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 Sep 2014 Kagami
I should leave here
but there's a hole needs burying

- a mountain of memories
and a thousand miles of pain -
it still smells like you
even after it rains

At the table by the window
where you used to read -
there's a whiskey bottle
that I'm trying to put away

There - is a hole that needs burying
one of these days.

r ~ 9/1/14
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 Sep 2014 Kagami
Jonny Angel
I am a true lover
& come from a long line
of traditionalists,
believers of the leaf-faith.

I live in their spirit
day & night,
from Yunnan
where the gold is harvested,
down to Kenya I travel,
then to Sri Lankan rainforests,
to sip the Sinharaja black brew.

I visit the czars with Kusmi,
stay with Earl Grey a bit
on those misty eves
& on some chilly days,
I relish a nice
mysterious Chai with spice.

O yes, you dear fellow imbibers,
try some Golden Monkey
& a hit of Lapsang Souchong,
PG Tips & a hot cup of Sencha Uji.
It'll certainly hit the spot,

And at the rising
of the morning star,
gently down Red Moon.
 Sep 2014 Kagami
If I could make sense of who I am
Perhaps I'd see you clearly
If I could make heads or tails of me
Then, maybe, I could begin healing.
If my brain could find order and peace
It's possible I'd love you freely
If I knew that I was right side up or upside down
I may finally stop abandoning you, may stop leaving.

But I've no clue who the mirror is showing me,
I've never seen that thing once in all my days.
And, *******, there's pitiful little good in knowing me
But you stayed and that saves me in a million, million ways.

If you'd put your arms around me, I know I'd push away
And if you told me you loved me I'd say 'it's just a phase.'
I haven't jumped into the unknown because I'm scared of where I'll land.

And I can't trust you until I make sense of who I am.
 Aug 2014 Kagami
Edward Coles
She bore her second child
in a room of white powder,
cylinders of blood, and grey
masks. There was pain but
none to remember. A slab
of live meat burned in her
arms, leaving marks over
wrists and blooms of red
between her bruised legs.
It wouldn't stop crying.

The thing had a *****.
It was an off-white thought
that permeated her sweat
and that smug look of concern
on her husband's face.
She was a calf born into a
slaughterhouse. Stirring to eat,
to milk; to forget, spawn,
and then lay down whatever was
left beyond bone and tongue.

It was time for balloons and grapes.
Re-printed greetings cards
from Aunt Elaine: 'congratulations
on your human function,
and here is some money
for your new kitchen sink.'
The doctors were talking over
the Tupperware cradle. They must
be able to see the symptoms
of dispensable modes of thought.

They ask if she wants to hold him
again. When she told them that
she was tired and would rather
sleep the whole thing off,
a clean-shaven man-child gave
a dark look and wrote something
down on a clipboard. He made her
nervous. She could hear his
new shoes squeak, and could count
the blisters forming over

his earnest young feet.
She could not remember getting
home weeks later. Or how her
hair was combed into shape
every morning. Mother was round
most days, sitting in the garden,
making tea with too much sugar,
and giving lectures on the
importance of breast milk. The boy
would have to get used to unreal food.

The third time she went to hospital
she returned with no children at all.
Her mother still came to see her,
bringing stories of the brothers.
It was better this way, of course it was.
It is easier to listen to the falling
of bombs behind a newsbeat vibration.
A far-off land where worry can only reach
you in off-hand bulletins, bright white
pills, and a needle to send you to sleep.
 Aug 2014 Kagami
 Aug 2014 Kagami
I awoke
at the crack
of dawn

to a blood red sun
-a bullet hole
in a faded work shirt

with a creak in my bones
a quick kiss and a groan

I thanked her
and slipped out
the back door

before her old man
came home.

r ~ 8/30/14
  |      ; )
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 Aug 2014 Kagami
Jonny Angel
She was sheer beauty,
in its purest form,
as graceful as a swan,
she floated on gossamer air.

Her gorgeous thick hair
sprawled magnificently
onto her delicate shoulders.

She was well endowed
with feminine-nicities,
certainly from the sacred above,
as peaceful as a white dove.

And she had the prettiest strawberry patch,
the tasty kind men fight & die for.
She makes me hungry.
 Aug 2014 Kagami
Jonny Angel
You asked for it
& I gave it to you,
all that I had
& much more.
Then you left,
high-tailed it
straight out the door.
You left me with a huge mess!
What was I supposed to do darling,
clean up after,
all by myself?
 Aug 2014 Kagami
 Aug 2014 Kagami
I do not know what it is like
To feel empty
Even in my darkest hour
That well of joy we each contain
Has not gone dry with regret
We pull ourselves from depth and shadow
Reminding that this too shall pass
It is only when the quiet comes
That I remember to clench my teeth
Grin and bare it
For every day is a blessing
Every minute a gift
Live each day, not just survive. No tomorrow is foreseen or promised.
Let’s all just take a minute
To shut the hell up
And talk about our feelings
Come on you know you wanna
Let’s talk about them one by one
Let’s talk about them you know it'll be fun

Feel the warmth on your face,
Discover your breathing space.
Lose yourself and escape,
For you are unique in the first place.
Welcome happiness's embrace

Let’s talk about happiness
You might think it’s the best
But it’s just a pest
Because more or less
It just makes me feel stressed

Everything blurs together,
All in your displeasure.
Alone, you're angered in life's adventure.
Take a breath if the balmy zephyr.
One step at a time, tackle your aggressor

Let’s talk about feeling angry
When it’s here everything just seems to annoy me
I just want people to go away because there’s no one I want to see
This feeling doesn’t do things peacefully
This feeling it doesn’t need to be free
So let’s lock it up and throw away the key

Down we go,
Into sadness's plateau.
Tears are welcome to get you through the long tow.
Hide yourself from the status quo.
Someday I know you will tread in life's game show.

Let’s talk about feeling sad
You might not think it’s rad
But sometimes the feeling isn’t half bad
It sure beats feeling mad
But with sadness there isn’t much fun to be had
Italics are Kaitlin Molden's Lines
Normal are Karl Franssen's lines
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