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 Sep 2014 Kagami
Just Melz
Lights flicker
      Blood drips
Brilliant mind
      At my finger tips
Don't look now
      Gotta think quick
What have I done?
      Oh! I know a trick
Slice it up thin
      Tiny little bits
So much mess
      Hmm, maybe a mince
Red and juicy
      Smells so devine
Mouth watering
      Just like last time
So heavenly
      It should be a crime
Down to the bone
      I carve a rhyme
My name etched like stone
      A deadly shrine
No where left to go
      But back into my mind
                           Until next time....
Creativity or Insanity?
****** or a T-Bone?
You decide :)
 Sep 2014 Kagami
 Sep 2014 Kagami
You undress depression in the way I
willingly take off my clothes when
I've had too much to drink.

You miss the days when the only
body you touched
wasn't your own,
and if a lover ever ****** you over,
you would want them to *******
like they owed you an apology.

It's funny how love is synonymous with mistake.
We're all biting out tongues over someone we hoped would
look at us in the same way
we looked at them.

You would hope that one day your
lover would acknowledge how
unbalanced you are without
your counterpart,
and if their silence meant stay,
then you would keep
the back door unlocked
just in case.
 Sep 2014 Kagami
 Sep 2014 Kagami
The way I see it,
we were both each other's decorative
porcelain dolls.

Fragile, and if handled poorly,
would crack under the pressure
of the other.

We were both kept upon our shelves
only to collect dust,
which eventually got swept
underneath the rug anyway.
 Sep 2014 Kagami
Part of my job at the bakery
is handing out chocolate chip cookies
to happy drunks, chill stoners, and the
lone **** user.

Her approach had been shuffled slightly timid.
She moved, animal-quiet, up to the counter.
The pale white of her dress a stark contrast
to the inky pools brimming in her
irises and the jet in her hair.
An unnerving stillness settled around her
as she came to rest less than ten feet away.
Large, black eyes blankly inspected me.
Scabs ringed her mouth and I watched them
move in sync with her lips as she formed language.

I heard nothing.
I came in closer to hear better;
her wary gaze following my movements.
Up close her face was pocked and pitted.
Her pupils dimmed her starved features.

I asked, “Can I help you?”
Unblinking she parted her lips again.
On a whispered breath that ghosted
into hearing she requested
a cookie.

I handed her one wrapped in
blue tissue.
Ten slender fingers cautiously
came up to accept the baked good;
her oblivious yet observant stare never  
once straying from mine.
Her eyes were brick-lined wells.
And the longer I studied their depths
the more they collapsed inwards
away from me and the world.
 Sep 2014 Kagami
 Sep 2014 Kagami
Waiting for you was like waiting for my mother to stop smoking,
but you know that when you drop an old habit
you tend to pick up a new one

She never told me about the filters she left behind my pillow case,
or the empty bottles of wine hidden behind the children's books.

And when you walked into the restroom you could see the walls tainted in varying shades of yellows.

She taught me about addiction in a subtle way.
By age seven I learned to enjoy the smell,
and by age eight I learned what it felt like to be drunk from neglect.
 Sep 2014 Kagami
By happenstance,
I wonder which part of me were to break if I ever heard your voice again.
But nevertheless I sit and wait considerably
for thoughts of me to pass,
or to register through your head again.
Either way, it doesn't really matter because you ****** me harder and faster beyond my ability
to recover.
I never read the terms and conditions before I fell in love with you,
now I'm beginning to
wish that I had.
 Sep 2014 Kagami
That One Guy
When I look at you
I see the most beautiful girl
That has ever set foot on this earth
I know that the pain and sorrow
From the past, is not going away
But I believe you can push them away
I believe you are strong enough
I know you are

You have helped me through so much
And I want to tell you
You are so beautiful
And I will always be here for you
Through anything

I want you to know
I love you.
And don't argue
Because, I love you, more :)
I am not good at making things flow, but I just did not know how.
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