I curse too much
If you ever hear me speak in person
I'm terribly sorry
I am such a ***** mouth
Literally every sentence
That comes from my ***** mouth
Has the word "****" in it
It's horrible
So very unladylike
And I'm sorry
I have to ****** your ears like that
One year ago
I almost never cursed
I would get mad at others
For doing so
Then I tried the word
It tasted new and spicy
I tried it again
And again and again
Now the word is a permanent part of my language
And I have no use for it
Perhaps the reason
I use these disgusting words
Is to weigh my words down
Make people actually listen to what I have to say
It turns heads
It gives my words power
It makes me feel powerful
But it harms my reputation
I'm supposed to be
'A good little Mormon church girl'
Yeah I bet you never guessed that
But whenever I tell people that
They're surprised.
"There is no way in hell that you're Mormon!"
They always say
But that's beside the point
I curse too much
I'm sorry
And I do try to change my ways
Not hard enough,
But I do try.