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Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2016
healthy minds must go through tragedy too-
it's not that whatever we do,

we set fire to what becomes loose,
we get through it

we know it must happen to feel happy
Kaitlyn Marie Feb 2019
a prolonged fear~
that once you have, you will never have again. that once you take, you cannot take again. That what I had will never find it's way back. What I have is up to decide. The pit in my stomach does flips inside-instead of walking with an open mind. I'm worried. I really am
Kaitlyn Marie May 2014
my thoughts are stars
I cannot fathom into constellations
my thoughts are speedway cars
they wont pace themselves consistent
my thoughtless days are like my self control
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
Kaitlyn Marie Apr 2020
You can never say I feel no remorse

It's evident in my poems
Kaitlyn Marie Feb 2014
A thousand years have passed
and I still remember our first dance
under the blue and grey disco lights

you stood there holding me, ever so tight
like everything was perfect
and just right

you didn't dance very well
but that isn't relevant
because I know your heart was present

every step you took
was like a walk on the moon
so historical
so memorial

A thousand years have passed
and I still remember that dance <3
@Copyright Kaitlyn Maire
Kaitlyn Marie Feb 2020
You sit on a chance until the non compostable breaks and sinks into the earth
the moon is closer than it appears and if dandelions don’t have a place than most people don’t

Kaitlyn Marie Feb 2018
no, I'm not looking for recognition on this road without an end. Lights flash behind my rear view sight, my stomach drops into my gut and I'm afraid. It slowly passes by and the relief drops me into an ocean 3,000 miles deep,

I have these dreams of different memories
sidewalks without ends and a
cranberry taste lingering within
reality doesn't exist because this
isn't real to me

justice isn't a word- a fragment broken off our people, the ones we are supposed to trust like storybooks read as we daze off
freedom isn't a word- it's a memory of something that didn't happen
a cold honest truth
of a wish no genie has found the power to grant

if there is such things tell me; where do I find waterparks of pride, or a place called freedom other than that gas station on left maple drive

is this not what we all want?
being mixed in this cycle, having our parents not sign that permission slip;
not have the knowledge of the feigned confidence they led would someday catch them
Kaitlyn Marie Aug 2017
Today I ordered hot coffee just to let it grow cold
I climbed into my clothes and walked around in them
something felt odd, something felt different

the coolness racing down my throat
it still tasted like coffee-
but not as good

but these things have never annoyed me
have never made me want to get angry

love is so much of a better feeling
it tingles and mingles around in your body
hugs every loose end tight
makes you feel safe in your own skin-
love can do a lot

I can depend on the wind to keep me moving
the air to keep me living
the grass to allow me to have a presence

I no longer fear what's ahead because what's in me now
has no count down
it's permanent while it exists
and temporary pain gets flushed out

Yes, today I ordered coffee
and funnily enough, I let it grow cold
Kaitlyn Marie Oct 2018
standing strong for as long as you can,
and sitting down to retrieve a breath

my routine
till death

Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2022
yes the years have gone by
but the scent of a burning cigarette
and kisses in between hasn't left
it may have been a dream
but I will carry it forever
maybe it wasn't too good to be true
it was true and it was good
a short time felt like a long while
how are you
time has passed and my greatest wish is for you to heal
you locked the door, every one you could find
and my smile you could see from heavens away
Kaitlyn Marie Jul 2022
is he who you really want?

is it his eyes, sharp shooters that have seen the world that I love

is it his mouth
that says the words that fill the void at the moment, but could never stand alone

or perhaps his hands
that hold me and comfort me
that allow me a sense of home within cracking walls and leaking faucets
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014
My brother had always corrected me on my faults
and I'd go off on a tantrum
of course
because I was young
but the kicker is
at school
when the same issue or topic was skewed
I would fight back
saying exactly
the words my brother
had used.
That leads me to believe
I really look up to my brother
more than he can see
that in the back of my head
I knew he was right
I just wanted to initiate a fight.

