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 Sep 2014 Kagami
Chalsey Wilder
Too late to take back what you said
It's too late to win me back once you've lost me, or, maybe you never even had me
I never love easily
I think I can fake it
I guess I can since I fooled you for some time
In a way I did love you
And I can tell by the time you gave me how much you loved me and how this was going to end
We dragged it on
Well, mostly I dragged it on
Not wanting to be single, alone, or lonely when I felt even more alone and lonely with you
I was confused and my mind still young and dazed
I didn't know why I was staying with you at first
Cause the first time I thought about breaking up you got shot
Then the second time your sister got shot
The third time I actually tried you talked me out of leaving
The final time I told it like it was, because I could no longer take it
I could no longer take feeling like the last thing you ever cared about and I just broke up with you
You didn't say anything
And of course I regretted it for a couple of days, but then I just stopped caring and moved on
Eight months I wasted with you
You said you loved me
But I can honestly say that that was never true
And I can be truthful and say
*I don't think I ever loved you too
About a guy I broke up with last summer in June. I'm glad I left him, but he taught me something too.
 Sep 2014 Kagami
Tim Eichhorn
With regards to Thomas Sayers Ellis*

Look at the
    Lucent lava lamps,
Dark craters
    Hiring hands.
We walked,
    Mimicking magma.
Hot, why is
    This heat?
Forget Vulcan
    And his illusion
Of kaleidoscopes,
    A rip tide
On the shore
    Of our conscious minds.
We held fire,
    Pretending to swim
    But only out
Of pure respect.
    Some had boots
Made with
    The clippings
Of funky tripwire,
    Others wore suits
With goggles
    Clamped to their faces,
Gripping like
    Bay Area earthquakes.
    Jang-strangs were
Attached to us and
    Hurled into the Pit
With rhythmic rituals,
    Waves of S and P
Flailed away
    Like flags.
One nation
    Under a new.
No one looked away
    From the fiery daze.
No one wept.
 Sep 2014 Kagami
You're running around with your head cut off
And your circus personality
Your face is ****** and sad, with those dark rings around your eyes, and all the years you've seen have made you plain curmudgeony
Your silt pockets run dry to the earth, their face is laced with ******* and dirt
Your mace head is running wiry with hair, and you wouldn't be surprised if you found a rats nest in there
You've been casted a role, that you forgot how to play, from all the years of half-assed hearsay
You said you'd give me your word, and chilled with guilt, you fiddled and farted away
Fun fact:
This song was originally about a ****.
 Sep 2014 Kagami
Anxiety poem
 Sep 2014 Kagami
It’s is a rope, with the strongest of fibres
that holds me together and can unthread and tear me apart,
it replaces my bones and makes me limp.
It makes me fold into myself as I walk -
are people staring at me?

Coiling so very tightly
twisting and turning and tying,
tying me up, forcing me to my knees.
Cuts deep into my foundation -
they’ve spread too far.

Rapid breath intakes, sweaty palms
my heartbeat is deafening, faster faster,
punching through my chest as I walk down the street.
I just need to get to the end
yet I always fail and f  a  i  l  more.

Trying not to let my weak body collapse me.
trying not the let the sheets smother me.
trying not the let the rocks squash me.
trying not to let the fingers strangle me.
trying not to let the words define me.

It’s like a ***** that holds my world together
there not point trying to look, you cant find it,
yet when I’m in public it comes loose.
I prepare to run as
the sky crumbles around me.

The ***** is so small you cannot tell it lay inside me
it’s so delicate so don’t look at me closely,
or you can see it in the twiddling in my fingers.
The dilated pupils and panicked expression.
Choose. Fight or flight?

I bite my lip so hard it starts to bleed
trying to keep it inside and hidden as to keep it a secret,
it’s like a wave trying to break towards the shore.
Like somehow, it’s never going to stop
*so I keep sinking and sinking and nobody can tell.
Reading tales about
Damsels in distress
Oh will I ever find my princess
Or will I just give in and believe
That there’s no happiness for me
In this land, in this world, on this earth
No it can’t be true

There’s no princesses in the world
They’re all trapped in books
Or inside my head
Oh why wasn’t I told
Now all my fantasies, all my hopes and dreams
Are dead

Let’s all dance around badly
Run around madly
Til we find what we’re hoping to find

But all my fairy tale
Are dead to me
Specifically because


Don’t know where to go
Cause no one’s here with me at all
But I don’t wanna slip
I don’t wanna slide
I don’t wanna fall
I just want to hide

I don’t wanna slip
I don’t wanna break
I don’t wanna fall in love again


So stop lying to me
I know what I see
And what I see is this

There’s no princesses in the world
No there’s no princesses
Nor knights or ladies fair
So I don’t care
Because I know that you don’t exist

No there’s no princesses
So don’t try to tell me there is
Cause if I know one thing
It’s this

There’s no hope or dreams
Just sadness it seems
That’s how it looks to be
So please don’t read out my story
Because I know how it ends
And there’s no happy ending for me…
 Sep 2014 Kagami
Mike Hauser
I just had an epiphany
one on the grandest scale
Fire works went off in my head
Lucky pennies tossed in the well

I will take a single line
from all the poems I read
and come up with the greatest poem
in all of history

Just one line from brilliant minds
and jot them as my own
which shouldn't take too much time
for me to stand alone

I'll take their lines that make me cry
ones that make me smile
The ones that make me think I'll sneak
over to my side

I'll mix them up, lay them out
in some sort of rhyming order
No one the wiser will find out
I took them from another

I'll be known as the greatest poet
to ever grace the stage
As the greatest poet
to ever bless the page*...
 Sep 2014 Kagami
SG Holter
I suppose you had me at "heeeey!",
But I'm still bouncing down the
Staircase of my own heart,  
One step at the time.

Your language is that of images.
Graphics. Oil on canvas. Interior
Design. Always knowing where
Something sits or hangs the most

Pleasing to the eye. I lean back with
Ink and infatuation, under only
Just enough light to write without
Being seen too clearly by keen eyes.

Two superheroes fighting the good
Fight. Saving days. Superpowered.
Telling the world how beautiful it is;
Mothering lovers loving like this.

If I run out of words, draw me another.
When your colours dry out, I will write
You of sunsets and stories,
Images and words go as hand in

Hand as our souls have since all eyes
Turned to the door through which
You floated, back straight, head
High, dotting the i

Of your beauty with a smile like a
Slap in the face of my well rehearsed
Image of 'calm and collected.'
Breaking the ice into crystals  

With one
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