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Apr 2015 · 553
JWolfeB Apr 2015
She pick pocketed all the moments she told me she loved me
Strong arm robbed me of the hope planted in my sternum
Took the few words still stuck on my tongue
And so I forgave her

My heart did not break
The sun still rose today
And the rain reminded me I can still feel
And so I forgave her

I will move slowly forward
Finding new ways to forget her
Plucking her like cotton out of my memory
So I can forgive her
Apr 2015 · 747
JWolfeB Apr 2015
God decided to write her as a constellation
All beauty, yet slightly misunderstood
She stood
A median beyond heavenly rustic hinges
Only god himself has the patience for the excellence between us
We built books
Attempting to explain
How she became the light upon darkness
The flame moving toward arrival at light speed
Accompanied by mother moon
Apr 2015 · 451
Falling short
JWolfeB Apr 2015
The trees clapped their hands on our backs
Raised their delicate roots into our homes
Shivering the leaves above our hearts
Carved SOS into their trunks

An attempt to get our attention
The forest is screaming
We are tuned out
Ignoring the fallen trees sound
Apr 2015 · 632
Scar tissue
JWolfeB Apr 2015
Without the scar that you left me
I would have never learned that
Everything is going to be okay
Apr 2015 · 562
JWolfeB Apr 2015
As earth rotated into my darkness
The moon kissed my shadow
Hard into the forest floor
Giving my shades of gray
Reprieve in a family of identical
Light has been moving quickly
For too long
Attempting to fill space
That is already filled
Our shadows never
Fail to remind us that we are still here
Alive and breathing
Blessed by the grace of the moon
Apr 2015 · 792
Mother please
JWolfeB Apr 2015
Mother please,

Give me the strength to carry your legacy
The words you left here are heavy
Loving the world never came easy

Mother please,

Keep the dust off my memory
I want to remember you fondly
In your entire excellence

Mother please,

May I have your hands
Something stronger than my torn flesh
A way to hold on a little longer

Mother please,

Allow me to see through this
One step more than I took yesterday
Another breathe through the lungs you created

Mother please,

I need you
Here with me
Apr 2015 · 531
This town
JWolfeB Apr 2015
Slip into my breathe
Form the syllable on my tongue
Speaking life from the abandoned ruins in my throat
Build a cityscape of reminders
Displaying stories of fulfilled yesterdays
Ones where we loved
As hard as we were meant to
Apr 2015 · 463
JWolfeB Apr 2015
The rain came in a frenzy
Of shattered storms
When he yelled at the gods
His voice shook the air
Quivered into an echo
Shape shifted into agreement
And fell silent

The sky an open apology
To his unanswered rage
Blue under its darkness
Absorbing every breathe he took
Wanting nothing more
Than to find praise in the fact that
We.. well we are still breathing
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
Tundra lesson
JWolfeB Mar 2015
Arrival came in rays
A deceiving amount of sunshine
Endless light from above
Does not expunge
The cold of darkness
My bones found the tundra first
Gift wrapped in shivers
Skin danced lonely
Find me someone to hold
These words shake off my tongue
Replace silence to voice
Give darkness your light
Allowing warmth to conquer frost
Mar 2015 · 407
JWolfeB Mar 2015
I love you in words I do not understand yet
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
JWolfeB Mar 2015
When God created me in His image
He notched in just enough flaws
To make me realize
I am only human
Mar 2015 · 598
Left and leaving
JWolfeB Mar 2015
I'm left here
Knowing nothing more than moments
Of mediocre shadowed by exceptional

Searching the synaptic spaces
Where perfection finds home

Living in chaotic chemistry
With thoughts of your flawless presence

I am leaving you here now
Imagining a legacy
Discovered by failures and unreal expectations
The foundation we were built on
Mar 2015 · 433
JWolfeB Mar 2015
We traveled into different parts of the world
To find each other
Stitched in silent silk fabrics of yesterdays promises
Fluttering upon the whispered wind
Reminiscent of our disposition
To fall always to our desires
Mar 2015 · 454
Defining lines
JWolfeB Mar 2015
The closest I have come to suicide are the moments my pencil tip was close enough to my wrists to rewrite my history.

To find my blood line and dictionary write out the way of human life. A few fleeting moments from giving my words wings and falling into the growing sky.