I love you Ty Ty <3
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
I attract easily to those who are far
Distant hearts and minds that are somewhere I haven't been

I'm always ready to come close,
to near the airport and land your love.
Kaitlyn Marie Oct 2017
night darkened his eyes, heightened the heights of one step down
lengthened the time of a second into decades
worried him to death
Kaitlyn Marie Oct 2017
don't run away from the pencil
don't run away from the pencil

seeing the command written down,
scares me

writing makes me remember what I would like not to
Kaitlyn Marie Feb 2019
there is one person you can trust.

it's you,

that you'll stick by your side

no promises to break

Kaitlyn Marie Oct 2022
do you ever feel like a bad person
not by the word of someone else
but an inner disgust;
a creeping crawling entity that takes you down a path

no control but all the control in the world
crows one by one picking apart your thoughts

eating away at any sense of belief you had in yourself

washed away like a sink once full of ***** dishes

I breathe but feel that's a privilege,
many before with purer hearts have gone

but me
I'm still here
Kaitlyn Marie Jan 2015
We cry that we are alive, they cry that we’ve died.
@Copyright Kaitlyn marie
Kaitlyn Marie May 2014
A connection between two souls
emerges from an uncertain eye
nothing will happen though,
we both remain shy
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014
Happiness is uncontrollable
and when it occurs
you will automatically know, know

here is the setting:
in a church choir
everybody smiling with such desire

but when the chorus hit
I couldn't handle it!
The beats and rhythm
even the tune!

first a smile sprouts on my face
then progressively changing
into a large grin
almost laughing
and then laughing

I pinched myself
to remember people were watching
but It wasn't working..

I thought about death
maybe that would make me depressed
but the chorus came again

and I knew
I couldn't hold it in!
@Copyright Kaitlyn Weyer
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2014
the wicked sound of the trees brushing past
the raindrops that would have races down their unforgiven paths
the smell of gasoline because my dad was cheap
the radio on alternative again for all to hear
the long talks about life and weather
made me feel I could stay in there forever

the car rides with my dad

this was a fateful day however
it seemed like we were driving forever
when we curved out of place
and took up someday else's space
Halt we came to an abrupt stop
colliding ends with a truck

I panicked inside
at the same time-
the air bags released
and I could barely breath!

my stomach felt like churning butter
my eyes only fluttered
my dad asked: are you okay?

I said a simple yes
I didn't feel like elaborating
on this tremendous experience.

he wiped his brow
grabbed his glasses
they were broken now
shattered into pieces like grands of molasses  

the police arrived
as I stood there stuttering

this was all surreal .

my dad was furious
though he held it in very well
on account we just bought the car
and now it looks like a piece of tar

he looked me square in the eyes and said

**"honey...I'm just glad we are alive!"
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
Kaitlyn Marie Dec 2018
I'm left somewhere

where is to be determined
Kaitlyn Marie Feb 2021
It's not all that it's cracked up to be

Sometimes I really do want you to change my mind, my way of thinking
Kaitlyn Marie Dec 2018
Why is it I’d sacrifice my life for you but the moment you’re gone and your lies have swallowed any love in your heart

I start writing again

I start loving myself again.
Kaitlyn Marie Dec 2018
A month ago.

How much I miss it
Kaitlyn Marie Oct 2020
we met in stages
I felt you as the parade got rained out
felt you again when it was time to go, say goodbye, get in the car, go home
dust and pebbles flew up as you left that driveway like you always did
as I age the river floods, dries up, floods, dries up, and everything in between
sadness has always been a river
a river freezing to the core  
and now you seek to find the ray of sunlight that you hoped would keep you warm
Kaitlyn Marie Oct 2017
It's not improper or a waste of time
not knowing where to move
four walls and you
listening to the sensation of music,
vibrate in your lungs and allow you to exhale
a breath of freedom and peace for the moment
people tend to forget about now and don't wanna try

for once I can write while listening to music,
I think it's because I'm finally letting people in

this isn't really an interesting poem
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2018
but what if I don't feeling like falling in love?

I'm tired.
Kaitlyn Marie Jun 2017
Until you've been through thick and thin with someone-
Experienced storm after storm
But was there for the sunny days
Has never fully given up, has loved without looking back
I love you

I do

Because I wouldn't be so worried to lose you
Kaitlyn Marie Jul 2021
It's unclear where writing poems will get me,

But they have gotten me out of my mind, hardships, suffocating fears

And that's ok if that's all I get
Kaitlyn Marie Jan 2019
It’ll be a different kind of “I love you.”
Kaitlyn Marie Dec 2021
when you realize fully that what you can't control is no fault or imperfection you hold,
the most bountiful sense of relief you behold

the gloomy days aren't personal- but
the sunshine is
Kaitlyn Marie Dec 2018
Across the table sits a leather black  chair with absolutely no meaning.

