
Crimson curtain casting the forest
the sun setting into an eternal space
where your dreams and hopes rest
where you wish to find your place.

Life stepping down the star stairs
Along poetic universe' s lullaby
every pain and sadness you bear
as a butterfly they fly in the sky.

Shivering shadows slink the forest
Somewhere far is the butterfly of joy
Raindrops down the cheeks, so modest
is the way for happiness to destroy.
104 · Nov 2020
Kerli Tulva Nov 2020
On a gloomy led weather day,
the sun rarely peeks from behind
puffy clouds, spreading its rays
stealthily before the rain arrives.

The garden flowers glow freshly
waiting patiently for their showers
on the porch you sit, observing gently
the day's and night's quiet hours.

On tiptoe, time passes to greet you
while robins dance amid the orchard
collecting diamonds in morning dew
singing with nuances, at life's guard.
103 · Oct 2020
Kerli Tulva Oct 2020
It is snowing in the heart
and the fireplace is burning
to keep the warmth within
the snow and wind intertwine
dancing along the road of pain.

It is spring in the heart
drops of water melting along
sliding and streaming down
awakening flowers to bloom
giving life for new beginnings.

It is sunny in the heart
summer embraces the world
contemplating deeply ahead
collecting the harvest of hope
creating new paths to discover.

It is autumn in the heart
the colours shimmer passim
the peace has come in secret
balancing the cold and warm
as life withers and sprouts again.
102 · Sep 2020
Speck of Life
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
How, merely small
and insignificant
is the speck of life
under the endless
power and energy
of the dark universe.

How, merely huge
and substantial
we make the speck
among the billions
of arising galaxies
we know nothing of.
100 · Nov 2020
Soft Seeds
Kerli Tulva Nov 2020
In the darkest nights
where stars are blooming
you whisper into the wind
words that fly like seeds
travelling distances afar
and finding their bed
among the soft earth
or my soul's strings.
100 · Sep 2020
Quiet Reasoning
Kerli Tulva Sep 2020
You can get your way
by talking through it
you can get your way
by having a wit.

You reason your stance
and hoping the best
as you know that you can't
make people impressed.

Things are never achieved
by argument and force
as some might believe
but never win the course.

The reason in your way
is the only helping hand
which helps you to pay
the value of your stand.
98 · Jan 2020
Perform Universe
Kerli Tulva Jan 2020
Stretching the hands out
to catch the universe falling
and in my hands it I caught
and heard you there calling.

The perky stars jumped off
and run all down my body,
feeling like a catastrophe,
I tried to collect them rapidly.

Some singing or whispering,
the stars entered my soul
to start powerful glimmering,
that was when I felt whole.

I stretched the hands out
to catch all the rest left
but none was to be caught
I heard that you confessed.
92 · Nov 2020
Kerli Tulva Nov 2020
The dimensions of human
are never ending play
and thoughts never finish
torn between thousand waves.

Where is the mystic limit
of life's ceaseless turmoils
from upper to the downside
you run your speedy wheels.
91 · Oct 2020
Kerli Tulva Oct 2020
You sense the future anew
on tip-toe it passes the note
and invites you to a mythic
fearful unknown dimension.
89 · Nov 2020
Kerli Tulva Nov 2020
In this star-consumed clear night
we look through a kaleidoscope
to see inside our soul's and light
the candles in the dark to warm
our hearts in this persistent storm.
51 · Jan 2020
Time Lapse
Kerli Tulva Jan 2020
Walking on a long smooth road
in daylight, with a mirror in my hand
stretched in front of my dreamy eyes
only backwards I see, but walk ahead.

Days and days, I go on walking
with a mirror in my hands, holding
sometimes closer and mostly far
Observing the details behind.

Closing the eyes, I turn around
and start walking back again
pacing to the past, future behind me
I realise, only the moment is the reality.

— The End —