Suicide is ever present in these poems. I have chosen to bleed suicide into a mass of dictionary definitions, instead of falling victim to another story ended too soon.
Mar 2015 · 679
Silent film
JWolfeB Mar 2015
We are silent film directors partitioned into different reels of reality. Quietly yelling sign language in the direction of creating something more than ourselves. If silence were love my poetry would walk away without you.
Mar 2015 · 400
JWolfeB Mar 2015
His heart fell soft
Into the fading Aurora
Away from the waging tundra
Dancing upon weightless
Drifting into the moonlight
Dazed by enlightenment
He became a phenomena
Unknown by too many
Felt by too few
Mar 2015 · 483
JWolfeB Mar 2015
If poetry could talk
I wonder
What it would have to say about me
Would it share my ***** secrets
Tell of my unstable emotions
Look into my ***** clothes pile
Pick out the stains from these words
I wonder
What judgement would be placed on me
Am I as broken as I write
Are these pen stroked scars on canvas
We talk often
And I know I complain more than I should
But please see me clearly
Fresh from my filth
Mar 2015 · 686
Shine (10W)
JWolfeB Mar 2015
Our bodies are lampshades

Dimming our true potential to shine
Mar 2015 · 435
Child flowers
JWolfeB Mar 2015
Our bodies traveled slowly through the field that evening
Sun falling somewhere between rest and arrival
I bent down and picked up a dandelion
You told me that as a girl wishes came true
When you believed in something deep enough
That nature would blow the truth over our lives

Then we became adults

So I wandered through the same field years later
Finding a dandelion that without a doubt
Had your name inscribed in the stem
I looked closer and found the wishes
Engraved in each seed
Spring loaded for my breathe to take them away
A poem I want to create into spokane word, but this is all I have as of right now. I would love feedback or thoughts on it as is. Thanks guys.
Mar 2015 · 870
JWolfeB Mar 2015
My sensitive skin
Believed in the love
On your fingertips
Mar 2015 · 587
JWolfeB Mar 2015
I have learned how to elaborately align the alphabet
Using sentence slaying structure using polite table manners
Constructing a script of well displayed emotions
Attempting to find new ways
To say I love you
love words sentences
Mar 2015 · 799
Its okay
JWolfeB Mar 2015
I have manipulated this poem
To be a mask of emotions
Not letting you know
I am falling apart
Because bulimia is only for girls

Men do not reject their self worth
Due to pressure from society
A consistent of not good enough
Photoshopped billboards

Recalling my most recent meal
In attempt to match my expectations
The ones I have created for myself
Through tainted understandings
Of the world around me
Mar 2015 · 739
JWolfeB Mar 2015
He wanted to be a gravedigger
A man bold enough to discover the past
Someone to show that our bodies return
To the earth that created us
Mar 2015 · 2.3k
JWolfeB Mar 2015
She lit a cigarette with good intentions
Took one slow deep breathe in
Holding onto the noxious relief for longer than reason
Finding single mother half time
Somewhere between 2 sons and a stack of bills

She put out her cigarette with exhaustion
Gripping onto any possibility of a helping hand
Her fingers a light house for the weary
She is disaster relief
Shelter for the homeless

She saved lives
While taking her own
With each smoldering breathe
Her lungs held in my chest
Smoke free for the first time
Some thoughts for my mother who gave so much life, yet, her only relief was smoking, which in turn took her life due to cancer.
Feb 2015 · 702
Lead poisoning
JWolfeB Feb 2015
The gun felt cold against my skin
Safety still on
Pulling the trigger only happens in movies
Fear holding me sideways
Dreaming of courage to take the bullet out
So instead I began holding pencils to my temple
Attempting to rewrite my future
Feb 2015 · 910
Blank spaces
JWolfeB Feb 2015
Every thing you left behind is still here
Collecting parts of individually wrapped humans
I refuse to rearrange the furniture
It helps convince me you're still coming back
That you have forgotten how to love
Taking a hiatus to expunge selfish
There is a spot reserved here for you
I am the only one that can still see it
Feb 2015 · 5.2k
JWolfeB Feb 2015
Her exterior showed defense
Allowing only the boldest to get close
An example of fear
Representing weathered
With a side of independence

So I bit into her pain
To find life inside her hollow
Water waiting to be swallowed
She is a savior in a barren desert
Waiting to give the right man life
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
Love of a child
JWolfeB Feb 2015
Spine tantalizing sensations
Bringing xylophone ribcage shivers to a halt
Salvaging an output of love
From an input of purity

Find me tangled in webs of elation
Laying prey to your immensity
Riddles I don't want to solve yet
Simply to relish in moments of you