And me on the other side. Waiting for what’s gone to return, I have this problem where I never give up of hope
Kaitlyn Marie Dec 2018
I let my heart out to play...
Wasn’t watching it like a responsible person,

And it ran away
Kaitlyn Marie May 2019
I continuously feel guilty

because there's always someone to disappoint
always someone to look the other way

is this what it's like to be the bigger person?
is this what it means to agree to disagree?

these thoughts don't make sense
Kaitlyn Marie Jan 2019
Underneath my glittery lids and cheeks,

I am still glittering
Kaitlyn Marie May 2019
As much as I can hope you will want me as much as I want you
I'm slowly learning to un-like you

unlike you...
Kaitlyn Marie Jan 2021
listen to the sound of meaning and tell me if it means anything to you- the glass stains with colors of blue and grey dripping down and landing on your best intentions. don't leave me for the wolves- take me with you.

don't leave me for the wolves
or tell me to hold onto my horses
or test my patience
make me walk the tightrope-
insist that time flies-
as I'm pushed to the edge by her wind
Kaitlyn Marie May 2019
when is it my moment
I won't be warned
I won't be dressed in my best
and that's what he'll like
Kaitlyn Marie Jan 2022
It holds you down in the light of day
But no one can see to believe the pain wrapped around your veins
No one can see because you wouldn't say it
You wouldn't frame it in a way that makes you seem like a villain.
Kaitlyn Marie Feb 2018
I know I can worry about EVERYTHING
so why worry?

why give fuel to the blinded fear that strangles every last thought, vanquishes any positive energy

human energy is a form of electricity
translates everyday happenings into something digestible

once the power goes out, replace it with a better version. It may take time, but everyone procrastinates as much as they lie

conserve energy by knowing when to stand still
when to fight would only enrage the hurting

say your piece, and let them say their's

we can all go home tonight
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2023
and maybe I've hit the drop off point
maybe I've done all I could do

torn away the last of the good
to see what remains
and maybe I'm looking for attention
or not paying enough

dropping the ball
picking up when things were good

don't do this to yourself
Kaitlyn Marie May 2019
I've met people I didn't think were human
and I've broken the human in me trying to figure them out
Kaitlyn Marie Apr 2021
You feel uninteresting
Want to get unstuck
You strive to be part of a larger entity
But you sit and watch
Kaitlyn Marie Mar 2022
I used to believe my poems needed an ending
But in life, things rarely end like a storybook

In Mid conversation or
They leave early
Another breath
And another laugh
The normal things
Kaitlyn Marie Oct 2018
I’m a tree in a forest,
Pretty strawberry blonde hair,
Hiding in the middle of the open,
Words to say but no one to express
Passing faces but nobody wants to stay
Been not showing up to work like I can live off of guilt

Can still be strong enough to march on when I’m holding onto a line of emotion that I have caused
Kaitlyn Marie Jul 2021
you can make a knife out of anything
a heart

you can intoxicate yourself
you know too much
your own intentions,
mirror from within
Kaitlyn Marie Oct 2022
He has eyes that wander
Wander through creaks and upstream
Down riverbanks and across the jungle floor

He has eyes that escape
Escape the connection of two souls merging

I don't know I can be enough for someone who is always searching for better
Kaitlyn Marie May 2021
a part of me knows
another part pretends not to know

dancing around the tone of her voice
exhaling too loud to drown the echoes
of "I love that color" and the "aren't you the neighbor girl?"

when a 22 year old meets a 97 year old-
rest in peace, Ole
Kaitlyn Marie Dec 2018
you stole a moment from me. Do you take good care of it? The seconds you wanted to be with me, what do you do with those memories?

It will take time for my mind and heart to heal~ in a month I've fallen off the pedestal. I miss you. I miss us.

You said you love me
what does loving me mean?
walking away
not staying
turning your back
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