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Julia Supernault Nov 2018
I have loved you for what seemed like such a long time.
You can crashing into my life like a tornado, shifting everything in your wake but when everything finally settled and I was able to breathe clearly around you, you had not destroyed anything except my inner doubts that you're just like everyone else.
In my small bubble of life, it was you I will always want and in my small bubble of life, it will always be you.
You've left your mark on my heart and your initials are written on my soul, claiming me in the most beautiful way.
Our first kiss was the signature on the unbreakable contract that I will love you, in life and after death.
Julia Supernault Oct 2018
You were one of the few people I could talk to, you didn’t make me feel so crazy for feeling the way I do and did.
You walked next to me in life promising that you’d always be there.
But you left so abruptly that I can’t really wrap my head around it and I can’t go to you with how I’m feeling because it’s you that I lost. It’s you that’s making me feel these things.
So I will suffer in silence and just let you go, for good this time.
I can feel the invisible tears threatening to become real ones, and I just don’t know what to think right now..
I wish I didn’t let you in.
  Oct 2018 Julia Supernault
ok okay
Blank ink on the walls
In a house far away
In a room in the dark
He silently waits
No pen in his reach
He writes with his mind
Tells stories of his birth and the day that he died
Nobody listens
Nor do they care
He used to cry in the rain
Now he cries inside
Julia Supernault Oct 2018
Please be careful with my heart, it’s barely being held together.
Just by tape and glue.
Please be careful with my soul, I almost lost it.
It’s had enough blues.
Please be careful with my body, it’s been through too much pain.
T.L.C. is over due.
Please be careful with my fragile mind.
Sometimes I don’t know what to do.
Julia Supernault Sep 2018
I see a pair of eyes on me and just for a split second I stare into those deep brown eyes, they change into yours.
They're watching my every movement of my swaying body but it's not the attention I want from just anyone so I let them stare.
I close my eyelids and picture that you're the one leaned up against that bar, watching me and I can feel the tingling feeling going down my spine.
I'm dancing for you and you're not even here.
Every stride is fuelled with hoping that you're looking my way, the way you did that night on New Years.
The flashing lights change from red to blue and I'm not in a bar full of strangers but in the living room of where our eye kept meeting.
Then I open my eyes as the song ends and the adrenaline is leaving my body, I look quickly around the room even though I know you're not here.
I wish you were here.
Julia Supernault Sep 2018
The monster behind my fears and nightmare will be free and I'll have to start looking over my shoulder again, afraid that he's watching.
A prickling anxiety that when the phone rings or there's a knock at the door that it's him.
I just want to curl up in a hole at the very edge of the world with my tiny human underneath me.
I have this strange feeling, an unsettling feeling that I'm going to die very soon.
As long as that monster is free, I will always feel at the brink of death.
Trapped in my own world, no one must know.
I just don't want to do this anymore. I don't think I can.
I'm sorry to everyone who loves me, but I've made up my mind.
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