Each day comes as relinquish
From times before we found love
Hidden in blanket forts and wedding rings
Loving each other like children
Feb 2015 · 560
Marital thoughts
JWolfeB Feb 2015
I have folded my words in half
Compacted containers of dense details
Hoping to mold diamonds out of my mouth
Wishing that there was a chance
That these words could take form
Of a perfect circumference
One just snug enough to fit your commitment
Engraving love within this unification
Chiseling your last name into mine
Feb 2015 · 779
JWolfeB Feb 2015
This time I broke my heart
Giving us a chance to be together once more
Creating a stained glass temple
Beauty created through cut palms
Polish the tainted glass windows of my soul
Bring me clarity in crystalline fractures
Allow your parts to hold my heart together
Creating this bombshell heart
Feb 2015 · 634
JWolfeB Feb 2015
Come to me brightly darling
With your sunshine steps
Rainbow brilliant illumination
I'm in need of your spot light hands
A guidance through the dark
My story book night light
Fire up this campfire heart
Ignite my aorta spark plug
Darling let me walk into your light
Drenching me in purity
Feb 2015 · 929
Gone missing
JWolfeB Feb 2015
The day that you passed was the only time I felt close enough to understanding why you are gone. It made sense to me because your hand was in mine. The curvature of your fingertip figured times tables into my palm that I will spend the rest of my life decoding.

Each day since then I question each footfall I conquer. For I can find your footprints upon this sandcastle heart yet all I see are my footprints being eaten by waves. Everyday has been a dislocation of hope, wondering why they took you and not me.

Asking my cells to work musical chair patterns to fine a cure for the algorithm I can't remember. Your nails. I remember them. Pictures. I have them still. You told me, in a house fire it is your 2nd item to grab. For a photo can't be recreated.

You never wanted to be recreated. So we cremated you. Burning ash tray loneliness into the humid smoke upon these lips. So why does it feel like I am jigsaw puzzling you back together in each picture. Attempting to take pieces of the past and walk into my future.

My feet are wet from walking through the watered down alleyways of yesterday. I have robbed myself, beaten the best senses senseless, and found my ****** self laid up in darkness. Interrogating the best reasons to walk into the light.
A recap of the emotions and warfare that take place due to losing my mother many years ago.
Feb 2015 · 497
My meal
JWolfeB Feb 2015
Most days I would offer my heart as an appetizer
Something to take the edge off
Never asking of much
Today I off my heart as the main course
Fulfilling your basic needs
Menu ready call my name
Write a poem in the form of review
Tell the critics of what you felt
I never gave you desert
For I never want the day to arrive
When you are fully satisfied
Feb 2015 · 527
Take it
JWolfeB Feb 2015
Strong arm rob me
Of all the precepts I hold against love
Take them away
Wash me clean
Show love
Instead of the prism I created in my mind
Feb 2015 · 1.7k
What we have become
JWolfeB Feb 2015
We have become static on the television
Ringing noises at random moments
Sore backs in cold weather
Knees that don't always bend the right way
Hair that doesn't comply to orders
Traffic jams in hot weather
Gum that has lost its flavor
The warm side of the pillow
Frayed shoe laces without purpose
We have let our lives
Become the trivial annoyances
The writers block accepted
Giving in to the frivolous empathy
We complain is everyday life
We let the small things in life bother us too often. Sometimes we need to accept it so we can find optimism layered somewhere underneath.
Feb 2015 · 428
Ice shelf
JWolfeB Feb 2015
The ice became a reflection of how I treat every moment of my past
Frozen in time
An ice cap to place on the emotions I refuse to deal with
Some way to construct a barrier between myself and reality
I've sent out to sea
The functioning parts of my interior that are no longer needed here

I have found replacements
I would feed you to the wolves
Mirrors of the land would prove too many theories correct
In search for pressured cracked exposures
I found longing
A feeling measured by regret laced with muted passion

There on the ice, miles at sea
I found myself digging up parts of me
I was bound to forget
As the temperature began to rise
Separating the ice I have hidden upon
Falling deeply immersed
Into a sea of decisions constructed by the lack of oxygen in my blood
Remembering that my decisions of my past are what built the person I am today.
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Building blocks
JWolfeB Feb 2015
So let go of all the words I have built with

Allow the only structure we are safe in

To collapse upon itself

Laying snow storm covered

In the mess this tongue has created
Feb 2015 · 2.3k
An iceberg
JWolfeB Feb 2015
Today she is iceberg present
Holding her bones still
Showing 20 percent
Hiding the rest
Freezing in time
Slowly shrinking down
Into her surroundings
Out of sight out of mind
Inch by inch
She forgets herself
And became an ocean
Freshly tainted
Another part of the whole
Feb 2015 · 920
JWolfeB Feb 2015
In a college psychology class my professor told me about flashbacks. How these moments are defined by intense, vivid memories of a dramatic event in our past.
A camera broken face nervous
Shooting out pixels
Attempting to recreate your image
Hospital beds
Chemo dripped needles
Flat lined arms holding onto anything stable
Now every doctor has the same voice
Each one of them presents themselves in forms of your death
When will the good memories come back?
At what point will my camera work again
The pictures I keep in my head are not the ones I want
This dark room is getting darker
Without producing new pictures
I need exposure
To the laugh you use to have
All I hear is your cough
A rippled wretched cacophony of cancer
Until then,
I choose to see you
In any way I can
To remind myself of your presence
Lost my mother due to cancer. Been having flashbacks that are not pleasant as of recently
Feb 2015 · 542
Letter to self
JWolfeB Feb 2015
Mold me into a better form of me than I was yesterday
Give me the power to love without reservation
Lay down blueprints of great decisions
A cooler side of the pillow
Someone getting up on the right side of the bed
Strength to care for more human than myself
Love yourself, but others more

