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  May 2015 Meredith
I was 1000 pieces, it said so on the box.
A thousand tiny details beneath a dusty lock.
People loved the challenge and would open me
Only to sort through for the piece they needed.

If the piece didn't fit,
It simply wasn't worth it.
And within a moment,
I understood it.

Everyone wanted my pieces to fit together quickly,
But this takes time and can be tricky.

Did being on the shelf
Make me selfish?
Or was it wise
To disguise
My flaws?

Time passed and I never did get assembled.
I didn't even resemble
What I should've.

And then one day, I met you.

Suddenly, I wasn't 1000 separate parts.
I was infinite, older than the stars.
You held each piece and felt the bumpy edges,
My crests and ledges.
And slowly slid each one into place,
A look of certainty across your face.

You smoothed my cracks,
And I no longer lacked

You made me whole again.
And right then,
I knew
That all I had been missing

Was you.
Meredith May 2015
The warm breath of the sun kisses my skin, as I lay beneath the oak tree as I have any times before.
The sun's rays leaving behind little speckles of brown along the framing of my body.
The same little speckles you used to count out and adore.
The same tree we had laid under when we were surrounded by nothing other the wind and our thought's.
On this particular day it's hot, and I can feel the little beadling's of sweat building up on my temples.
The same time last year the weather was so close to being perfect.
But this summer would be nothing like the last.
This summer would be full of new experiences, new people, and new views on life.
Because I no longer have you to tie my mind down.

-eh, not my best work I'll admit.
  May 2015 Meredith
I can't
I can't
I can't
I can't
I cant
I can't
I can't

(Try Again)

I can.
Never give up.
  May 2015 Meredith
Mike Essig
We are not
unlike serpents:
at intervals
we must shed
our skins and
enter new lives.

Are you uncomfortable
in the comfort
you have created?
Do you itch for no reason
you can think of?
Do you long
for the scent
of flowers you
have never seen?
Do desire flesh
you have not met?

Lives wear out.

Someone new
longs to be born.

It may be time
to molt and bolt.

New lives,
new roads.

The Dharma
wheel spins
trailing wonders.

Live or die,
we must follow.

Meredith May 2015
You see, that was just it.
You were like a tree, planted to stay.
While I was like the wind, blowing away.

-the wind is on  a none stop journey for all of it's life.
Meredith Apr 2015
Some people are beautiful in their looks.
Other's in their souls.
But you, you're this special kind of beautiful.
You're the kind of beautiful that people see in sunsets, and shooting stars.
The kind of beautiful that starts at the depths of ones soul, and travels to the outer workings of ones body.

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