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F/Malta    Merħba u grazzi, prosit kollha tax-xogħol sabieħ.
Lizzie Bevis
F/England    Thank you for stopping by. I hope that you become inspired🙂
40    I'm Indian, but my ancestors/forefathers were Mesopotamian , Middle Eastern /Arabian. I was born in Nigeria,( Western Africa) grew up in South Africa and currently …
South by Southwest
Trussville , Alabama    Writing poetry for over fifty years
🇦🇺 home sweat 😓 home, some greasy grocery 🏡 along the Bremer 🛶
Otuogbodor Okeibunor
M/Abuja, Nigeria    Poetry is an expression of self and society . Beauty and Originality is my philosophy.
S E Pope
33/F    I say things.
Donall Dempsey
Guildford    Bio/Comments: Dónall Dempsey was born in the Curragh of Kildare, Ireland, and was Ireland’s first Poet in Residence in a secondary school. He has read …
24    NJ
Nishu Mathur
53/F/India    I love to write. Haven’t written much in the last two years. Hope to start again some time.
Lily Barrett
F/United States   
🇸🇬    Wield them proud for they are your own. Words are yours to cast in stone. Unsheathe them with reason and rhyme. Reveal them so they …
Sean Fitzpatrick
But nature is a stranger yet; The ones that cite her most Have never passed her haunted house, Nor simplified her ghost. To pity those …
Amanda Shelton
37/F/Bakersfield California    I was born with a pen in one hand and ideas in the other. Before I could write my mom wrote for me. She always …
Ramana Tandra
53/M/India    I love proletariat.Because of their labour,entire society is being fed.
Kurt Philip Behm    The Death Of The Playground' (2007) 'The Sword Of Ichiban' (2010) 'Searching For Crazy Horse' (2011) 'An Anthology Of Perception' Vol's 1 & 2 (2013) …
Peter Balkus
39/M/United Kingdom   
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