Alright self all of this power resides in you
Stop asking for it
Take it and shape up
Make yourself the best self
You have seen thus far
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Right now
JWolfeB Feb 2015
The purpose of this day
Will be to own each second
As if it will never come again

For the time is now

Tomorrows clocks has stopped
Yesterdays clocks erased
Today's clocks are still moving

For the time is now

Do not let the ticks slip away
Tuck them into your present
Take a deep breathe

For the time is now
Feb 2015 · 550
Second hand hearts
JWolfeB Feb 2015
This body
These limbs
Those second hand organs
Part buckshot
Together forming a symphony
Of bad decisions
Inflating the punching bag lungs
Behind my sewer grate rib cage

Persuading my blood
To stay on track
With the veins i've been given
Finding embrace in fires
I can't put out yet
Boiling reasons to feel again
Falling thrift shop short
Heart lunging out
For new parts
Feb 2015 · 2.3k
Tundra west
JWolfeB Feb 2015
The tundra drips Wild West like bad cinematography in theaters emptied out like popcorn bags
Desolation finds me staying warm
My blood may be the only boiling hope in this land
Trails of DNA on old bandages asking someone to look at my scars to prove my time here
My time is measured with broken wind dial microphones
Screaming for AED support bands
Artificial shock therapy reminding me there is still time
That this life is not leaking moments of divided glory
This moment right now...
Will never happen again
Just a ***** of words and feelings I am experiencing this morning
Feb 2015 · 790
Training to survive
JWolfeB Feb 2015
Steps to taking the easy way out

1. Take the bullets out of the gun. Leaving your family is harder than one thinks.

2. Love your self. For some days the hate will have ****** dammed into your sub conscious, convincing you of your futile existence.

3. When hanging yourself, forget how to tie knots. Loosen your pain. Use the rope to anchor yourself, stand your ground.

4. Repeat steps 1-3. These situations will occur again. Don't be afraid to memorize your worth.

5. Keep the medicine cabinet closed. There are demons behind those double doors that want to dissect you.

6. Breathe.

7. Stop running. This isn't a marathon.

8. Take the bullets back out of the gun, you are not in season and so refuse target practice.

9. Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat step 9 until enlightenment occurs.
A different take on suicide
Jan 2015 · 478
JWolfeB Jan 2015
He told me he meant nothing
That his existence was void

How do you tell a man that his existence alone has taken the bullet out of the gun. Without his wisdom cliff tops would have turned to treadmills with legs giving out before the ******.

He told me he doesn't want to wake up
That his hearts is on overtime

How can I tell this man his exoskeleton reflects the definition of perseverance. My father was a bad movie marathon I never watched. You sir have redefined father.

I told him he is a father to me
He has given me faith in altruism
Leaving the conversation
I thought of the gun
How It will always be there
Although we will not
Jan 2015 · 608
JWolfeB Jan 2015
Some days are better than others
Any day is better than none
Jan 2015 · 401
Teach me now
JWolfeB Jan 2015
The boys body was deflated
Eyes sunken from late night adulthood
Age 10 never felt so 45
Posture of regret
Mind wondering why hunger always hurts
Why food never comes easy
Face frostbitten with anger
Hands trembling
Wanting someone to finally hold them
Callused they are
From days of playing father
As he walked into my classroom
This student displays a holographic smile
Hangs his coat on the hanger
Wonders what it feels like
To be left out to dry
Teaching often leaves me with a heavy heart

Sorry this got posted multiple times, my HP was acting up
Jan 2015 · 452
That girl
JWolfeB Jan 2015
Her voice all wind chime
Her hair wind dressed electricity
Galaxy bright presence behind those lips
To match her constellation built freckles
Finding chimera laid in her gracious green eyes
This woman has become
My favorite subject to study
Jan 2015 · 387
Dark (10W)
JWolfeB Jan 2015
Lets tangle ourselves
as contemporary constellations
of tonight's absolute eclipse
Jan 2015 · 498
Streched out
JWolfeB Jan 2015
My joints have dislocated
Stretching out to find the truth
Finding empty bottles
Broken pencils from writing
and a whole lot of ghost poems  later

These times have left me with
Bones engraved by promises
Inscriptions I can't read
Dreams replayed on bad records
Grasping for relief of mind
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