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 Oct 2015 J
Ousmane Iacavoni
I have been a walking hallowed shell of a man for a while now, when people ask why I could be so sad over a relationship that wasn't that long I look them in the eyes and I tell them, time stopped when I was with her
So to you it may have seemed like months, but for me, it was years, decades, everything, it was everything I could have wanted you see
I swear her smile was weaved out of Sunrays, and I'm made of ice because anytime she flashed it, I'd begin to melt, she warmed me, and it's beautiful
Because separate, were both just there but what we can be together that, is something real, you see the sun and water create the rain cycle, together we support life
She shined on me, I fell hard, and all that did was make a rainbow, she illuminated the beauty in both of us, but I suppose she was a dangerous force, because eventually.... She just evaporated me entirely, and she continued to shine elsewhere
This is written how i originally spoke it, if it sounds inconsistent it's because of how much meaning this has to me and it was tough for me to verbally express. This is authentic spoken word. Enjoy
 Oct 2015 J
He sits by the stop  
But never boards the bus
Smoking sweet smelling
Fingers yellowed.
Drinking straight from
The can
Under the midday sun.
Beads of sweat on the brow.
People get on
And people get off.
Never him.
He tells me that
The greatest joy in life
Is watching others make the journey.
 Oct 2015 J
 Oct 2015 J
The glue falls from the binding
The crimson threads
flow from my head
My wrists, my hands, there is no denying
The inevitable,
The insane
This very inhumane game
Why, I make no sense anymore
Why, I feel no life anymore
Why, I see no light anymore
Why, the voices
Why, the voices,
Why, the voices in my head
They scream
Twisting and writhing,
The tearing of the binding
The pages flutter to the ground
The moths they flutter all around
I think I have gone quite insane
I think that I can touch my brain
Well, why are they running away?
"Hello and goodbye!" is all I want to say!
Gunmetal glinting in the moonlight                                                        ­                                                          
A bang and a flash to light up the night
Oh, my eyes, why can't I see?
Oh, my ears, I cannot seem
To hear the sounds of tormented laughter
The background music that fills my brain
I cannot see the eerie shadows
that shiver and linger and stretch their fingers
To touch me, to grab me, to ****** me away
No! Don't let them take me away!
No! I cannot go today!
No! There is too much for me still to say!
And as I sit and as I wonder
What it would be like wander
Up and down the streets of town
With my thoughts pouring from my mouth
And my ears taped to my knees?
See, I am not making any sense!
I am bibbling, babbling, good and gone and gabbling
I wish to see,
I wish for sight
I wish to not be sick tonight
I wish to be free from the shivering shadows
and whispering screams
I wish to stretch my lips in a smile
that is not insane
It is not insane                                                           ­                                                                 ­                        
I wish to leave this padded cell
I wish to find a place that's home
White picket fence
A cat and a dog
No gunmetal glinting
No flash and bang
No unraveling threads
being pulled from my brain
I wish I may
Yes, I wish for light
I wish to have some sanity tonight
 Oct 2015 J
 Oct 2015 J
It was written in the sand
But the sea washed it away.
It was written on the cliffs
But they crumbled day by day.
It was written on the sun
But the clouds did claim the sky.
And then we wrote it in our hearts
So that it will never die.
 Oct 2015 J
Words Can't
 Oct 2015 J
January 7, 2015, Wednesday, 7:57AM

Words can't express
the feelings I try to suppress —
for I'll never love him any less.
 Sep 2015 J
 Sep 2015 J
the lines you left in my heart are cracks on a sidewalk
they're traces of ruin and of heartbreak like shards of glass in a carpet scattered with rose petals and drips of blood
the lines are beautiful to look at now

they could be some kind of art
if only looking at them for a long period of time doesn't hurt so much

it's like staring at a glowing light and having to look away before it burns your eyes

it's like looking at you across the hallway and having to stop myself from staring too much
because doing so will burn me with visions of car rides and soothing music and paper napkins with written promises
they might as well blind me

but the sidewalk is long, very long
the path's end is still out of sight
and while those cracks are very apparent now i'm fairly sure they won't be forever

because grass grows on cracks and they will be beautiful
for you
 Sep 2015 J
 Sep 2015 J
I want to love you

But the world feels like a bigger space
Bigger than an uncertain future
Bigger than us
Like a crossroad with no directions
and I'm a car at full speed with no brakes

I want to love you

But do I really want to?
When the voices outside my head are so loud I can't even hear my own
Like four corners of a wall
Closing in 'til all I see is a life where everything from dust to majestic castles has to have your name written on them

What about my name?
What about the dreams I will myself to dream every night when I finally stopped hating own reflection?
Those dreams didn't include you

You are a ship
Forever moving but constant
You cross seas with your own world inside of you
I'm just the waves you cut across
A mix of still bright blues and gloomy thunderstorms
I have no direction
I'm all over the place

I want to love you

But, really, what is love,
If I lose grip of everything that holds me tight
If I make graveyards out of gardens
And break people's hearts the same amount of times I break my mine

I want to love you

With a love people lose sleep over for
A love that makes the empty space and cold pillows warm with childlike hope
A beautiful kind of love
Genuine and pure like your eyes and your intentions
I don't know if I can handle it with calloused hands and a bitter heart

I want to love you
With all the love you deserve
But how can I
When love is a tall building
And I'm scared to death of heights
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