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 Feb 2015 Joseph Esplana
 Feb 2015 Joseph Esplana
She was the only one that was able to bring me closest to the stars.

She's gone off and left me in the nightened sky.

Left there, floating amidst the clouds.

Now I wait for the eternal sunshine to rise.
 Feb 2015 Joseph Esplana
 Feb 2015 Joseph Esplana
I held onto her hand tightly, guiding her through a field of lilies .
The sun shining bright as we weave through.
She stops and let's go of my hand.
I turn around and stare into her blue eyes, words escape her lips.
"I can't..."
Thus engraved in my mind an image of a thousand lilies.
 Oct 2014 Joseph Esplana
 Oct 2014 Joseph Esplana
She pursed her lips, smiled
devastated me with her lilac eyes.
Don't allow yourself to feel "dumb" or "stupid" based on your inability to achieve something you care little about.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
 Oct 2014 Joseph Esplana
When I'm having a bad day I sometimes like to look up.

The thin rays of sun penetrating the cloudy sky remind me of her.

*"From now on this day could only get better."
 Oct 2014 Joseph Esplana
She loves to haunt me with what used to be us.

She loves to lie on the bed naked, deep within the confined walls
of my memories.

She loves to make me remember her just when I’m about to forget her.

She loves to see me crept in the corner of the room unable to move on.

She loves to cradle me when I am at my most vulnerable.

She loves to drink the tears I’ve cried over the next ten years.

She loved me, and yet I still love her.

She confines me.
 Oct 2014 Joseph Esplana
I walk out there without the awareness of what is going around me.
I always take the road least treaded upon and I always find my way back home,
But this is…
But this is different from before.
She was always there to hold my hand when we trekked across the path of the unwillingly.
Holding hands with her gave me comfort when my eyes were felled upon with the nightened sky.
But this time she was gone.
Now I tread on this path of regret.
When she was on the path, the calmness of my hand was not enough to guide her.
She went forth with her eyes blinded by my mistakes.
The wolves crept behind her, taking advantage of her unawareness.
The bite that left a scar on her right collarbone left me with the guilt of never being there.
The spires of my mind curling up within my head, leaves me aching for the warmness of her reassuring hand.
But she’s gone, gone with the wolves.

— The End —